AUA: Compliment your mom on the unsent pictures

From Create Your Own Story

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You finally make your way into the kitchen, and find that your mom seems to have had time to recover from your lewd stares earlier, and as you enter the room you get an excellent side view of her massive tits swaying gently while she puts the finishing touches on a massive plate of nachos - common fare for you two, since she never liked to cook anything serious.

"O-oh, Adam!" she exclaims with a start, nearly moving to instinctively cover her tits when she notices you standing there, "What kept you? The nachos are almost done."

"Your phone buzzed and... I was curious. I saw your pictures." you reveal, her eyes widening as she visibly struggles to recall exactly what they depicted, "I liked them... You're so pretty when you make faces like that, mom."

She looks uncomfortable now, hands finally lifting the rest of the way to cover her breasts as a furious blush fills her cheeks.

"Adam..! Those pictures were for mommy..." she gasps, clearly overcome with shame, "I-I got hot and... Spilled my wallet... I just h-had to sit down..."

"I understand, mommy." you answer empathetically, closing the distance between you and throwing your arms around her, "Look at me like you do in those pictures, okay? And you don't need to be scared about being naked... I won't tell anybody. Ever."

She appears somewhat calmed by your words, her arms lowering to encircle you as she unwittingly allows you to nestle into her tits - her blush deepens further as you do so, causing her to gently break the hug.

"A-Alright, dinner's ready. Why not go sit down?" she suggests, and in the interests of food you quickly do so. You watch your mom's jeans-clad ass sway from your place at the kitchen table, delighting in the occasional glimpse of glorious sideboob as she gathers up plates, drinks, and the nachos for the two of you.

She seats herself after it's all arranged on the table, but she slumps down shyly in her seat, breasts hanging below the table's edge and out of your view.

"Hey mom... Can you let your breasts rest up on top of the table while I eat?" you ask, her eyes glittering with vulnerability as they meets yours. Slowly she hefts both of her bloated breasts onto the tabletop, once again holding back tears as you begin staring at them.

"P-Please, baby... You don't know what it does to me when you look at me like that..." she pleads breathily, her complexion gradually reddening all over as sweat begins forming on her brow.

"It's okay." you chirp brightly, "We can just eat like this, right?" You reach for a handful of salsa-and-sour cream-doused nachos as you continue to take in the sight of her fat M-cups jiggling on the table with every slight motion.

The longer you stare, the more your mom trembles and sweats, her tongue starting to loll out with every panting breath as her eyes become half-lidded. "S-Sure, honey..." she quietly relents, knowing it's useless to argue with you.

Her breasts remain propped up on the table as she reaches for her own handful of nachos, but her trembling is such that fat dollops of sour cream spill across her tits on their way to her mouth! "aAAAHnn~" she squeals as the condiment splashes on her sensitive skin, and as she finally inserts the chip between her lips you see her tongue it apart almost sensually before lightly chewing and swallowing.

"Mmm... Mom, you look just like you do in those photos right now..." you observe, your own breath quickening as you continue to eat normally, "Can you sleep in my bed tonight, mom...? I really want you to..."

"O-Oh... Sweetie, I c-can't..." gasps your mother, biting her full bottom lip as if fighting the temptation to say yes, "C-Can mommy put her top back on, now?"

"If you sleep with me you can put it back on." you dictate after a short pause - and something about your wording must've gotten to your mother, because as you speak these words her eyes roll upward and her hips begin to buck in her chair!

"YES!~ YES!~ FUCK! FUck... Hhaahhh..." she squeals as you invite her to sleep with you, a strange, wet gush erupting from beneath the table just before her body's trembling begins to subside. Afterwards she looks breathless - and temporarily content - but shame and horror soon return to face as she realizes your words and gaze had caused her to orgasm violently in front of you, and that your lips were no doubt curled into a smile because her emphatic Yes!'s had been taken as agreement.

"Honey..." she starts, still shaken from climaxing so hard, "I'm sorry... W-We can't... Mommy wants to so badly, baby, but it's wrong..."

"It's wrong to sleep next to eachother?" you ask quizzically, tilting your head and prompting your mother's blush to deepen even further as she realizes that she misunderstood.

"Oh - N-No, honey, I can do that!" she says with relief, though the thought had seemed so taboo to her before she thought you were propositioning her, "But... Do you want my top back on? O-Or..."

She trails off, biting her lip once again as she softly poses the question to you. She no longer seems petrified by the thought of staying topless... At least for now... So how do you want your mother to dress when she accompanies you to bed?

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