Akito Wanijima

From Clairbourn

Info page for:

Akito Wanijima
Basic Info

Age: 15
Year: sophomore
Birthplace: TBD
Family: brother Kaito (separated), cousin Shima
Height/Weight: TBD
Birthday: TBD
Hobbies: rollerblading
Likes: proverbs, birds, Song of the Wind in the Trees, strawberry milkshakes
Dislikes: TBD
Theme Song: Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become


Raised by his elder brother Kaito for most of his life, Akito is a bright young boy with a bubbly, sweet personality and one of the friendliest people you might ever meet. He loves birds almost as much as he loves quippy old proverbs. From a very young age he quickly became skilled in extreme rollerblading. It was the closest he could get to flying. Several years ago, however, things at home took a somewhat dark turn. It began with Akito's brother Kaito, a police officer, severely restricting the boy's freedom of movement, locking him in large metal cages "for his safety." When Akito was not under house arrest or in school, he was used as bait in some of Kaito's cases. (Let's not get into detail on these.) While no physical harm ever really befell Akito, suffice it to say that psychologically, the toll was heavy.

Once Akito caught on to what was happening, he developed "Agito," a violent, bloodthirsty personality who seemed to be his polar opposite. Arrogant, rude, and delinquent, Agito took over whenever Kaito was using him. Talk about a self-defense mechanism, eh? Most of the time Akito wears an eyepatch to indicate which personality is currently dominant: he is Akito when his left eye is exposed, and Agito when his right eye is exposed. Switching between the two is often as easy as moving the eyepatch over the other eye. Despite what some may think, Agito cares deeply about Akito. He continually acted as Kaito's puppet himself out of an intense desire to protect Akito.

Recently, after a botched case, the fiasco involving Kaito's mistreatment of Akito was brought to light in his hometown. Due to this Akito was separated from Kaito and put into the care of a distant cousin, who decided he needed not only a change in homelife, but also in scenery. And so the Wanijima 'family' is starting over again in Clairbourn.

Akito retains his split personality, because someone needs to look after him and Agito's just the guy for it. And because Agito is afraid he'll disappear forever.

In-Game History


Relationships At a Glance


Player Info

Played By: Numi
AIM: Numisma I Am

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