The Epic - Session XV: Part 2

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[16:22] * AlastorFulcanRyst walks next to Lkeas
[16:23] AlastorFulcanRyst: So what's up with Leo?
[16:23] * Maxx quickens his pace to match Lkeas.
[16:23] Lkeas: Ryuusei speaks to him...
[16:23] Lkeas: he speaks to me as well...
[16:23] AlastorFulcanRyst: And me...
[16:23] Lkeas: he is quite powerful
[16:23] * Leo follows Lkeas, matching her pace.
[16:23] AlastorFulcanRyst: Indeed.
[16:23] * Crash begins walking again. "Let's try to keep distractions at zero this time."
[16:24] Leo: Would you mind telling me how doing this to Galrick helps The'Galin?
[16:24] Maxx: I think I already have enough voices in my head.
[16:24] Maxx: And yet they're all my own.
[16:24] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks at Maxx quizzically, "You're crazy."
[16:24] * Lkeas keeps walking
[16:25] * Maxx smirks: "'Normal' is what's crazy."
[16:25] * Leo continues to Follow Lkeas.
[16:26] * AlastorFulcanRyst smirks at Maxx, "No, I'm pretty sure it's you."
[16:26] * Maxx continues to follow Lkeas admiring her determination.
[16:26] Leo: I see. It appears you won't answer questions that will aid us...
[16:27] Leo: Is there anything I can do to get you to answer them?
[16:27] * AlastorFulcanRyst glances at Leo, "Or she just doesn't like you."
[16:27] * Lkeas regards Leo carefully
[16:27] Lkeas: be careful what you say.
[16:27] Maxx: Indeed, that sounded rather open-ended.
[16:28] * Leo frowns. "You won't even answer that question?"
[16:29] * AlastorFulcanRyst takes off his jacket, due to his warmth
[16:29] Leo: You're nothing like Diviara.
[16:29] AlastorFulcanRyst: Jeez, is it hot or is it me?
[16:29] * AlastorFulcanRyst halts
[16:29] AlastorFulcanRyst: Diviara?
[16:29] >Ambiance<: Reality ripples slightly
[16:29] *** Mode change "+v dalefanwill" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:29] * Lkeas turns to the newcomer
[16:29] Lkeas: welcome, seeker.
[16:30] dalefanwill: Um.. Hello.
[16:30] Lkeas: we are heading to Greenwich Village, care to walk with us?
[16:30] * Maxx stops and looks over: "Hmm, another."
[16:30] * AlastorFulcanRyst glances over his shoulder, "'Sup, Kid?"
[16:30] * AlastorFulcanRyst begins walking again
[16:30] * Leo waves to dalefanwill without stopping.
[16:31] * dalefanwill starts to walk along with everyone else.
[16:31] * Lkeas looks to Leo sadly
[16:31] * Maxx sees the group continue walking and turns back to keep up.
[16:31] Lkeas: Diviara...
[16:31] Leo: Yes, I miss him too.
[16:31] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks to Lkeas, "He was quite the character, wasn't he..."
[16:31] * Lkeas nods and sighs, keeping pace as best she can
[16:32] * ZLOK slips into an alley and begins to run southwards, stopping every once in a while to ask a stranger for directions.
[16:32] * Maxx continues to look cautiously as he walks with the group.
[16:33] Leo: Well, if I am assigned to you Ryuusei, would you mind telling me what you want me to do?
[16:33] * Crash looks up, realizing a new person had joined them. The person looks familiar, but Crash is too lost to recall him. He is too deep in thought to care about the person.
[16:33] * AlastorFulcanRyst stops again, looking behind him, seeing nothing
[16:33] * dalefanwill knows very little as to what the others are speaking of... So just keeps walking.
[16:33] *** Avarie has joined #epic.
