D&D: HEW: Prepare to deal with the tax collector

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You step into your private study, leaving Ilara to her lessons and think about the tax collector. The thought of him taking your money because of some dark wizard's machination is annoying you quite alot. You try to think up of a solution. You could refuse to pay, in which case, you'll be evicted from the tower by the city guards. Even if you use magic to skip the payment, that means the money will not reach the city and you will be fined for it. You remember one of your contact, a noble by the name of Girran Lordgias. In your adventuring day, you've recovered a shipment of his families weapons. He seems to know a lot about the city's inner working, maybe he can help you find a loophole in your problem...

In the meantime, it doesn't seem like you can actually go around paying the sum... You remember the collector's face... He came to visit you and explain the situation. How you will be held accountable for the tower's debt. You've searched a little on him and found that he was as corrupted as it goes. The way he leered at you. You blushes as you recall the feeling that he was stripping you with his glare. Then it strikes you... You wonder just how far he's willing to go to actually see you in your birth suit. Maybe even skipping out the payments... You remember the sums asked by the city... that'd make you one hell of an expensive whore... The thought both repulse and excites you... To save this sums of money, you wonder if you are willing to have sex with such a disgusting man... You think you should make sure Ilara doesn't find out...

You would need a guarantee though. Something to make sure that he doesn't cheat you... The gears of the plan sets into your minds. A feeble hint of morality reminds you that this lewd idea is very... naughty.

What do you do ?

D&D: HEW: Endure to pay this time

D&D: HEW: Prepare to put your plan in motions

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