Motion for Duran to stop

From Create Your Own Story

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You forcefully motion for Duran to hold.

He looks at your questioningly, but after a moment's pause, slowly gives the silent order for the guard to sheath their swords. You leave the cave letting the sleeping serpent lie.

Soon you are back at your carriage with an extraordinary tale.

"We must press on" you tell Betty "Lashon Luster will want news of this if he is expected to support my father's ceasefire." Duran sends two of the guard back to your father's castle with word of all you have seen, and the journey continues.

Your carriage is not attacked again, but with the delay you do not reach the border of Syalolloru until near nightfall. A guard from your side greets you at the long bridge between kingdoms, lying stretched across a deep ravine.

"Prince Lashon Luster waits for you on the other side, Mi'lady" the guard reports.

Duran raises an eyebrow "so eager, is he?"

"With the recent fighting and unrest, h-he was concerned for Mi'lady's safety" the guard stammers.

"Very well then" Duran looks you up and down "this is where I leave you, lass."

You are ambivalent about leaving Duran; you have known him for most of your life. However, you are certain that a beautiful new life waits for you, just on the other side of this bridge. Giving him a hug, which seems to surprise him and make him somewhat uncomfortable, you step down from your carriage, and allow the guard who greeted you to escort you across the bridge.

Lashon Luster is waiting on the other side, mounted on a black horse with a white mantle, bearing an equilateral cross and seven stars; the sigil of Syalolloru. He has jet black hair, green eyes, and is not much taller than you. Seeing you approach, he dismounts with a flourish, and bows over your hand.

"My future bride" he smiles, looking up "would that we had met under happier circumstances. Let us journey together to my father's castle, where we will be wed on the morrow."

A fresh horse is brought for you to ride, and you bid your guard and your father's kingdom goodbye. As you enter the kingdom of Syalolloru, you realize that you still have some hours ride ahead of you. As your horses walk easily side by side, surrounded by Lashon's army, you search for a topic of conversation.

Talk about the recent kobold attacks in your father's kingdom

Talk about your plans together for the future of Syalolloru

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger, Fur-lined cloth boots

Stamina 50
Mood Relaxed Inventory:


Purse 1050, 00, 00
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