April Fools Day Party

From Club Penguin

During March 30th through April 2nd, Club Penguin hosted an April Fool's day party.


Some of the festivities included changes to over half of the rooms in Club Penguin, but were not permanent, and was there for the whole party. Some includes the ability to walk on the walls of the Dojo, others included socks instead of flags on the Snow Forts and the dance floor as an animated retro-style game of Pong. They even replaced the goals in the Ice Rink and replaced the puck with a lava lamp.

Then in the Newspaper, they had a contest where you guessed how many changes there were made. This number is rumored to be numbered 14. Then out of everyone who got the question right, they were put in to a drawing for 5,000 coins.

Last of all, in the Plaza they had a box giving away Propellor Caps and was in the colors red and white. Its special dance was to fly when you wore it, and danced with it.

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