Arturia/Heavy Dress/2/Ruairi/take a sip

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< Arturia | Heavy Dress | 2 | Ruairi
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You do feel like you could use a drink, but that cup looks awfully suspicious. You cautiously bring it to your lips and take a sip, it tastes sweetly, this is definitely not water but it sure tastes nice. You feel a bit of a numbing sensation as you swallow the liquid down. You're thirsty and this drink really tastes nice, besides you get this nice light-headed feeling from it.. Wait a sec, light-headed feeling? isn't something wrong with that? Do you really trust this weird maid enough to drink what she gave you although it's obviously no mere drink?

You're thirsty, you drink the cup and hope it doesn't contain anything really bad

Politely refuse and get up, you don't want to wake up to another surprise

Politely refuse and get back to bed

Health 100 Equipment:

Nightgown, Beautiful necklace

Stamina 85
Mood Suspicious Inventory:

Valuable jewelry, Heavy Dress

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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