Get water and food from the house, then go for weapons

From Create Your Own Story

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"Food and water are important. You're right." You hold up a finger. "But we have plenty in the house. Be right back." You jump out of the car.

"Wait!" Melanie shouts after you, but you're already gone.

You're in the kitchen, grabbing bottles of water and cans of ravioli, soups, and whatever vegetables you can find. Tossing them into a couple of paper bags, you cradle them in your arms, spin on your heels, and turn.

There, waiting for you, are the two men you clubbed into oblivion, free of their bonds. Both of them brandish long handle kitchen knives.

"Well well well," says the first. "Shoes on the other foot now, isn't it?"

Before you can even react, they're on you, thrusting the blades into your sides around the bags. The pain is shocking in how terrible it is, and they stab you dozens of times before you even hit the floor. As you lie on your back bleeding to death, you watch them pick up the bags of goods and head for the garage.

Poor Melanie. You really should have been more careful.

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