[16:34] >Ambiance<: Reality ripples slightly
[16:34] *** Mode change "+v Avarie" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:34] * Lkeas blinks
[16:34] Lkeas: Avarie... you've returned
[16:34] * AlastorFulcanRyst acknowledgeds the newcomer, "Greetings"
[16:34] * Maxx looks over: "Hmm, another."
[16:34] Lkeas: walk with me
[16:34] * Avarie stumbles forward from apparently nowhere, nearly running into Lkeas.
[16:34] * Lkeas reaches out a hand to steady her
[16:35] * Avarie shakes her head in hopes of regaining her wits. "You'd think I'd be used to that by now."
[16:35] Lkeas: yeah, it's always a bit disorienting, isn't it?
[16:35] * dalefanwill says his hello, and keeps on walking. Not knowing where he's going or what he's looking for.
[16:35] AlastorFulcanRyst: I got used to it on my first.
[16:35] Lkeas: we're heading towards Greenwich Village...
[16:35] * Crash looks to see yet another person has come. "looks familiar....I really must not have died....What a shame...."
[16:36] Leo: Heck, you're not even trying to get information out of me? What kind of servant to The'Galin are you Ryuusei?
[16:36] * AlastorFulcanRyst discards his cigarette, instantly lighting up another one, placing it in his mouth
[16:36] * Lkeas looks at Leo and shakes her head
[16:36] * Avarie looks about, slightly paniced. "Ryuusei?"
[16:36] >Ambiance<: The empire state building looms above you
[16:36] AlastorFulcanRyst: Yes, Avarie, Ryuusei, he's making Leo go nuts.
[16:36] Lkeas: yes... he is here... we are trying to track Galrick
[16:36] Lkeas: but Ryuusei knows we're coming, he speaks to us..
[16:36] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks up at the Empire State Building
[16:37] Leo: No, not nuts.
[16:37] * Maxx stops momentarily and looks up.
[16:37] dalefanwill: Galrick...
[16:37] * Lkeas halts in front of the tall structure
[16:37] * AlastorFulcanRyst halts as well
[16:37] Maxx: I've never seen anything so tall.
[16:37] * Leo stops walking.
[16:37] * Avarie shudders, wrapping her arm about her.
[16:37] AlastorFulcanRyst: Something on your mind, Lkeas?
[16:37] * AlastorFulcanRyst glances at Avarie, "Are you alright?"
[16:38] Avarie: He's in my head.
[16:38] * AlastorFulcanRyst runs over to Avarie, "What's he saying?"
[16:38] Avarie: That he is here.
[16:38] Maxx: Does everyone have voices in their head?
[16:38] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks around, seeing nothing
[16:38] Maxx: "He" who?
[16:38] Lkeas: here, Avarie? in the building?
[16:38] dalefanwill: Galrick.. I'm assuming...
[16:39] * Maxx looks around cautiously.
[16:39] * Avarie shakes her head. "I'm.. not sure. I don't wish to speak with him."
[16:39] * Leo frowns. "Apparently my supperior won't answer me..."
[16:39] AlastorFulcanRyst: So i take it he's not kicking bums to the curb anymore, is he...?
[16:40] Maxx: If he's killing vagrants, that would suggest he's on street-level somewhere.
[16:41] dalefanwill: We should be cautious then, no?
[16:41] Crash: Nay. Caution will slow us down.
[16:41] Crash: We have wasted enough time.
[16:41] * Avarie can't seem to stop shaking. "A zero. He's sent me a message of a zero."
[16:41] Lkeas: a zero?
[16:42] Lkeas: what does it mean?
[16:42] * Avarie shakes her head again. "I don't know."
[16:42] Maxx: Are you sure it was a zero?
[16:42] AlastorFulcanRyst: A zero... That sounds familiar, but I'm not sure from where...
[16:43] Avarie: And then...  just a period.
[16:44] Maxx: That sounds rather odd.
[16:44] * Avarie looks at Lkeas, her eyes tearing. "I don't want him in my mind."
[16:44] *** Wes is now known as Kraken.
