Random Chat Session Gun

From Crazysweater

Random Chat Session Gun
Creator Toast
Company Greater Beings
Legal Availablity Make Mr. Roll Log vomit.
Application Death
Peripherals Giant Robo Norris
Whack a Mole
Rubix Cube
Squeaky Hammer

Long ago, a weapon was created by the Greater Beings, given to the Great Beings, who then used it to make war with the Great Spirits so the weapon was hidden away, dormant within the DNA of Mr. Roll Log, awaiting the day when somebody threatens the universe with a recording of Ben Stein reading The Bible, The Dictionary, or some other really long book.

The Weapon's true name was lost over millenia, and thus was named after the occasion of its Modern rediscovery.

The gun is only accessible by placing the Chuck Norris Gun into an oddly shaped hole in the wall of the CrazySweater Forum, playing RCS Whack a Mole, winning 50,000,000,000,000 tickets, giving them to a guy behind a counter and spending them on a hammer, smashing open a glass box in the Original CrazySweater Forum box (that can only be broken with that hammer), taking a key out, putting it in the CrazySweater Forum Leet Translator, going into a secret room, solving the Rubix Cube it contais, putting it into a wall in the Second CrazySweater Forum, inputting a password into the computer terminal, and bashing Mr. Roll Log over the head with the Squeaky Hammer. He will then puke out the weapon.

The RCS Gun is capable of shattering the boundaries between realities. IMAGINE what it can do to simple birds.

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