TSRM-Something simple?

From Create Your Own Story

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Well its not gonna be a fancy meal but they'll like it regardless after all if they don't like it they don't have to eat it. Sweeping your hand over your shoulder you grab onto a pan and flip it off the hook in swift motion, bring it forward you place it on the stove top. Heading over to the pantry you reach inside and pull out a dry noodle dish, pretty much add water and milk and then cook till done. Easy, high in salt but tasty.

Tearing the paper like material off from the top of it as the salty cheesy smell wafts into your nose making your mouth water. Pouring the contents into the pan along with a cup of water and milk you lit the flames up and stir the contents until they blend in well together. Its a boring process but someone has to do it. As your mind begins to wonder you start to think back to where your dick was rubbing against Rose... the idea quickly makes you grow stiff.

"Whoa there boy." You whisper too yourself.

It doesn't matter at this point as your dick is at full sail pressing against your pants, begging to be released.

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