[16:45] * Leo looks at Avarie. "Atleast he won't be in your head permanently."
[16:45] * Avarie lets out a small cry, her voice cracking as she repeats, "Plus sign, minus sign, the number seven five five."
[16:46] * AlastorFulcanRyst puts his hand on Avarie's shoulder "He's done it to a bunch of us."
[16:46] * Lkeas looks at Avarie in alarm
[16:46] Lkeas: what did you say?
[16:46] Leo: I know those number combinations.
[16:46] *** SplinterClaw has joined #epic.
[16:46] Maxx: Now that does sound strangely familiar.
[16:46] dalefanwill: Even I have heard that one before...
[16:46] * Lkeas shakes her head
[16:46] Lkeas: come on... we're searching for Galrick, not Ryuusei
[16:46] * AlastorFulcanRyst gains a blank look on his face, then sprints away very abruptly
[16:47] Lkeas: we have to keep moving
[16:47] Leo: Yes, we have to save Galrick.
[16:47] *** Kraken is now known as Wes.
[16:47] Maxx: But the new lady with the voice in her head said "he" was here.
[16:47] * Lkeas begins walking again, heading further south
[16:48] Lkeas: we don't want to find "him."
[16:48] * Leo runs after Lkeas. "Hey, wait up!"
[16:48] Maxx: Okay.
[16:48] * AlastorFulcanRyst catches up with the group, paper in hand, with the very same sequence Avarie repeated on it, written in pencil
[16:48] * Maxx starts to walk south following Lkeas.
[16:48] dalefanwill: Leo... You speak as if you are sure Galrick can be saved...
[16:48] * Avarie follows after on unsteady legs.
[16:48] Leo: I'm sure he can.
[16:49] * AlastorFulcanRyst holds up the paper, out of breath
[16:49] Leo: He may kill you in the process though.
[16:49] AlastorFulcanRyst: Lkeas... Wrote it down... exactly like... Avarie said...
[16:49] dalefanwill: A scary thought indeed.
[16:49] * Lkeas takes the paper from Alastor
[16:49] * dalefanwill runs to catch up with the others.
[16:49] AlastorFulcanRyst: I needed... A pencil... heheh...
[16:50] *** Zeltan has joined #epic.
[16:50] * Maxx looks around catiously as he walks.
[16:50] Lkeas: plus, minus, 755?
[16:50] *** Mode change "+v SplinterClaw" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:50] *** Mode change "+v Wes" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:50] AlastorFulcanRyst: Very much so...
[16:50] *** Mode change "-v Wes" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:50] *** Mode change "+v Zeltan" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:50] *** Mode change "-v AlastorFulcanRyst" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[16:50] * Zeltan reappeared
[16:51] Zeltan: What? How?
[16:51] * AlastorFulcanRyst vanishes even as Zeltan appears
[16:51] * SplinterClaw appears still holding the cigarette
[16:51] SplinterClaw: "What?"
[16:51] Leo: Good, we only have room for one servant of The'Galin.
[16:51] dalefanwill: Heh...
[16:52] Crash: Sounds like some one is a bit greedy.
[16:52] * Lkeas keeps walking
[16:52] Maxx: Or jealous.
[16:52] >Ambiance<: Ahead you see ZLOK sitting on a city bench near a stretch of green
[16:53] * Maxx smirks.
[16:53] * Lkeas looks at ZLOK, confused
[16:53] Lkeas: how did you get here?
[16:53] Maxx: Now, how did he get ahead of us?
[16:53] ZLOK: Shush, not now. Counting leaves.
[16:53] * Zeltan approaches the group
[16:53] dalefanwill: Hm..
[16:53] Lkeas: hmm.
[16:53] dalefanwill: How very.. Mysterious..
[16:53] Lkeas: could you teach me that trick? walking seems to take a long time, and i don't think busses take credit cards
[16:54] Crash: So....we a circle?
