Insist that you're fine and keep dancing? (TGT

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You feel a little embarrassed at your little accident, and you tell Liz-Beth that you want to keep dancing.

"Are you sure?" She asks with a concerned look.

"Yeah..." you say, but to be honest you're not that sure. Your head is still ringing, but there is a part of your mind that swears you're a young college man. Maybe it's that part of you that wants to stay in the club. Either way, you get back on your feet and begin dancing again, the moves coming to you naturally. The more the music plays, the more you get engrossed with your movements. Your new breasts are round and perky, and as you remove your top you marvel at how they keep their shape. You also feel the stares of some men who just walked in and grabbed a booth, and it makes you feel something... desirable, maybe?

You continue your dance around the pole, and run your hand up your legs before sliding your panties down. This gets a great cheer from the group in the booth, and you know they like what they see. You continue dancing for a few moments more, before the music ends and you exit off stage right. Liz-Beth is waiting for you in the back and hands you a skimpy two piece to put on. As you do so, she gives you some news. "That group that just came in is requesting a a private dance from you, and they look loaded!" You smile as you try and get your large tits into the tiny top. "They're throwing their friend a bachelor party, and they said money isn't a issue! Minx took them to the VIP room already, they're just waiting for you!"

"Okay..." You say with a little hesitation.

"Are you up for this? Is your head okay?" You can tell that she is concerned about you, but you're more concerned with the fact that you just stripped in front of a group of men when you swear you were a guy not too long ago.

"I'm good... we need the money." Liz-Beth does a little clap and hugs you, and pushes you out the door towards the VIP Room.

When you arrive, you see a group of finely dressed young men and one stands up to greet you. "Wow, you are gorgeous. So this sucker here is Jerry, and he's getting married tomorrow... so we wanted to send him out with a "bang." You know that this guy is asking you to have sex with Jerry, but you know your manager doesn't like girls to take it that far in the club. "So, how much?"

Name Mimi
Sex Female
Location Ocean View Strip Club VIP Room
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