Annhialator zero

From Cb Wiki

Revision as of 17:30, 3 November 2007 by Boxchan (Talk | contribs)

How it all began =O

Annhialator Zero (or AZ) Has been on the Pokemon internet since January 2007, despite the fact most of his early teams were crap, he did (with one exception) actually listen to advice given by good raters.

Before joining CBC, AZ was a good battler, winning ~55% of battles on NetBattle, after joining CBC, his skills increased dramatically, although he rarely posts on serebiiforums (where he started), his opinion is still valued there.

Posting "who im better than" is a retarded thing to post at all nevermind on a wiki that's for the lulz, especially when you have no accurate proof and / or what you say is generally agreed against and will make you look like a gloating fool. Next time you do it, you'll get more than just an article edit.

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