Attack the lion while his guard is down

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:43, 2 September 2014 by TysonLaFollette (Talk | contribs)

In a rush of calculated insanity, you lash out, praying to whatever god is watching that your tenacity will help you best the larger man. With such hopes in mind you throw a powerful right hook into his neck, where you know it hurts. You feel immense pride when your fist connects solidly. The lion roars and cringes.

He is large, however, and the blow wasn't enough to stop him. He grabs you and tries to flip you onto your stomach. A position from which you can't fight back. His claws dig into you as he wrestles you ferociously. It's not the first time you've wrestled someone bigger than yourself. You had brothers. Even a bully or two back in school. And all that experience taught you a few tricks.

Will you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jeans, T-shirt

Gender Male
Species Fox
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