Hyde Road - Find something to read

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You pull off your gloves, placing them next to you on the table and look up at the bookshelf to the left of the fireplace, it is tall, almost all the way to the ceiling and full with books. A wooden ladder leans against a brass rail that runs across the bookcases front. You get up from your perch on the edge of the coffee table and skim over some of the titles on some of the shelves closer to eye level. The books seem to be stored away in an orderly fashion, categorized into different sections, the books are all works of fiction, organised by author, none of them strike you as easy reading. You take your time casting your eyes higher up, more classic works are visible, and rows of leather bound books are above that. You walk past the fire place, your wet stockings chafing you uncomfortably as you walk. You pause in front of the fire as you attempt to straighten them out, the damp fabric clinging stubbornly to your thighs, you really need to get changed out of these clothes.

It is really quite warm in front of the fire now. The flames dance merrily in front of you, the hot glow on your face and body. You finally manage to yank the twisted stocking back into the right position. Your hands are wet and you wipe them against your coat which you unbuckle and slip off, the room is too warm now to keep it on and you drop it over the coffee table. You walk once again over to the book case on the other side of the fire place. The books this side are all non-fiction, travel books, books of interest, you see a couple of titles on local fauna and flora. Their is a fairly large section of books on logging, it probably shouldn't be too surprising considering the area. Your eyes wonder up the rows of books and your attention is caught by a red leather bound book, it is amongst books on local history, 'a Genealogy of the Hyde's of Harkfort.' You reach up to the book but it's just beyond your reach.

The house a mostly very quite, there is a soft whistling of the wind, but the crackling of the fire is most prominent sound in the room. The clock on the mantle piece chimes once, it's nine thirty and still no sign of your host. You sit back on the edge of the coffee table and put your hands between your knees. Your stockings have mostly dried now. You rub your legs, the heat from the fire leaving them quite hot, the flames have started to die down now though, you consider using the ladder to climb up to the red book, although it has been an unreasonable amount of time that you have been left here now and you are starting to feel a little annoyed about it.

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