Take a chance with the wood.

From Create Your Own Story

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You pick up the two by four and find that while it is a bit rotted in spots, it's far sturdier than you expected. You take a deep breath, summon your courage, and then set the flashlight at your feet so that the area is illuminated just enough to see. Thinking smart, you take a step behind it so that you can see them and they can't see you. You'll need every advantage you can get. You tighten your grip on the wood and bring it up to your shoulder, and ready yourself for the violence to come.

"Hey!" You call out, but you're absolutely ignored. "HEY!!!" You scream louder, and the third man turns his head to look in your direction, but still hasn't stopped masturbating. He's a big guy. Six foot if not more, and his body is covered with tensed muscle that makes him look like a body builder, and every inch of his arms and torso are covered by badly done tattoos. You wonder how much time this guy spent in prison before you notice his face, the same rash, the pustules across his cheeks and nose, and that glassy eyes stare in your direction. He's smiling though, and the other two keep pounding away on the door.

"Yeah, you, fucker!" You call out, trying to sound less afraid than you are. "I'm talking to you!"

He responds just as you imagined, and quickly. He takes off running in your direction, still laughing, one hand still wrapped around his cock. Your breathing goes shallow and quick, and adrenaline surges through your body. This is it. The moment of truth.

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