The Exhibitionist/Go swimming at the beach wearing a white bikini that gets semi-translucent when wet

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You grab a bikini out of my drawer, bringing it to me.

"Wait, wait. Hold on. You know I don't wear that one for a reason, right?"

You look at me puzzled.

"Well, do you expect me to just sunbath or something?"

You shake your head no.

"So, to swim?"


"That is why I don't wear that one. I bought it, thinking it looked pretty good. I wore it once, and realized when it gets wet, it gets...see through..."

Your eyes light up, and your head nods so furiously I worry your neck might break.

"So, you want me to wear this one?"


"And go swimming in it?"



You point out the window at the beach.

I frown at you. "Okay, I guess, if you really want me to."


The Trip

I nervously put on the bikini I was going to wear, and headed down to the beach.

As I hit the beach, I noticed it was packed. Old people. Kids. College students from the nearby campus. Professionals enjoying the beach on this lovely weekend. All manners of people.

I almost left, and went to a beach that would have less people, but I knew I wouldn't, since that beach was mostly reefs, not a good place to swim. Not unless I wanted to have my head knocked in.

I looked around nervous, then went in the water. Soon, I was in deep enough to swim. Stroking, floating, and enjoying the cool water, the salt water helping to make swimming even easier, holding my body up.

The swim was nice, relaxing, and I completely forgot about my suit.

I got out, heading back to the shore, and noticed a few people looking at me. It was a kid reminded me that my suit was see through when wet.

"I can see your thingy!" A young girl said in sing song.

I blushed, and looked down, remembering suddenly that the people on the beach could see my nipples and trimmed pubic hair through the white bikini.

I ran back out, into the water, and floated there for a while. Eventually though, I started to feel like a salted prune, and had to get out. I went back, and noticed more eyes, different eyes this time, on me. Some couples pointed and laughed, and I did my best to pretend the suit was not showing anything. A few people came up and spoke to me, and I looked them in the eyes, spoke to them, and willed myself not to turn bright red.

I kept walking, the suit not drying quick enough, and went to my bike, heading home. The cars on the road, the passerbys on the sidewalk, all got a good view of my not try suit, and although they couldn't see between my legs while I rode, they could definitely make out my nipples under it, if not in great details.

I got my door unlocked, and sank down, still wet, on my couch, willing my heart to slow down. Still, I didn't get in trouble. Maybe I should use it more when I go to the beach.

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