Choose your own Naruto Adventure- Go to P554

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As Neji and you had 'agreed' you start dating and given some time Neji learns that underneath your more annoying someone quite likable and much to everyone's surprise and go on to date beyond a week...and another...and another after that...Needless to say, you lost a lot of people some money in the betting scene.

As time goes by, your knowledge on future events eventually runs dry and you tell Tsunade as much, but never to despair. You had after all performed a great service to the village and you are given permission to stay. With the continued training sessions you receive from Neji and the encouragement of the various friends you had made amongst the are finally able to call yourself a bonafide kunoichi. And by the time two years roll by, you have attained the rank of Chuunin as well as permission to teach at the academy.

You sigh in frustration at the end of another typical day, you had just gotten through a particularly nerve-crushing lesson (it seemed like all the annoying ones had found their way into your class...oh, but you are a patient teacher and you love your students). You hurry to pack up your things and leave, eager to get out and relax.


"Tough day?"

"Like you wouldn't believe..." You sigh as you look at Neji...he rarely stops by your workplace...your schedule often clashes with his. "Well?" You eye him expectantly. "Aren't you going to be a gentleman and carry my things?"

Neji merely smiles and shakes his head as he takes your things from you.

"Good boy, you're learning..." You reach up to pet the top of his head and give him a peck on the cheek.

"If you wanted a dog you could have gone out with Kiba..." Neji frowns.

"If I'd gone out with Kiba...I would have been..." You trail off.

"His b*tch." Neji finishes calmly earning a dirty look from you.

"If you knew what I was going to say you didn't have to say it." You sniff indignantly before you purposefully walk off.

"Where are we going?" He asks, easily keeping pace with you.

"Oh, I just want to stop by my place, drop my stuff off, have a quick shower, get changed...then maybe we can grab a bite to eat somewhere...and...hang out? It's been a while since we last had the time..."


You've finished your meal at a tea house and are at the training grounds...Currently it's just the two of you there...and since it's been a're taking the time to catch up. You talk about work and the other minor events in your life while Neji tells you a little about some of the things that had happened on his missions before...

"It's getting dark." He remarks.

"Yeah...Guess I better start heading back..." You rise and straighten your clothes a little, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Neji rises to his feet as well, "The Hyuuga compound is closer than your apartment is...why not come spend the night?" He suggests, cautiously taking your hand in his.

"I don't know..." You sigh. "I get the feeling your uncle doesn't quite...approve of us..."

True enough, Hyuuga Hiashi had treated you well enough upon initial introductions and the meetings that followed...but once it had been established that there was something more between you and Neji...His reception had gotten a little chillier. After all, A Hyuuga should be courting someone from a good family, with class...and a name...yet here he is; the genius of the Hyuuga clan (branch family member or not) with a nameless stranger who isn't even much of a ninja...

"It will be fine...we can just avoid him." Neji responds calmly.

One short debate later, Neji manages to somehow talk you into spending the night at his place...The plan being for you to room in with just wouldn't be proper for you to sleep in his room...However not before you two have had some much needed alone time together...Neji doesn't like to kiss in public...regardless of whether or not no one else was around.

So, once he's successfully snuck you in...You spend a little time in his room...Apparently that time apart seems to have emboldened the Byakugan wielder as he reaches under your shirt while you kiss...Not that you stop him...It's the first time Neji's tried anything in the two years since you got together and in your mind it's 'About frickin' time'.

"Neji..." You moan softly into the kiss, your back on his bed.

"Yes, Kimiko...?" Neji moves on to kiss you along your neck.

"Can't I spend the night here?...We don't have to do anything...You can even sleep on the floor if you've got a problem with sharing a bed."

Neji pauses to give you a look, "I am not sleeping on the floor."

You glare, "What are you saying you want me to sleep on the floor? What kind of guy are you?"

"I didn't say that..." He sighs. "I suppose we could share..."

"Great." You smile. "Now give me one of your shirts I'm not sleeping in these clothes.

"Where..." He blushes faintly. "Will you change?"

You roll your eyes in response. "In here of course silly." Then you frown. "And don't you dare peek at me with your Byakugan...damn pervert..."

"I already told you that that one time was just an accident!" Neji sighs as he turns around.

"Accident my a**." You mutter as you pull your shirt over your head and get changed.

The next day...

You wake up and see Neji asleep next to you...making you smile, "Hmmm..." You remark softly. "You don't nearly look like half the a**hole you are when you're asleep..."

"I'm awake..." Neji opens his eyes, clearly looking a touch annoyed.

You giggle, "P*ssing you off is so much fun..."

"Only for you it is..."

"Then let's do something we both think is fun..."

"And that would be..."

"...I'll show you..." You whisper into his ear before you start kissing him not so sweetly on the lips...your own hands creeping underneath his shirt..."A**hole or not..." You giggle. "I have to admit something Neji..."

"And that would be?" Neji watches you through half-lidded eyes.

"You are so sexy..." The statement causes Neji to blush. " look so cute when you blush." You giggle.

"I am not cute." Neji frowns.

"Are too." You tease.

"...Are you going to find a way to turn this into an argument?" Neji sighs.

"Well, if you don't want an argument I suggest you shut up and kiss me." You wink.

A few minutes later...

