D&D: Go look for an adventuring party so you can make some money and lay low for a while.

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Largely on a whim, you decide it's time to get a little more serious about the adventuring. That and you've heard the rumors many adventurers are gathering in the area because a new dungeon full of valuables was discovered and has yet to be looted. If you can manage to join up with a good party it may turn out quite profitable. Even if the ones you join up with get defeated by other adventurers you may be able to join up with the ones who defeat them. Worst that can happen is that you have to escape by yourself and you're quite confident you can escape from anything or anywhere.

Arriving in the Inn where most of the adventurers are staying, you quickly take a look around. There's 7 adventuring parties here. Two of them have someone with the unmistakable air of a rogue among them though, you examine the remaining five parties.

The first party is made up of 7 human men, they're a rough-looking lot and far too clumsy to be rogues. The biggest one seems to be their leader, he's almost 7 feet tall and has massive shoulders. The tribal paintings on his face mark him as a barbarian from the Blackfoot clan. A remote clan renowned for their skill with the double axe, if not exactly for their cunning since they tend to kill first and ask questions later. Four of the others seem to be his tribe members, all of them wielding their trademark double-axe. Those are some wicked-looking weapons and you wouldn't want to tangle with any of those five, at least not from any angle where they can see you.

The remaining two look like adventurers that joined up with them recently. One is a burly man with a thug's face. Though rather tall around these parts he's head and shoulders smaller than any of the barbarians. The worn mace and scratched armor indicate that they've seen many battles. The man himself has enough scars that he was probably the one who wore it trough all those battles. Going by his aura, equipment and posture, it's almost certain he's a former cleric. Though you suspect he was thrown out of his office for less than honorable reasons.

Finally, the seventh and last man is without any doubt a wizard. The scrolls, spellbooks and all sorts of other magical-looking tools and contraptions leave no doubt to that. Though the shortest member of this team, he's by no means small and far fitter than any wizard you've ever seen. By the looks of it, he could take a hit without flinching. Rather than the traditional robes and staff, he wears a leather jacket and thick leather coat. His weapon is a double-edged spear with runes travelling it's entire length and a ruby at the hilt of the blade on both ends. You have no idea about the actual strength or attributes of the weapon, but it would make a pretty penny without any doubt.

All in all, this party is definitely powerful in physical combat. Though they have only the one healer and their mage looks like he might be better at brawling than casting.

You :

D&D: Take a look at the second party

D&D: Don't waste any time and sign up with these guys, they definitely look like your favorite type: Big, Brawny, and Brainless.

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