Choose your own Naruto Adventure- Like Sai? P314

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You carefully sneak back into your room without waking Sakura and get back into your futon. You think about Sai...sure he is being a real ass at the moment but...he can't help it...and you have to admit that despite all his kind of like him.

With these thoughts in mind you eventually fall asleep.

You wake up early...surprisingly even earlier than Sakura.

You get ready and leave the room, intending to go on a short walk.

It doesn't take long and you spot Sai with his sketchbook.

He pauses and turns his head to look at you.

'What the hey...might as well hang out with him for a little while' You think.

You sit down next to him and peek at what he has in his sketchbook.

"Nice expression in the line..." You remark.

Sai just observes you.

"Is it inspired by anything in particular?"

Sai shakes his head.

"Gonna give it a title when it's finished?"

"I don't give any of my pictures titles." He responds once again wearing that fake smile of his. "To be precise...I can't seem to give them titles...even if I try." Just for a moment you see it...his smile falters.

"...They don't put me in mind of anything..."

"That's too bad..." You sigh. "Whenever I draw I like to put my emotions into it..."

"...I don't feel anything..." Sai remarks.

"I guess that's why you're always talking so insensitively." Naruto's familiar voice observes from behind you, looks like he still is angry at Sai.

"We're about to go." He explains. "Yamato-taichou told me to come get you."

"Okay, Naruto." You say.

The blonde ninja catches sight of Sai's drawing.

"That picture's nothing special." He huffs.

"That's about right." Sai smiles. "Just like your penis."



You hold back the urge to still aren't sure what to make of Sai's constant reference to Naruto's lower anatomy.

"If you've got something you wanna say to me, then quit the fake smile and tell it to my face!!!" Naruto continues on his angry rant. "If it's a fight you're after, I'm game!"

"That's not it at all..." Sai responds calmly. "I really don't think anything of you." Sai puts his sketchbook aside and starts packing up. "Please go ahead." He says. "I'll be right there when I'm done cleaning up."

"I'll help you." You offer and start picking stuff up when you come across Sai's little book. You pick it up carefully, knowing the significance of this object.

"You drew this too, didn't a picture book." You hand it to Sai's waiting hand.

"I'd like to look at it if you'd show it to me sometime..." You say completely prepared for the rejection.

"I can't do's incomplete." Sai responds just as you had predicted.

"And I don't give it to other people...because it's my brother's..." He continues.


You set out with the shinobi, walking until nightfall when Yamato announces that it is time to make camp. He surprises everyone by summoning a spacious wooden house from the ground. You'd seen it in manga-form but it was nothing compared to actually SEEING it happen right there in front of you.

Once you're all inside...

"Everyone one...come here for a bit." Yamato announces. "Sakura and Kimiko...there are a few things I'd like you to tell me."

"What about?" You ask a little curious.

"It's about Sasori from the Akatsuki." Yamato continues. "I got Sasori's file from the Sand as a starter but tell me about his characteristics and behaviour."

"Why are you asking that?" Naruto demands.

"The Akatsuki spy in Orochimaru's ranks will come to the Tenchi bridge expecting Sasori." Yamato explains. "He might see through it right away but...It's best to transform into Sasori and approach him."

"Being a spy brings its fair share of risks, so he will most likely be on his guard." Sai observes.

"Just in case this is a trap set by the Akatsuki, I will go ahead alone first, you will be on standby awaiting my instructions."

"Given that there was an Akatsuki spy in the Sand...and that he said it when he was about to die...I really don't think he was lying..." Sakura voices her opinion.

"Still...That spy must be extremely skillful..." Sai remarks.

"Let's do it." Naruto says with determination.

"Our objective is purely capture." Yamato this point you are clearly no longer being addressed and just sit to the side and listen. "Under no circumstances must the target be killed. Even if it results in battle."

"If they are killed, we will have lost a valuable information source. This mission is more difficult than simply defeating the enemy." The captain continues.

"Given that it's a target mission, I'll be the first to go in and you will all act as back-up. The strategy is simple. First, I will restrain the target. Second, if I fail to restrain them and a battle situation arises, you will all prepare to fight. I'll signal you in that case."