[16:54] Maxx: Credit card?
[16:54] Zeltan: No cash on you Lkeas ?
[16:54] * Lkeas pulls out her card from Matthew Johansen
[16:54] Maxx: Taxis take credit cards now, don't they?
[16:54] dalefanwill: I do not believe they do.
[16:54] Lkeas: do you think we'd all fit in a taxi, Maxx? we're quite a large group
[16:55] SplinterClaw: "Agreed:
[16:55] * dalefanwill chuckles
[16:55] dalefanwill: Indeed we are.
[16:55] Crash: Nonesense.
[16:55] * Avarie 's shaking begins to subside and her tears slow as time passes with no further messages.
[16:55] * Maxx shrugs.
[16:55] ZLOK: Two hundred fifty five thousand, secenhundred and thirty three. on those trees over there.
[16:55] Crash: I've seen it done with 40 people in a small van.
[16:55] Crash: We could do a taxi.
[16:55] * ZLOK looks at Lkeas.
[16:55] ZLOK: Now did you find anything at all, or are we still nonsense?
[16:55] Lkeas: well... apparently Ryuusei is hanging out in the Empire State Building
[16:55] Maxx: Saw the Empire State Building.
[16:56] * Avarie yelps and bites her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. "He toys with me."
[16:56] Lkeas: and mentioned something about a trinity
[16:56] * ZLOK points at the empire state building.
[16:56] ZLOK: That thing you just went past?
[16:56] Lkeas: yes, that.
[16:56] * Zeltan looks towards the building
[16:56] ZLOK: Why'd you pass it?
[16:56] SplinterClaw: "Why don't we go there now?"
[16:56] Lkeas: um, because we don't want to find him? we want to find Galrick
[16:56] Lkeas: we're heading towards Greenwich Village
[16:56] Lkeas: it's further south
[16:57] * Avarie begins to shake all the harder, fists clenched so tight her nails dig into her palms.
[16:57] ZLOK: I thought this was Greenwich village?
[16:57] * ZLOK looks around.
[16:57] Lkeas: is it, now?
[16:57] * Lkeas looks worriedly at Avarie
[16:57] Lkeas: what is he saying?
[16:57] ZLOK: Is she another beacon of terror?
[16:58] Zeltan: Avarie, you alright?
[16:58] Maxx: Apparently, everyone is around here ZLOK.
[16:58] ZLOK: Oh, me too?
[16:58] * Avarie shakes her head. "Nothing... of importance. He is playing a game. He... likes me to know he's still there."
[16:58] Falerin: ((What you see
[16:59] * ZLOK looks at Lkeas.
[16:59] *** The_Crash has joined #epic.
[16:59] * Maxx looks around: "Nice place."
[16:59] *** Crash has signed off IRC ([] Local kill by Falerin (GHOST)).
[17:00] ZLOK: Miss prophet, am I as bad as everyone else? Do I make as little sense as everyone around me? Am I as unsafe as this entire entourage?
[17:00] *** Mode change "+v The_Crash" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[17:00] *** The_Crash is now known as Crash.
[17:00] Lkeas: bad? that's relative
[17:01] * Lkeas looks around the square for signs of movement
[17:01] * Maxx walks over to the central fountain.
[17:01] * Avarie , as the procession has stopped, sinks to the ground, holding her head in her hands.
[17:01] * dalefanwill moves about so as to startle Lkeas.
[17:01] ZLOK: You're gonna comfort her?
[17:01] ZLOK: Or should I?
[17:01] *** Lex has joined #epic.
[17:01] * Lkeas kneels next to Avarie and places an arm around her shoulders
[17:01] Leo: This is getting us no where.
[17:01] *** Mode change "+v Lex" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[17:02] *** Lex has left #epic.
[17:02] Lkeas: shh... it's alright... words can't hurt you..
[17:02] * ZLOK nods at Lkeas.
