Ask about their children and Mikey

From Create Your Own Story

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"I didn't shoot the children, if that's what you're asking," she says, puffing on the cigarette. "They were outside, playing in the backyard. Our housekeeper was watching them. She came running back in the house and screaming endlessly about how a man and a woman came over the fence and grabbed the boys. Ran off with them. Something of the sort. We tried calling the police, and it wasn't until later that we sorted out it was these...these...disgusting sick people who took them."

"And that doesn't bother you?" You ask, looking at the woman's emotionless face.

"It does," she says. "They were children. Undeserving of the horrors I'm sure they faced. But I have wine, and it dulls the anguish." She blows out another smoke ring, and drapes her hands in her lap.

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