-Turn off the alarm clock and get up.

From Create Your Own Story

Gina turned off the alarm clock and stood up, she walked over to the calendar and saw that today was her tenth birthday. She jumped in excitement and runned over to her twin brother's room.

"Hey Dion wake up!! It's our birthday!!" Gina screamed excited in her brother's ears.

"Ah, stop shouting!!" Dion covered his ears in hurt, "sheesh, what's the matter with you, have you any idea how early it is?"

"Well, we have to wake up early today or we won't be able to get our pokémon!" Gina sweatdropped.

Dion's eyes became wide "AAAAHHHH!!!!! GINA WE HAVE TO HURRY OR WE'LL BE LATE FOR OUR POKÉMON!!!" Dion cried in horror.

"That' what I've been trying to tell you for two minutes already," Gina exclaimed as she slapped herself mentally.

In reality Dion and Gina looked a lot like each other except of them being twins from two different eggs, sure, they were a boy and a girl and they had different heights and different eye and hair colours but from personality they looked the same: they were wild and brave and active and lazy in one, they were creative and they liked the same things.

"Hurry, we have to hurry!!" Dion screamed racing through the whole house in order to prepare himself.

What should Gina do?:

-Take it easy and do your things in normal tempo.

-Hurry, you don't want to be late after all.

Health N/A Pokémon:


Level N/A
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