"Let's try to find a friendly driver and hitchhike."

From Create Your Own Story

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"Let's try to find a friendly driver and hitchhike," you say. "We can't keep walking forever, and this will be less risky than trying to hijack a vehicle." Alia nods in agreement.

The two of you continue walking until you see a spot suitable for your needs. "Here." You and Alia position yourselves so that you can get a good look at any car driving westward, but they can't see you.

Over the course of an hour, you pass up two vehicles, shaking your head each time. Finally, you hear another car coming. You tilt your head and listen to the music coming from the radio. "I know this song. It's Lebanese Christian. We should be safe."

You and Alia cautiously step out from your hiding place, waving your arms. The car stops and the middle-aged male driver greets you in French, while the woman in the passenger seat, presumably his wife, looks at you curiously. Glad that you know the language, you reply that you and Alia were returning from Damascus on a business trip when your car broke down. Taking your story at face value, the man motions for you and Alia to get in the back seat.

At the Syrian-Lebanese border, the guards check the papers of the couple, but assume that you and Alia are their daughters and don't ask for yours. They wave you into Lebanon without incident.

When you reach the airport in Beirut, you thank the couple for their help. You and Alia go inside and buy plane tickets, her to Jordan and you to the United States. You give your new friend a hug and kiss goodbye.

In Washington DC, your bosses congratulate you on a successful mission. You smile politely. It was a success, but you do regret not taking the chance to make love to Alia's hot body. Oh well.


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