Bealatuch Cadrosch RP

From Cheezs Wiki

1805. The Napoleonic war is raging across Europe. Peace is but a dream. Deep in the catacombs of Paris though, something is stirring.

Suddenly shortly after midnight on November 01, the citizens of Paris are shocked to see the catacomb entrances open and the dead pour out. Within days, the city's population is decimated, the majority of the few left alive sheltering in churches and other defensible locations.

Within weeks, the dead were spread throughout Europe. They simply appeared in the towns and cities, bursting from their resting places. Anywhere where the plague dead of the 17th century had been put to rest, the undead arose. The war, though never officially ended, was stopped, national and political rifts unimportant in the face of survival. Armies returned home to defend their own land against this unnatural new threat. After a couple of months, it wasn't just Europe. The entire world was afflicted.

Defenses were built around settlements. Laws were passed, jobs were created, society changed. Five years later, almost everyone lives in walled towns. Agriculture is a risky business, but vital, and even manual labourers soon get rich. When someone dies, they are bound and cremated to prevent the reanimated corpse being a threat.

During the five years of living hell, a scholar living in Oxford researched the undead. He was trying to find what created them and how it could be stopped. Recently, he learned that the cause of the undead plague lies in an ancient religion that eventually evolved into a sect of Druidism worshipping the god Bealatuch Cadrosch, The Death-Decorated One. He found information on this sect which provided much useful information. The undead were created by foul necromantic magic originating from this religion's holy places. Sending his findings to London, he caused quite a stir. Soon, people were searching for these locations. When found, they would be attacked.

Word has come of a sacred cave near the small Dorset town of Walsham. You are a member of a group of volunteers sent to investigate it and, if possible, stop the magic.




Rarity: Very common

One of the unlucky millions who died since the dead began rising. Whether they were killed by undead, man or natural causes makes no difference. Decomposition does not take place until they're re-killed, so the oldest zombies will only have grey skin, not rotten flesh. All have milky-white eyes after a week. They're slow, stupid and shambling. Their main advantage is in superior numbers.

Inhumanly strong, though they get weaker as time passes and muscles tear. Damage anywhere other than the brain does nothing. Weaknesses: Destroy the brain, destroy the threat.


Rarity: Common

A much older undead than the zombies, though with similar intelligence. These were people who died before the undead began to rise. Many are old plague victims, though other 'old' dead have become ghouls as well. They're always badly rotted, though they retain inhuman strength.

Inhumanly strong. Not even a headshot or decapitation will kill them. Weaknesses: Fire


Unknown (Existence known)

Vampires can easily pass as human. The only thing that sets them apart is their enlarged canine teeth. They feed on blood. To turn someone, they have to drain them of blood and feed them some of the blood in their body already. they are strictly nocturnal.

Inhuman strength and speed. Same level of intelligence as before death. Physical damage is regenerated. Weaknesses:
Burned by sunlight. Will not bite people wearing holy symbols. Cannot enter holy ground. Piercing the heart doesn't rekill them permanently, but it does put them into a deathlike state which lasts until the item piercing the heart is removed. The only way to permanently kill them is to burn them, either with fire or sunlight. Will become progressively weaker the longer they go without blood.


Unknown (Existence rumoured)

With apishly long arms, claws and elongated snoutlike jaws filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, they look little like the humans they once were. Their eyes glow icy blue.

Inhumanly strong and fast. Highly intelligent. Regenerate physical damage very rapidly. Cannot be killed by physical objects, only fire. Can command zombies and ghouls.

A wound given by a gold blade smeared with mistletoe will not regenerate nearly as quickly as a regular wound. Eyes render them easily detectable in darkness.


Unknown (Existence unknown)

A regular human who has been initiated into the mysteries of Bealatuch Cadrosch.

Can mingle effortlessly with the general populace. Will not be attacked by undead. Higher ranking cultists can command undead.

They're regular humans, with all the weaknesses and flaws that implies.


Militia Sgt. Obadiah Biggs

Age: 43

5'5 tall, thin wiry build. Short, scruffily cut black hair, sallow face with stubbly chin and brown eyes. Wears badly worn and scuffed old boots, brown trousers, a food-stained white shirt, a military jacket from his Army days, now more pink than red due to time and running dye, and a battered shako.

Biggs grew up in Walsham and joined the 39th (Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot. He served in the army for several years, eventually ended his term of service and left, returning to his hometown. Seven years later, the undead arose. Biggs fought to defend the town, and joined the militia the moment it was officially formed.

Weapons and equipment:

  • 1796 pattern straight bladed heavy cavalry sword
  • Pike
  • Knife
  • Copper crucifix on a leather thong around neck.

Capt. Walter Smythe

Age: 27

6'3, slim build. Blue eyes, weak chin. Wears an immaculate uniform of the 39th, somehow managing to look freshly laundered and ironed even after days of use.

The son of a wealthy local landowner, Smythe bought his commission mere months before Z-day. When the 39th was recalled, he went with it and fought to defend Walsham. He soon became a highly regarded member of the garrison.

Weapons and equipment:

  • Hellfire, a chestnut mare.
  • Crossbow
  • Pistol
  • French cavalry sabre
  • Gold crucifix on a silver chain

Minor NPCs

  • Garry, a soldier in the 39th. A tall, bald young man with a naval axe on his belt in addition to his issued weapons. Seems to be attracted to Millie.

Bio template





Weapons and equipment:

Any notes:

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