-To save the world/Ready

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:18, 18 July 2012 by Aegisofawakening (Talk | contribs)
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"Ready!" You say as you try to walk through the automated doors and hit yourself in the face because they didn't open. You realize this place doesn't have any electricity running through it. Karma opens them for you and you run out into the main area. You could swear you know this place. Its... could it be...? The mall that you were at just yesterday... or rather 100 years ago. Time has definitely taken its toll on the place. You walk through trying to take in everything your seeing. You quickly notice two monsters on the second floor. They seem to resemble humans, only taller with large red claws and a face like a dragons' skull.

"Lets go!" You say gesturing to Shadow. You run up the still escalator while Shadow runs up the stairs beside you

Punch that fucker in the face!

Use your forward momentum to elbow its ribs!

You are: Jessica
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