The Exhibitionist/Travel through a neighborhood you've never visited before wearing a short skirt and crop top

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You grab a short skirt and crop top from my closet. A very short skirt and top that barely covers anything. The crop top is a strap style, which means I would either need to wear a strapless bra, or show my straps. It is loose at the bottom, which means, if I go braless, and I lift my arms, it shows the bottom of my breasts. Of course, with the side cut, if I lift my arms, it will also show the side of my breasts.


You nod.

I sigh, then look at the skirt.

I sigh again. Not only did you grab a micro skirt, one designed to be worn at raves, you grabbed one that was black, while the top was yellow.

"You want me to wear this?" I asked.


"And this?"


"You couldn't have picked something that at least match?"

Your shrug says it all.

"Fine," I say, frustrated. Realizing that I will probably need to go braless, but with panties on. No way I would wear this skirt without panties, since it would show them off if I did anything other than walk at a very slow pace.

I get dressed, and note you do not complain about me wearing panties, so take that as the okay.

"Now, where do you want me to go?"

You explain, and I think. Not many places I have never been in this city, and the few I can think of are because I don't dare go.

I start to wonder if this is a bad idea, since it seems the only places I can go is the slums.

"Are you sure about this?" I say with some apprehension, hoping you will change your mind and let me go to the mall, or the gradeschool. Even walking around like this in a gradeschool would be better than going to a neighborhood I have never been to.

You shake your head yes, causing my heart to miss a beat.

"Fine, but you are taking me." You nod acceptance.

The Trip

I stepped out of the car, looking around me. The neighborhood made me nervous, with metal bars on shop windows, houses that looked like they needed more than a few repairs, and mostly black and Hispanic people in the neighborhood.

In fact, as I looked around, I did not see anyone other than blacks and Hispanics. More blacks than Hispanics at that.

As I stood there, looking around, you drove away.

"Hey, wait! Don't leave me!" I screamed after you, a few people staring at me as I tried to run after you. Shit, I thought he was going to follow along, I thought to myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I stood there, no money, no phone, just me.

A young man, baggy pants, hair in cornrows, an exaggerated swagger to his step, walked up to me.

"Hey baby. What is a fine ass white girl like you doing? Is that your John? Is you a whore?"

He looked me up and down, and I turned away. "Damn, you is a fine ass whore. How much you charge? I got a little cash."

"No, sorry," I told him. "I am not a hooker. My friend just dropped me off and I am heading home."

"Damn, you live here? Why ain't I ever seen no skinny, fine ass white girl round here fore?"

"Sorry, I don't live here, I live...somewhere else," I told him, walking the opposite way.

"Shesh! Is you some stuck up white bitch? Why you here, bitch?"

I continued walking. He called me a few other things as I walked away, but eventually went back to whatever he was doing.

I received more than one "proposition" as I went, and ignored them. Sadly, it was a long way before I could get to any area I actually wanted to be in, especially with no money.

As I walked, I noticed the neighborhood had changed. Where before I was around dilapidated houses with people who seemed more like thugs than anything, now the neighborhood was more...industrial. Warehouses and other industrial style building rose around me to either side of the street. Many seemed to be closed, boards over the windows, broken out windows staring back at me. A steady flow of traffic ran through the main streets, and I stuck to it, feeling like eyes were staring back at me from broken windows. I felt chills run up and down my spine, wishing I had told you no.

"Hey, girl!" A car load of guys pulled up along side me. I could see the gang tattoos on their arms, and on one of their faces. "Hey, why you walkin here? Shit, you should be uptown eating some caviar and wine! Want us for give you a ride?"

They snickered. I ignored them and kept walking.

"Hey bitch, I am talkin to you. You fucking pay attention when I am talking to you." The guy in the passenger seat said. I glanced over and saw him pull out a handgun.

My mind raced. There were still other cars going either way, do I didn't think they would do something, but I was afraid they would take it as disrespectful or something if I kept trying to ignore them. And I didn't want them to do anything.

"Sorry, I...I was...was just thinking," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"That's betta. You some kinda whore?"

I gave him a nervous chuckle. "No, nothing like that," I said. "I just went out with a friend, and am trying to get home."

He looked around, a look of exaggerated confusion on his face. "Ain't no fucking house here girl. Just more warehouses and shit."

"Okay," I said. "Thank you. I will just try to find somewhere I can make a phone call."

I heard one in the car tell another, not so quietly, "She can call my fuckin dick."

They all laughed as the car continued pacing me. "Girl, want us to give you a ride back to civilization?"

I kept my voice even as I said, "No thanks, I will do okay."

"Out here? In them clothes? Are you sure you didn't come here to get fucked? Them look like whore clothes."

From there car came a few additional comments directed at each other.

"Hmm yeah, she is almost askin for it."

"Yeah, that is some fine ass. I want to get me some o that."

"No, I am okay." I said. The car continued following me.

"Comon girl, don't be like that," he said. "We will give you a ride to somewhere."

I shook my head no, wishing they would just leave me alone.

The street became quiet, no other cars passing, no other headlights seen. The car stopped ahead of me, and I immediately turned around and walked the other way.

They ran up behind me, and one grabbed my ass.

"Comon girl, don't be like dis. Why you tryin to hurt our feelins? We are just tryin to be friendly."

"Thanks. I am fine." I said, my voice not much louder than a whisper as my throat clenched, holding back a scream.

"Yes you are girl," one of the guys said to me. "So, tell you what. You help us out, and we will help you out. Get ya back to someplace safe."

"I am okay," I said. Abruptly, one of the guys grabbed my hair.

"Oh, I knows you is okay. And dressed like that, you must want to be even more okay." He said in my ear.

He cruelly reached under my crop top, grabbing my left nipple and pulling in, hard, causing me to scream.

They dragged me into one of the empty warehouses. Lifting my skirt, one hooked my panties, then ripped them off, the fabric tearing into my skin, causing me to scream yet again. Then they got to work ripping off the rest of my clothes, not even bothering with things like buttons.

With a gun pointed at my head, they gang raped me before leaving me in that dirty, dusty, empty building, bleeding and unconscious.

Thanks asshole, you got me raped. We are through.

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