All the Clothes From Her Room Are Missing

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Excited, Hopeful, Tired Apparel and Items: Panties, Socks
Day, Time Saturday
Need to Bathroom Only a Little
Level of Humiliation None

Katie looked towards her bedroom door, expecting to find her pink dressing gown hanging from the hook on the back of it. She was a little confused when she didn't see it, however. She checked the floor, brushing her hair behind her ears as she bent down to look, but it didn't appear to have fallen off. Shrugging to herself, Katie made her way over to the drawer where she kept her t-shirts... and found it empty.

"What the...?"

She moved down to the next drawer, but with the same result. Starting to panic, she began riffling wildly though her room - her wardrobes, her drawers, her trunk - and was dismayed to find that everything was gone.

"What have my family done now?" she muttered as she sat down on her bed.

There was a crumpling noise beneath her.

Frowning, she reached beneath herself and pulled out a piece of paper. After smoothing it out, she read it to herself:

'Hi Katie,

If you check your drawers you'll find them empty. We didn't want to tell you this as we thought you might freak out, but it's a family tradition that, on a girl's seventeenth birthday, she is only allowed to wear clothing that she's received on that day as a gift. Your presents are arranged downstairs - the house is empty, but we'll be back at 11am to begin the party.

In the spirit of this tradition, please discard whatever you wore to bed.

Love, Mom.'

Katie looked at her bedside clock. It was 10:23am. Just over half an hour until her family returned. She looked down at her panties. Discarding them was not in the least bit appealing to her, and really if she wore them it's not like anybody would know.


There was a rather large wet spot on them, from where she had been dreaming. She shifted her thighs, and the cold, sticky patch felt uncomfortable against her skin. She sighed.

"I can always come back for them once I've opened my presents..."

Reluctantly Katie slipped off her panties, and placed them on top of her bedside table along with her socks. Hiding behind the door, she cautiously opened it and poked her head into the hallway.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

There was no response.

Covering herself with her hands, Katie crept out into the hallway. She moved slowly, as nervous as a deer in a wolf's den, her ears straining to hear even the slightest hint that she was not alone. She didn't hear anything, but that didn't make her any more comfortable. She reached the top of the stairs, and slowly began to descend.

The ground floor of the house was dark. Katie breathed a sigh of relief as she realised all of the curtains had been drawn - but she didn't allow herself to relax. She knew her family too well. She crept into the living room and, temporarily ignoring the gifts piled up on the floor, she did a quick survey of the room. There was nobody hiding behind the curtains; nobody crouching behind the couch. It seemed as though she truly was alone.

She knelt beside her presents and quickly began to unwrap them. She received some books, some CDs, even a videogame, but she was only interested in the clothes.

If she had been wise, however, she would have also been interested in the time. Her caution meant that she'd been a lot slower than she realised, and her family entered the front door before she had a chance to retrieve her panties.

By then she was wearing all the clothes she had received, which were:

Nothing at all

A sexy dress, knee-high socks, a pair of high heels

A thigh-length sporting jersey

A mini-skirt

A tank top

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