Might as well get some rest while you can.

From Create Your Own Story

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"You're right," you say. "We could both use some rest." You glance around and realize there's not much but hard floor to lie on and the chair that barely reclines that Claire is sitting in. You grab a couple of hand towels from the bathroom, bundle them up, and drop them to the floor. You can use them as a pillow, if nothing else. You lie down as Claire reads over more of the email, and try to clear your mind of the woman's body laying just outside the door.

It isn't long before Claire props her long lean legs up on the desk, pushes the chair back and closes her eyes. "Thanks for helping me out today. If you hadn't come along, there's no telling what might have happened."

"No problem," you say, offering a soft smile. "It worked out for both of us, because I can't imagine trying to get through this without company."

As you both try to get some sleep in a very uncomfortable situation, you share a few stories. You tell Claire how you came to be in the city, where you worked, what you liked to do before all this happened. Claire, in turn, tells you that she only came to the city to be with her boyfriend, but that he turned out to be a little unstable, even before whatever disease or infection got to him. She was working in a little bakery down the street, thinking of going to college to get a sociology degree, or maybe planning on going back home to Oregon, where she tells you she was born and raised. You trade a few stories and memories of your lives, while doing all you can to not mention the infection or the madness outside the door again, and you don't remember falling asleep at all.

When you wake up, you have no idea how much time has passed. The room is dark except for the dim light of the laptop's screen saver, and for a moment you catch yourself fawning over Claire's legs, running our eyes up her thighs to the subtle peak of panties just beneath the last button of the rain gear. You shake it off. There's not time for that.

Then you hear a strange sound just outside the door. A low groaning, and the sounds of something wet being moved around on the floor. Like a slapping sound.

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