A child with a massive cock! (9 years old. 15 ft. cock)

From Create Your Own Story

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There's underage, there's way underage, and then there's you (one definitely has to question what Aphrodite was thinking when she blessed you like she did). At your age of 9 years old, most wouldn't even entertain the thought of participating in the most mild sexual acts in front of you, let alone with you. However, your exaggerated hourglass figure alone would definitely get people thinking of doing something sexy with you despite your age. As for your massive 15 ft. long, 30 in. wide cock with a pair of balls that are wider than you are tall at 5 ft. each (if it wasn't for your divine nature, there'd be no way of you getting around on your own)... there's no shortage of people who would strongly consider raping you until they faint, your age be damned. Not that you would particularly mind given your newly gained divine libido.

Speaking of, your monster of a cock is throbbing powerfully before you at full hardness while your beyond person-sized balls audibly slosh and churn with untold gallons of thick, delicious cum.

How will you relieve yourself?


It's about time to play around with those divine powers Aphrodite blessed you with.

Type of Cock Massive (15 ft.) Equipment:
Fuck Sessions 0
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