Pokemon: Walk into tall grass looking for a fight

From Create Your Own Story

You return Pichu. Your heart is pounding a little bit as you walk around in the tall grass. You don't know what to expect. Suddenly you trip over something. You have fallen over a Rattata. You cry out a little and then fumble with your Pokeball trying to let Pichu out. You can't figure it out with all this pressure and you end up dropping the Pokeball. It rolls out of your reach.

The Rattata is growling at you for hurting it and bites your leg before running off into the grass. Your leg hurts like hell and you feel like a failure already. Maybe it would have been good to have sorted everything out first. You turn to pick up your Pokeball and see yourself looking at Pichu. Maybe when you dropped the ball it somehow opened? Pichu seems pretty agitated. Maybe its upset it couldn't help you.

What should you do?

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