
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:14, 1 September 2015 by Zaick (Talk | contribs)
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"Just make sure to move slowly. This place can collapse." You say without getting into all how you know. Wes nods and follows your lead. You move slowly to the stairs, then step upward slowly.

"Should I hum a spooky tune?" Wes cracks behind you. You turn around with a glare, and as you do, your foot snaps through the step.

"Shit!" You say, and try to pull your foot out. Your boot is stuck in the cracked boards - and it is a good thing there is a boot. The bits of wood are rather sharp. Wes moves to your leg and tries to pull on it. You both hear the crackling of the wood for a few more moments, and then, a snap.

Both you and Wes stumble back into the railing, Wes holding your ankle, and you trying to grab anything at all to steady yourself. The railing breaks behind you, and Wes falls first, pushing you slightly back onto the steps as he goes down. You grab the railing still stable, and while it creaks under your weight, you manage to keep yourself aloft.

Wes, however, crashes through the floor.

You look down at him from the stairs. He is on his knees, shaking his head. "Are you alright?" You call to him, likely louder than you need.

"Yeah." He looks around. "Super dark down here, though. I don't see any doors or stairs. I'm... I'm not sure this is even a basement."

You slowly shift down the stairs to go to the hole he has created. "You aren't hurt?"

Wes shrugs. "A little, but it isn't anything. Any way I can climb up, you see? There is nothing much down here. Maybe some walls around or something. Should I look for a way up?"

"I don't know. You can see what's down there better than me."

Wes looks around a bit more. He moves a bit left and right, then comes back. "Seriously, this whole place is just covered with tarps and blankets. It's a bit creepy, if anything. No stairs, though, or any light. Without light, honestly, it may be best to just go back up. Sure there isn't anything to climb? Any sort of rope?"

You bite your lip and look around. With construction around, you might be able to find a rope or something to help him up. If you wanted to be faster, you know that the distance of one floor, combined with Wes' height, may be fine enough if you just use what you have - your leggings and boots. Still, though, even if you tied it to the railing, there is no say that the railing would hold Wes' climbing. It already broke once, after all.

You lean far down. "Can you even reach my hand?"

"What are you going to do, pull me up yourself?" Wes laughs, then looks up at you a little confused. You look down and realize the front of the tank top has moved down from gravity, and from leaning down so far, shifted up your body all the way to the bottom of your chest. With your breasts shifting forward, the view is obscured with the pooled tank top, but your underboob, as well as all your stomach, is visible. You hold your chest and back away. Was that what he was looking at?

"It is to measure how far you are. I might be able to make some rope with my leggings."

"Unlikely it will hold, but sure." Wes sounds encouraging enough, and it would save a lot of time. You actually are not liking the idea of roaming around alone, here. It is a little creepy, but still, a rope would be a better choice than your clothes.

Wearing Loose tank top, boots, Wet torn up black leggings, Wet bikini-style panties
Mood Worried about Wes
Inventory knife, bag of 10 cans of paint, 2 planks, crowbar, pepperspray
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