"And if we reach a situation as in Part Two...then we must fight via the buddy system. When one person moves, the other will look after them. The principle of the system is mutual support."

"I will now decide on the buddies..." Yamato goes on. "First, Naruto and Sai. Second, Sakura and myself."

"But-" Sakura is about to object.

"Sakura, you are our only medical ninja. So you are not injured, I will be with you." Yamato explains patiently.

Naruto is once again glaring at Sai.

"Hiya." Sai smiles.

"Yamato-taichou! Why the hell am I with-"

"Pardon?" Yamato interrupts Naruto with his creepy facial expression.

You shudder involuntarily.

"Keeping all that in mind. This isn't exactly normal but...tomorrow we'll spend a day on simulation for team playing. I know nothing about all of you other than what I've read in your files. I'd like to know about things like your fighting methods, battle skills and array of jutsus."

The captain continues.

"And through getting to know each other, smoothen up your teamwork. You might think I'm being too serious but that's how I do, put your all into it."

After that lengthy speech Sai and Naruto go to get some shut-eye, though you and Sakura stay up a little longer to discuss Sasori with Yamato.

The next day

You watch the simulation from a safe distance, though you are still close enough to hear what it is they are saying. It is so much more impressive to see the jutsus and fights take place in front of your eyes rather than in the manga or on a screen in the anime.

Sai has captured Yamato...but Naruto is clearly pissed due to having been completely ignored by his team-mate when he has been ensnared together with Yamato's substitute.

And as you expect he goes to challenge the emotionless shinobi, "Do you know what the word companion means?"

Sai flicks out a scroll and scribbles the word companion on it, "Of course I know, what about it?"

"Hold on Naruto..." Sakura attempts to calm her team-mate sensing the tension.

"Please don't lay the blame on others for your own minimal amount of ability." Sai remarks coolly. "Had you not fallen for the Captain's obvious provocation, I would have been able to stay hidden without being exposed. You went and had your clone transform into me, then made it obvious by using your own jutsu."

Naruto is really angry but keeps quiet.

"It's not pleasant to fight while looking after someone who cannot even keep himself in check. I just worked with the success of the mission in mind."

Naruto seems to have had enough and shoves Sai out of his way.

"I...will never consider you a companion or a member of Team Kakashi..."

Yamato sighs in dismay, "This really was pointless, wasn't it?"

You can sympathize with Sai but at the moment he isn't making himself very loved.

"What would Sasuke-kun have done in that situation?" He asks. "Fought while looking after you? As a companion and member of Team Kakashi?"

This is not good...

"The one who betrayed the village and injured still refer to him as a friend?"

Naruto turns to face Sai, "If it's to save a friend, I'll do anything. Even work with you..." The contempt he felt for Sai is clearly etched in his face and voice.

'Well, that seems to have shut everyone up.' You think as the group falls silent.

"Why does he still care about Sasuke that much?" Sai asks.

"Naruto thinks...of Sasuke as being like a brother, that's why." Sakura answers hesitantly. "You have a brother too, don't you understand that feeling?"

"No, not at all..."

It is Sakura's turn to look shocked.

"I have none of what you call...'emotions'." Sai states wearing a fake smile on his face.

You find it more than a little unnerving.

Sakura is persistent though, "Since you have a brother...can't you imagine what it feels like...when he's not around?"

"Yes..." Sai calmly responds. "Since, he is already dead."

"Hmmm...should I have used that expression?" Sai remarks as an afterthought.

Not too far off, Naruto is clearly upset.

"Is there want to say?" Sakura turns once again to Sai.

"Not really...I just didn't know what kind of expression to put on when my brother died..."

You can't help but feel a little sad about Sai's situation...

"Enough talking now, we're about to go so go get your stuff." Yamato interrupts.

" be honest I would have sent you flying just then..." Sakura continues. "I told you that if you badmouthed Sasuke once more, I wouldn't hold back. But I didn't do that because of what Naruto said, that to save Sasuke, he would even work with someone like you....So, no matter who you are...if it's in order to save Sasuke-kun...I won't hurt you..."

