The Giant Building With A Million Rooms/ Open The Play Box

From Create Your Own Story

You open the play box. Inside you find a sling and a number of pellets, the same sort of pellets, on second thought, that you noticed lying around the dead bird on the floor behind you, how strange. Somebody killed the bird with the sling, put the sling in this box and left the bird? But why? As you reflect upon its short life and senseless end your eyes mist at the thought that the poor creature, nameless here upon floor; nameless, dead and splayed upon that cold oak floor shall squawk and play in the light of day, shall flap seraphim wings 'neath blessed rays, shall do this all nevermore.

Oh well.

You decide to go back out into the hallway and do some more exploring; that's one room down, only 999,999 to go.

Do you:

The Giant Building With A Million Rooms/ Go Though The Door On Your Left

The Giant Building With A Million Rooms/ Go Though The Door On Your Right

The Giant Building With A Million Rooms/ Go Back Down Stairs

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