Cop,lt,bdh,Mind Control use your powers

From Create Your Own Story

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You've got powers might as well use the. Sending out a suggestion field you have swat take up a defensive position. You enter the building not bothering to draw your weapon no need to you emit a field where people can't perceive you. You happen upon a guard you easily put him to sleep and slap cuffs on him hog-tying so he can be rounded up later. You make your way through similarly incapacitating any guards you happen across.

You come to the main room rows and rows of naked women who are packing drugs into smaller packets readying for distribution. You are familiar with this practice workers are made to work naked so they can't sneak any out. Shame really woman like this aren't treated very well and are often sexually abused looking at them most of them seem dead behind the eyes, more than likely even if you weren't Imperceivable they probably wouldn't notice you anyway.

You make your way to a room off in the corner appears to be an office. You enter you see a group of very well dressed individuals obviously the higher ups behind the desk is a very well dressed woman she seems to be the boss and 2 more woman also in the room very well dressed and 3 men. They all seem to be having a lively talk about nothing in particular they do make bawdy remarks about the woman outside. Your a little sickened that the woman are being especially cruel in comments about the nude girls packing drugs in the main room.

What do you do now:

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