D&D: Female Halfling Rogue

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Everyone expect a halfling adventurer to be a thief. Though you do have nimble fingers, you are certainly not a simple thief. No, you are a clever, skilled opportunist and survivalist, fast and agile in body and mind alike. You have a wide range of tricks and skills up your sleeve, you are adaptable and quick with wit and blade alike. And if they think that you're just a thief... heh, their problem when they suddenly have a short-sword in their guts, surprised that a simple thief can do something like that. Not that you would kill someone just for that, but hey, you could.

You wake up rather early, thanks to the nearby small market coming to life, and you roll out of your warm bed. You have a permanent room in the small tavern of your friend Lommy, a former rogue who had shown you a few tricks of the trait before retiring from the adventuring life. Of course he expects you to pay him back for lodging and help once you have the money, but for now you can live here for free. When you more or less dance down the stairs, nimble and agile as a cat like always, Lommy grins at you and welcomes you with a hearty-breakfast of mashed eggs, tomatoes, onions, beans, bacon, milk, tea, honey and a fresh, dark bread. If he weren't about thirty years older than you, you could kiss him for his heart warming care.

As you stuff yourself, you're a growing girl, you're allowed to eat well, you ponder your possibilities. As much as you like to just enjoy the free lodging, you also want to get somewhere in the world and you can't do that by just sitting on your cute butt in a dirty, if homely, tavern. So, how shall you proceed?

D&D: Well, you are kind of a thief. Perhaps you can join the thieves guild for starters?

D&D: A girl can get nowhere in this world without friends. Go tavern-hopping and find yourself a party to join.

D&D: Perhaps you should just jump right into the fray. Ask Lommy if he knows of any contracts for such a talented (and pretty) girl like you

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