
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:27, 9 July 2014 by HelenCheddar (Talk | contribs)

You lie on the bed, figuring you'll wait patiently until someone comes. After all, someone must have put you here, and must be trying to help you. Perhaps you have amnesia, or passed out and were rescued by some stranger and brought to the hospital. But this is not like any hospital you've seen before. Somehow, despite not having any specific memories, you seem to know that. You ponder it for a while as you stare up at the ceiling. You are puzzled that there are no monitors or wires, and there is no way for you to contact anyone. This frightens you a bit, but you suppose there is nothing you can really do but wait until someone comes. Finally, you hear the door slide open and you see two strange, humanoid creatures walk in. They both seem to be male, but are entirely hairless save for thick brows and eyelashes over huge light brown eyes. They also have abnormally small chins and are rather tall, but have very little muscle definition. They are both wearing some sort of military uniform. They come over to you and begin to inspect you. You ask them where you are, and they just look at you, startled, and murmur something to each other. It sounds almost like english, but somehow you can't understand a word they say. It is all very confusing. They stare at you intently, wondering if you'll speak again, and you stare at them, wondering the same thing. You are frightened of them, but curious. Do you fight them and try to escape through the still open door or do you let them inspect you?

Fight them

Let them inspect you

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