YArpg- Feel her over

From Create Your Own Story

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The slave is actually pretty attractive. She looks like she was once fuller and buffer but now has a thin waist and hips. It doesn't seem to have affected her breasts yet, though, which are healthy and comparable to most girls her age from the city. Her wavy blond hair stops just above them and while it clearly hasn't seen running water in a few weeks it isn't unusually long nor is it caked with dirt, which is more than those around her can say.

She continues to ignore you. Let's see how long that lasts.

You run your hands through her hair and onto her shoulders. She hesitates, then continues her work, paying you no further heed. You move down, feeling around her upper back before reaching her bosom. She gasps but doesn't stop. It's more than just a good work ethic. She's afraid of something.

You pinch her nipples, pull her breasts apart and squeeze them together, feeling her strong, firm flesh. Since this area fails to arouse her, you move south, touching her midriff, groping her behind before finally reaching her nether regions. She's a bit hairy here but also very wet, and you slide a finger in. She gasps, drops the coin she was holding, and seems confused. Then, she collects herself and regains her coin-checking progress, even as you pump. You'll need to do better.

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