'Whoa...that certainly was a lot more intense than in the manga.' You think.

"'re're very gentle with Naruto aren't you? I don't understand feelings like those...It was in a book I read..." Sai starts.

"Come on let's get going." Naruto interrupts. "If we're not there by noon tomorrow, this'll all be for nothing."


The shinobi have departed for the are forced to stay behind due to the obvious danger of the situation. Feeling so useless irritates you to no end, but you have to admit that leaving you behind makes more sense than taking you along would have.

So, you have no choice but to wait for them to come back for you.

You sigh...You are in for a long wait...

Long wait is right...they don't get back until the next evening.

You are eager to see them back so you run out to meet them.

"You're back!" You exclaim relieved that they look unhurt (though you are fully aware of what had transpired).

Your smile fades quickly though.

The way Naruto is looking at you...

"Naruto..." You start.

"You knew." He says, an accusatory tone to his voice.

"Yes..." You respond quietly, the other three observe you with much greater interest now.

"Kimiko-san? Naruto-kun? What are you talking about?" Sakura asks.

"You knew all along...that we wouldn't be able to save Sasuke...and you didn't say anything..." Naruto continues.

"Is it possible that you know more than you let on, young lady?" Yamato inquires suspiciously.

You sigh, "F*ck...It's not like the truth wouldn't have come out eventually."


" might want to sit down for what I have to tell you."

So, you all return to Yamato's conjured house, and once they're all seated you start telling them the whole story...of who you really are...and where you really came erase any doubts they have (With exception of Naruto of course) by recounting in disturbing detail everything that had happened when they headed out to the Tenchi bridge...the battles...the conversations...everything.

"Is that even possible?" Sakura asks dumbfounded.

"I'm here aren't I?" You respond with sigh. "It's not like it's been easy...knowing this stuff...and not being able to do anything."

"Why, didn't you say anything about this mission?" Naruto demands.

"I don't think anything I could have said would have made a are not ready to confront Sasuke...the outcome...was unavoidable." You say. "And I told Tsunade as much."

"Then why did we still-"

"Would that have stopped you from trying?" You interrupt and Naruto falls silent.

"Besides..." you continue. "I felt that...the experience was necessary...for your growth..."

"Growth?" Naruto mumbles.

"Don't tell me you haven't learnt anything from all this..." You sigh. "Yes, your growth...most importantly it was for Sai's growth...I...wasn't sure...if he would have been able to...make the same decisions for himself if the mission were to have taken place any differently...there's one thing about knowing what's going to happen...there's another when you try to change it...I could have made things worse..." You continue.


"I'm sorry Naruto...for you having to go through that pain...I'm sorry you couldn't get Sasuke back...I know you tried so hard..." You say, tears forming.

"May I...ask you a question?" Sai interrupts.

"Yes, Sai?"

"I am still trying to understand...about 'bonds'...and is it that...a person like you...not 'from this world' as you said, can care so much about Naruto?"

You pause a little before you smile, "It's not just Naruto I care about..." You say quietly. "I care about what happens to everyone here...well, the good guys at least..."

"But why..."

"I don't know how to answer that...I've watched what's been going on here for a long time after all...and after a while...I guess it felt like it was part of I was part of it...even as just an observer...the people here...became special to's kind of hard to explain..." You trail off.

"I still don't understand." Sai states.

"Don't worry your pretty head over's not like I really get it myself." You shrug.


You blush, "It's a figure of speech..."

"I would like to ask you some questions if I may..." Yamato speaks for the first time.

"Oh, of course..."

You spend the rest of the night answering more questions, before finally getting some rest and returning to Konoha...

The team reports their findings to Konoha and you inform Tsunade of some more of the upcoming well as the fact that Sai, Yamato and Sakura now know about your 'secret'.

After a lengthy discussion, you are surprised to find Sai waiting for you.

"Hey, Sai...were you waiting for me?" You ask.

"I were able to form 'bonds' with people who you never even spoke to before...I read some books and..." Sai continues.

Continue hanging with Sai? P463

Do your own thing in Konoha P464

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