Things had certainly heated up with your shirt off and Neji's halfway over his head. Straddling him your hands are working on his pants but his hands move over yours and stop you.

"No...This isn't right..." Neji gasps. "We're moving too fast."

"We've been dating for two years..." You raise an eyebrow.

"That's not what I mean...I...want to wait." The Hyuuga blushes.

You blink, "...If you want to."

"I'm sorry...It's...just not proper doing this sort of thing..."

"Gee..." You giggle. "For someone who thinks it isn't proper..." You poke him slightly in a very particular spot, "Part of you is kind of excited..."

"Please..." Neji squeezes his eyes shut, "Let's wait...a little longer."

"Alright, alright..." You sigh. "You know Neji...underneath that cool calm 'I'm-better-than-you' attitude, past the *sshole within a really sweet guy..."

"...What do you mean *sshole within me?" He frowns.

"...Neji." You lower your voice to a whisper as you lean in closer, "...I think I just might love you..."

Neji smiles. "You're a crazy b*tch...but I think I just might love you too..."

You laughs softly and kiss him, "Call me a b*tch one more time and I'll have to spank you into submission." And you kiss him again...

Now it is right at this point that (dramatic pause) Neji's uncle, Hyuuga Hiashi opens the door...and seeing a topless girl kissing his mostly shirtless clearly excited nephew on his bed...

"Neji..." He remarks softly but authoritatively in the doorway.

And just like that, you and Neji are sitting on opposite ends of the bed, blanket wrapped around the top half of your body while you blink...wondering if you'd ever seen Neji move so fast before...

"Ji-san..." Neji's voice is steady even though his face is tinged a deep dark pink.

"It's...not what it looks like..." You offer lamely.

"Neji..." The older man sighs. "What are you thinking...Are you even thinking?" He demands sternly.

"...I think I should leave..." You murmur quietly as you look around for your shirt.

"I think that that would be a good idea..." Hiashi nods.

"You can stay, Kimiko..." Neji speaks up. "We didn't do anything wrong...There is nothing for us to be ashamed of."

"Neji...being part of the Hyuuga family...there are certain rules about premarital sex that the elders tend to frown upon." Neji's uncle explains.

"...Nothing happened." You speak up softly.

"...But there is a chance that it might." Hiashi frowns. "Especially with...someone of your background."

'Or lack of it is more likely...' You frown. "Listen, just because...I don't have some big fancy family tree doesn't mean I'm a floozy Neji picked off the streets...Neji told me he wanted to wait and I'm fine with that. So, you don't have to worry about your precious 'Hyuuga' name being dirtied in case Neji gets some nameless girl pregnant...Because it isn't going to happen." You finally snap as you locate your shirt and storm out of the room, past Neji's uncle through the compound and out...running all the way back to your apartment...only to find that you'd forgotten your keys along with your other stuff at Neji's place.

And so, you sit there...on the front step, feeling hopelessly dejected...You really should head back for your keys...but, you just can't...not right now...

So you continue to sit there...for maybe an hour...or more...until your behind starts getting a little numb from sitting on that hard step so long.

Just when you start to consider maybe asking either Lee or Naruto if you can crash at their place for a while, a pair of feet enter your line of vision and as you continue looking up... "Hey." You shrug and look away again.

"Hey..." Neji responds. "You forgot your stuff...and your keys..." He sets them down in front of you before he takes a seat next to you.

For a few moments neither of you speaks.

"...I'm sorry if what my uncle said upset you...He's only trying to look out for me..."

You shrug, "It's fine...I'm just your average nobody trying to get into the Hyuuga genius' pants to secure his good name and fortune." You state sarcastically.

"Enough Kimiko...if I really thought you were that kind of girl I'd have ended things a long time ago."

"I was being sarcastic, dumb*ss." You give him a flat look.

More silence.

"Hey, Kimiko...I was thinking." Neji remarks.

"No kidding, the Hyuuga genius thinks."

"Kimiko, please..."

"Alright already...I'll listen."

"Kimiko...How long do you see us last?"

"...I don't make it a point to think that far ahead." You shrug.

"We've been dating for two years..."

"Want to move in with me?" You interrupt.

"What?" Neji looks at you, "That wasn't what I had in mind."

"Well, what is it then?"

"...I was thinking more along the lines of engagement..."

"Engagement?!" You repeat. "Marriage? Slow down a little bright eyes...One step at a time...What say you move in with live with me for six months...and then tell me how you far you've only been with me...what a few hours here and there? Let's see if we still like each other once we've actually lived together."

"I suppose...there is some logic to that proposal..." Neji admits.

"Good, then go back and get your stuff." You tell him, as you take your keys and unlock the door, "You're living with me from now on."

"Don't tell me you'll keep bossing me around like that..."

"Don't try to change me baby."


In a hospital room.

An older woman sits by a young woman's side.

Two nurses watch her.

"It's so sad..." One of them says. "Her daughter has been in a coma for more than three years now...

The woman turns to look at them, "I...don't feel as bad about it as some of you might think..."

The nurses hastily apologize.

"She's been smiling a lot lately." The woman continues smiling tenderly at the young woman in the bed. " the very least...I am glad that wherever she is...she's found happiness..."

Ending: 35

(A/N After dealing with the character over an extended period of time I have gotten over my many aversions to write about him...)

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