Call Keann in

From Create Your Own Story

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"Keann," you tell the intercom, "Can I see you in my office?" You hear her stand up and watch as your beautiful secretary enters the office.

"Yes, Mr. Garvey," she says, flashing you a flirty, yet appropriate, smile.

"For the millionth time call me Eric," you laugh, leaning back in your chair, "So, anything of importance happen today?"

"Well," she begins, pulling up something on her tablet, "First off, the deal with the Russian contractors produced 15 thousand more than we estimated."

"That's either good luck or inflated numbers," you muse, "Tell Wilson to find out which one it is." Keann nods, jotting down some notes.

"Next, Fox News is asking for another, ahem, donation to keep public support of the war high."

"Arrogant assholes," you growl, "We've already payed them this month. Give them half of what their asking for." Keann again nods, sending a quick e-mail.

"Finally, Trump's security team is asking for 50 thousand dollars to aid in training new volunteers. Apparently, there are rumors of a Clinton cell working in the city."

Opening your computer, you make a couple changes to the budget. "Yeah, we can fit in a bit more on the defense budget. However, send an inspector during the week. We can't waste money right now." Keann nods, jotting your orders down.

"Anything else, Eric," she says, locking eyes with you.

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