Arrive at the camp

From Create Your Own Story

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Adult: Ultimate Fantasy Weekend Arrive at the camp

The campsite itself is a large clearing surrounded by woods on all sides and a beach bordering a lake on the far side. The park itself is several acres in size and there are trails that wind all through the woods and hills of the area.There is a single large multi-purpose building that houses the office,the showers and toilets at the edge of the clearing, beside the entrance to the site.

It’s a warm, clear day in early summer. You hear the quiet sound of nature all around you as you stand with the other staff members, at the entrance to the site, watching the arrival of the scouts to their campout. There a line of cars, each dropping off a young Girl Scout between 11 and 16 years old carrying what they’ll need for the next seven days. Their parents give them a hug before entrusting their daughter’s care to you.

And in your mind, you are only thinking about how to ensure that trust is misplaced.

‘It’s not like I’m going to rape anyone,’ you think to yourself. ‘I’m just here to provide a service to these girls in need.’ These young, innocent, vibrant, attractive girls.

Yes, this is going to be a good weekend. pink text here The thirty scouts gather in a group in front of you and Mrs. Livingstone, the troop leader, welcomes everyone to campsite and hopes everyone will have a fun time. She introduces you "Girls!. This is Mr Bentley, this our new Activities leader, the rest of the staff you know. I am sure you will give him a good welcome to our troop". She then asks the girls to form pairs, go and pick up a tent, select a campsite and put the tent up.

“You’d better get those tents put together quickly because you’re not having lunch until they’re up,” she warns. “Besides, you’ll need a private place to change into your swimsuits for this afternoon.” As the girls run off to get their tents, Mrs. Livingstone (Elizabeth to you) turns to you. “Thanks for helping us fill in. Would you mind helping the young ladies with their tents, after you have put your own up.”

“Sure,” you reply, Not trying to seem over keen. You head over and pick up your tent. You look at where the girls are setting up. Most of them are spaced fairly evenly apart and all of them seem to be quite a distance from the main building and the tents of the other staff members.

You pick out a spot away from the rest of the staff, but still a respectable distance from most of the girls’ tents and quickly have your tent assembled. You decide to see how the others are coming with their tents.

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