2T4U/Reminisce on why this makes it possible to end the curse

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The thing about magic is that all magic requires risk and sacrifice in order to function. What this means for curses is that all curses need an end condition in order to function. There are many curses that have an innate end condition, such as your standard death curse. There was a rather famous death curse functioning in this country not too long ago actually. The thing that made it famous was that it functioned against the leader of the country, who it seemed was subject to change every four years. It was called the “zero year curse,” because every leader who took up the position in a zero year died in office. You had taken a fair amount of interest in this particular curse, it was rather powerful. However, the thing about a death curse is that it only triggers one deadly event to befall its victim. Thus, if it is a single targeting death curse then you have nothing to fear after surviving that deadly event. In the case of a recurring death curse such as this zero year curse, if one person who would have been a victim survives their deadly event, then that ends the curse for everyone after them.

The curse had functioned effectively for about a century and a half, claiming six victims. The seventh intended victim though survived his deadly event, an assassin who tried to kill him, thus lifting the curse from the office of the country's leader.

More complicated curses such as the one you cast though are very different. They often have an implicit end condition where the focus or center of the curse is destroyed. That is the default, and that is what it will be unless the caster goes to special measures to make it otherwise. In your case, the focus was your descendants, and rather than being and end condition their destruction was the beginning condition for the curse. That would leave the focus, witch in this case was you. You had specified yourself as the focus, but you had also used the curse to bind your spirit to this world. So, normally, this would make for an unstoppable curse. An unstoppable curse simply could not exist though. That means, in order to have your way in using the curse to bind your spirit, you had to specify another end condition from the normal default ones.

If a caster is to choose a specific end condition, it must reflect the nature of the curse. You had really come up with what, at the time, you had thought would be a fantastic end condition. One that no one could possibly fulfill. It was for a woman who was every bit as sexually amoral as you to lose her virginity in Tabba valley. Back when you had specified this as your end condition, it would have been impossible for that to happen. For someone to become that twisted, surely she would have to have lost her virginity long before ever reaching that point. Nowdays though, the world had become a very strange place in terms of the way people treated sex, and it had gotten you a little worried what you had assumed an impossibility at the time might actually become realized. In fact, right now in Tabba valley, there was indeed a virgin girl who was on the verge of crossing the line of sexual immorality that would qualify her as matching the end conditions for the curse. She had not crossed it yet, but once she is under the influence of the curse it would be a toss up as to whether she crossed the line or lost her virginity first. Once the curse starts, you will have to be sure she gets a good fucking before it is too late. The trick is, because of that little holy spell the priests placed on you, you can't affect her directly. You will have to find a man to come to her.

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