Game Over fantasy/The abandonned Keep : The priestes's reward

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Her expression soften in gentleness and she smiles at you with all the brightness of the divine. She offers her hands and you take it. She leads you down towards the temples quarters and into one of the sanctum's bedchambers. She closes the door behind you while you stand near the bed. Turning towards you, you see her pulling the robes from her shoulder. The clothes collapses at her feet with the speed of a falling leaf. You watch the white clothes curtains falls and the nude priestess beneath. She stands with an expression of devotion, timidless about her body. You gulp as she tells you to get comforteable as well.

You hurriedly remove your clothes, joining her in nudity. She smiles and watches you. "Do not hurry my dear. We have all the time in the world..." she adds, her gentle tone is a bit sultry.

Once you are both in your birthsuit, she smiles gently. "Good. Relax. Let's begin the service..."

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