Jonathan - A Head of an Orphanage

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Since as long as you can remember you've been wealthy enough to acquire that much money in your life and made well known wealthy friends, and yet it never hurt to be charitable once in a while. But suddenly you discover an article about an all-girls orphanage located on a remote forest about to be closed down due to lack of funding, and the head no longer in charge as he left. Leaving only the assistant with the debt, and the kids there about to be left on the streets or moved away. After hearing this you intervened and met with the assistant and offered to pay off their debt, as she was grateful that you prevent the orphanage from closure, but now she is unable to run the orphanage properly in her current position as she's not experienced enough to run it. Leaving you with the chance to take up the position as the new Head of the Orphanage. Which wouldn't hurt to gain some experience out of it. With the Orphanage in your control you can decide how to keep the place running while help the kids along the way

As you arrive on your first day, seeing the orphanage completely remote with nobody on sight except for a river nearby, you enter the building and met with the Orphanage assistant, Wendy, with dark brown hair and glasses as she greets you

Wendy: Good morning Jonathan

You: Good morning to you as well

Wendy: I see you have no problem with coming here?

You: Well it is quite far from where I live. To be honest I'm surprised that the orphanage is in a place like this

Wendy: Well we want the girls here to be completely safe from any wrong doing, but they often play outside. Especially with the river being so close by

You: I can see that. Very nice

Wendy: May we go in?

Both you and Wendy went inside and you greet the girls along the way while you stair at Wendy's firm ass, but then notice the place hasn't been renovated

Wendy: Sorry about the condition of this place. As you can see only a portion of this place has been renovated, but the rest were not finished due to lack of funding. I'm sure it's not a problem for you

You: I'll be alright. I have some ideas how I can get this place up to shape

Wendy: Well here we are

Both you and Wendy enter your office. With the place almost look like a principles office. You sat on your own seat as you and Wendy talk about the place

You: So tell me about this place

Wendy: Well the orphanage was formally a boarding school until it was shut down. Ultimately the place was completely empty, and that's were the previous owner decided to buy this place and turned it into an orphanage for girls who have been abandoned, runaways, and other circumstances. Here we give them education and an opportunity to stand up on their own two feet. Making a living for themselves. This place is not as big, but it's spacious enough

You: Wow. That is impressive. So how far have you went with this?

Wendy: Well we have a couple of girls that have moved in to the city or moved abroad. So that was successful, but recently with things that have happened, and a lack of money progress with piling up debt things here have been slow. Donations here has also been declining as some people don't see this place last any longer

You: Well that is unacceptable. There could have been at least something to keep this place running

Wendy: Sadly there isn't, but let's hope something positive would happen soon

You: And you? What is your position here?

Wendy: I teach the girls basic math and English, as well as providing them with food from the garden. Better for them to have an education, and growing our own food helps keeps down our spending money

You: All by yourself? How old are you?

Wendy: I'm 25, and yes. I've done what I can for this place, and the girls here did help with the cleaning. My parents and older sister thinks I should just quit and find a new job, and have them relocated somewhere else, but I believe what I'm doing help these girls to a bright future

Hearing this you can't help but feel some level of admiration for the time she spent helping these girls. And an attractive woman like Wendy spending her time to help these girls. Despite her being young

You: Well I applause you for your hard work and commitment here Wendy

Wendy: Thank you Jonathan. And to be honest I was surprised that you would be the one to run this place. I was originally weary of having a male head running an all-girls orphanage

You: Me? Well I often thought a woman such as yourself would have a nice man in your life

Wendy: Hehehe. Well I don't have time for that to be honest. The girls here comes first

You: Well you don't have to worry about anything. With my expertise I'll make sure this place is running smoothly and these girls getting the best care for their future

Wendy: Thank you. I'm so glad to hear someone like you is willing to help these girls. Well then I'll leave you to get things started

Feeling pleased with how things turned out, Wendy turns and is about to leave your office. You took one more look at Wendy and can't help but find her attractive. With a slim body and firm ass. You feel like you wanted to do something to her, but you also don't want to offend her


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