D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: ...an intricately carved wooden box with calishite designs and covered in silk draperies

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He smiles at your curiosity and brings the box over to you. He reaches for an elaborate thin golden keys and opens the box to reveal it's content. Your heart skips a beat and your cheek turns wild red as it comes into your view. "You.. want me to wear that?"

"Hehe... of course..." says Carlig.

You gulp hard. Compared to what you had convinced him to do with you, you know this shouldn't bother you. Although your loins have been screaming louder then your brain this whole time...

"Well go on" he says, instructing you to strip down. "I'll help you put it on" he adds with another wicked grin.

You nod and get up, slowly begin stripping down until you are shamelessly nude before him ...'get prepared'

The two ship meets as the sailors from both side drops the sails and anchor each others. Wide wooden long planks are laid out to allow passage between ships as the Tethyrian merchants and some of his officers board your ships.

You were brought on the bridge, wearing a wide clock that covers you from head to toe. A hood hides your face and you hold yourself still, afraid the winds would pick it up and reveals the surprises right then and there. Even your arms are hidden beneath the heavy clothes as it's designed to be removed by someone else. Carlig smiles at you before welcoming the visitor with a Tethyrian greetings.

Your eyes falls on the southerner. The merchant and his officers are all from Tethyr. A tall man, bald and broad of shoulder. He is at least one head taller then Carlig. His velvet outfit opens up in a wide Vl, revealing his chest and well-toned muscle. You never knew a merchant could look like that. His skin has the dusky tint of those kisses by the desert's sun. You salivate a little hidden beneath your hood. Your eyes trails off to his officers who are all in similar good shape if not build with more muscle. Some of them have hair but most of them are bald. You notice some Tethyrian amongst the crew but most of the other sailors seems to be a mix of Calishite and others.

Carlig speaks to the Tethyrian in his dialect, of which you don't understand a word of it and you begins to fidget beneath the cloth. Everyone noticed the hidden passenger and you've brought curious eyes from both the new guests and your own crew.

Carlig present some of his goods, clearly trying to sell the Tethyrian some supplies before waving in your direction as if presenting you. You hear the word "elf" being spoken between words and the expression for the Tethyrian changes to one of curiosity and suspicions. He rubs his chin thoughtfully before speaking in a strongly accented common. "Come. Join me on my ship. We'll talk on price. And bring your "surprise" with you"

Carlig nods and smile your way, signalling you to follow him as you both cross the plank onto the Tethyrian ships. The crew's eyes are glued to you. The mystery enveloping the strange hidden passenger is generalized. You can feel the gazes all over you and can't help but feel terribly aroused. It's like they are trying to pierce the hood and see what's beneath... and what's beneath is...

You shake your head and take one step at a time. It is all they can see of you right now. Bare feet from the bottom of the cloak.

You are led up stairs and into a wide chamber. This room smells of incense, exotic spices. The curtains in the windows is colored, casting warm light filtered from the sun inside the room. There is no chair but plenty of pillows and the tables are low. The Tethyrian merchants sits at the table and invite Carlig to take the spot before him. Four of his officers remains inside the room and Carlig signals you to wait there. You stand, at attention.

The two talks and share a drinks. Their talk takes a bit longer then you'd like but it seems like a tradition between merchant that they need to negotiate and argue price for at least a set amount of time. The Tethyrian finally gets impatient and raise his drink your way as to direct Carlig's attention to you. "Show me."

Your heart beat faster. You knew he was likely not going to be alone but you didn't think there would be so many people in this room. You never knew you were such an exhibitionists in your heart as the thoughts only seems to excite you further. Carlig smiles and gets up before stepping towards you. As his hand reaches the top of your cloak, he pulls you out of your crazed thoughts to focus on the moment.

"Of course. I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy this...specimen."

His hand suddenly yank the clothes off, revealing you.

Golden strings adorn your body, from your shoulder and arm all the way down your chest, thighs, legs and ankles. The intricate desert dancer outfit joins up at your breasts and between your legs, forming targets covered only by a thin strands of barely opaque velvet silk, the only protection you have from nudity. The rest of your body is adorned with thin golden jewels that clings together. A veil hides the bottom of your face. Your body is mostly bare in this sexy dancing garment.

Your eyes were glued to the floor from shame and embarrassment. You missed the expression of the Tethyrian at your sudden reveal. Most of them seems appreciative but remains stoic. Your eyes rises up. Despite their lack of expression, you see a glint of lust in the eyes of the merchant, sending arousal down your spine. You feel the sudden warm wind of the room directly on your skin, arousing you further.

You see him rises and he speaks in Tethyrian. "Not bad"

You avoid staring directly at him but as he steps right in front of you, you can't help but feel terribly small. And even if you look sideways, you can still see his bulging biceps and part of his well-toned chest. At this distance, you can even smell his strong masculine scent mixed with seawater and exotic spice. He reaches up with his large hands and grab your chin through your veil, forcing you to look into him. His glare is intense, and you feel your knees giving out just from it. But you manage to willpower through. His hand slides down and you feel his finger brushing against your bare skin, feeling it's softness. He continue to appreciate you as if appraising your features. Which is exactly what he's doing...

Carlig smiles as he lets the Tethyrian's interest in you grow before naming his price. The Tethyrian continues to comment on your feature for a while before returning to his seat. You feel a little disappointed at his sudden disinterest. Your mind doesn't realise that he simply wants to negotiate your exorbitant price. He sits back in front of Carlig and gives a counter offer.

"She looks good but poorly trained. Elf hard to train. Notoriously disobedient" He adds.

Carlig smiles "I would beg to differ and would even offer a demonstration."

Carlig turns to you and signals you over. You approach, walking tightly as you feel the wind on your skin with every step. Carlig leans to your ears "Hrm... Why don't you... demonstrate what you can do with your tongue..." he whispers. You gulp... In front of everyone...

You step around the table and stand in front of the sitting Tethyrian. His head is levelled with your waist. As you look down, you can clearly see a bulge in the ample trousers of your future "owner".

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: Go on your knees before the Tethyrian merchants and obediently demonstrate your talent by sucking his dick

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: Your will finally fail. You run out of the cabin and gets back to your room as fast as you can

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