Erybelle: Set up the table and other miscellaneous doodads.

From Create Your Own Story

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You open the box you've been carrying since you left the orphanage and carefully lift out some items. First of all is a small black cauldron that you struggle with, feeling it slip from your fingers before you manage to get a good hold on it and drag it to the fire pit. Next is the hefty book laying on the bottom of the box, it's cover stained with rain and dirt. Its pages were written with love and contained all the daily shenanigans of your business; your customers, their payments, but more important... the ships. You and Maple were gifted match makers. At least that was what your reputation was all over town. People would talk about The Shipping Witches with hushed whispers, unable to believe two young orphans could harness such a power. For some reason that no one, not even you or Maple could comprehend, the pairings you blessed always came to be. Sometimes you had customers come in after a few days, some after a decade, but they always did come in to thank you for your services.

The payment was a simple 20 shillings and a single four leaf clover (what Maple called a touch of luck), which was brewed into a tea with other flowers that represented what kind of romance they wanted. Fresh rose petals and acacia meant secret love, primrose and a sprinkling of peach blossom meant marriage and long lasting love, several dandelions and some lime blossom meant a short-lived but exciting love affair. There was an entire flower language and Maple seemed to speak every word.

The tea was drank fresh and hot, then the ship (Maple had informed you it wasn't an actual boat, but instead a word that was derived from 'relationship') was noted on the Shipping Wall, or so you liked to call the book you write in. Sometimes you and Maple got so excited that you wrote stories about them, tales of the first time a couple would meet or kiss or get to hold hands. And sometimes, a ship wasn't just a ship, but an OTP. One True Pairing. One that was destined to be even before you worked your magic. A relationship that was just bound to happen and blossom and flourish and turn into something beautiful without your help. They had a special section all on their own.

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