...Mrs. Wuling, the 58 year old mother.

From Create Your Own Story

You instantly smell Mrs. Wuling, the matriarch of the family, the potent oder of garlic and cigarette smoke burning your nostrils even from this distance. She's a crotchety old hag, short and skinny with long arms and beady eyes. Your surprised to see her working, usually Mr. Wuling keeps her away from customers as she is usually berating and cursing at them in Chinese; letting his more charismatic daughters pick up his wifes slack. Still there she is, bitter and old. Even if you do choose to use her in the breaking down of the other girls you probably won't actually end up sacrificing her; she's such a worn out slag she would be pretty embarrassing to march into the Mansion, like bringing a pot of stewed diapers to a potluck.

You instantly recognize her companion behind the counter...

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