
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:49, 23 September 2012 by Fusdovyol (Talk | contribs)
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You are related to Kankuro, so you are a puppetmaster. Your katana is tempered steel. Puppetmasters are usually sand ninja, but you left for the Hidden Leaf a couple years ago with your signature puppets that you made, Fallen Angel and Risen Demon. Your sister, however, stayed in the hidden sand. You carry them in a large scroll with several other puppets' summoning marks on it. At first, no one trusts you because you are a puppetmaster. This isn't helped by your seemingly overenthusiastic enthusiam during your sparring sessions. Kakashi decides to test your team's skill in battle with the bell test, except he has 3 bells instead of 2.

"Okay, genin, this is the bell test. The rules are simple, survive, and get these bells."

"But there are only 3 of them, and 4 of us" Sasuke observes. "Good, Sasuke, of course, what else could I expect from an Uchiha? Yes, 3 bells, 4 students. After this test, it will be 3 bells, 3 students." Sasuke seems annoyed that Kakashi brought up his heritage, but says nothing. You then say, "So, whoever fails to get a bell is kicked off team 7?"

"Yep, so let's start in 3...2...1...GO!!!"

Everyone scatters in different directions, and you:

NFF/PM/Summon your puppets and charge Kakashi

NFF/PM/Scatter as well


NFF/PM/Summon your puppets and wait for Kakashi to make a move

Health 100 Equipment:


MP 100
Level Kankuro?
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