CrazySweater Forums

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CrazySweater Forums
Root Admin King SweaterHead
Launch Date September 17, 2006
Type Community Site
Affiliations Beaverhousin Forums
Games by PenguinLord
Number of Members 31, 51, 19, and 26 as of August 4, 2008.

The CrazySweater Forums is the personal website of King SweaterHead. Originally ment to be a safe haven for Spammers who Failed existence everywhere, it is pretty much a generic forum. But with Spam.

The website has been "destroyed" several times. It was merely just Bad Crazy'd beyond repair. Several times. The original CrazySweater Forums was closed due to an overdose of something called "diaper purn" and dupes by Reaper. The second one suffered the same fate, but by Chi-Chi. Rather than closing it, it's URL was simply changed unsuccessfully several times. The final failed attempt suffered the EXACT SAME FUCKING FATE except by Chi-Chi's dupe account Pridak of the Underworld. Then Mr. Roll Log had THE NERVE to create RidersRealm using ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. Thus the attempt failed.

Because of the constant changes, most of the members of the preceding incarnations chose not to return to the newer ones. The current incarnation will not be replaced until King SweaterHead becomes Good at Stuff

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