[17:02] * Lkeas looks up at Leo
[17:02] Crash: They can. If you let them, that is.
[17:02] dalefanwill: There.. you are wrong, Lkeas.
[17:02] Lkeas: Washington Square Park... we've apparently arrived
[17:02] Lkeas: keep watch for our Seeker
[17:02] ZLOK: So I was right. This is Greenwich.
[17:02] * Maxx looks closer at the fountain.
[17:02] ZLOK: Anything I can do for the wee one?
[17:03] * ZLOK looks at Avarie.
[17:03] * Avarie continues to shake, her tears flowing freely. "I cannot forget the last time he touched my mind."
[17:03] dalefanwill: He is no longer the Seeker we once knew, Lkeas.
[17:03] Maxx: Hey, the rim looks rather red.
[17:03] * Leo looks at Lkeas. "I'm no longer interested in finding Galrick, my train of thought has changed."
[17:03] * Lkeas frowns
[17:03] Lkeas: nevertheless, that is why we came here
[17:04] Maxx: And, there's a feather on the ground.
[17:04] * Avarie screams, her fingers diging into her hair.
[17:04] * dalefanwill reminds Lkeas that that does not mean he cannot be saved.
[17:04] Leo: I'm more interested in finding Ryuusei.
[17:04] * SplinterClaw suddenly vanishes
[17:04] * Lkeas looks the same direction as Maxx
[17:04] *** SplinterClaw has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[17:04] * Zeltan approaches the fountain
[17:04] Lkeas: a feather?
[17:04] * dalefanwill quickly turns his attention to Avarie.
[17:04] Maxx: It's rather purplish.
[17:04] * Lkeas walks towards the fountain as well
[17:04] Zeltan: That..looks familiar somehow
[17:04] Zeltan: Yet, i cannot recall where i've seen it
[17:05] * Avarie tills back her head and screams at the sky, "Leave me alone!"
[17:05] dalefanwill: Galrick... He taunts us so...
[17:05] * Leo walks closer to Lkeas.
[17:05] Maxx: Although I'm not good with colors it's almost lavender.
[17:05] * ZLOK kneels besides Avarie and puts a hand on her shoulder.
[17:06] Maxx: Does this red stuff look like blood to anyone else?
[17:06] * ZLOK jerks his head up and looks at Maxx.
[17:06] * Zeltan examines the red stuff
[17:06] * Maxx runs his finger across the rim to test the consistancy.
[17:06] >Ambiance<: the liquid Thick and stick and has gelatinized
[17:07] >Ambiance<: the feather looks like this

[17:07] * Avarie whispers quietly, as she stares at her hands, covered in her own blood, her nails having punctured the skin. "What price? What cost?"
[17:07] * ZLOK then looks around to certify it is not dangerous.
[17:07] * ZLOK turns his attention back to Avarie.
[17:07] Zeltan: May I see the feather?
[17:07] * ZLOK looks at Lkeas.
[17:07] ZLOK: Anyone got a tissue or something?
[17:08] * Avarie shakes her head slowly, her eyes never leaving the blood. "Too much... too high..."
[17:08] * dalefanwill looks at Avarie.. Eyes filled with Concern..
[17:08] * Lkeas looks away from the fountain for a moment
[17:08] Lkeas: what is he doing to her...
[17:08] * Maxx continues to look around the fountain.
[17:08] * Zeltan hands ZLOK a packet of tissue
[17:08] Zeltan: That's my last one.
[17:08] * Avarie wimpers.
[17:08] * ZLOK carefully daubs the blood from Avarie's head.
[17:09] Maxx: But, where did the blood come from?
[17:09] ZLOK: Her nails punctured her skin.
[17:09] Maxx: No, on the fountain.
[17:09] * Leo looks at Avarie. "What is he doing to you? If he is offering something... donnot accept it."
[17:09] Zeltan: Fountain?
[17:09] Lkeas: it appears to belong to the owner of this feather...
[17:09] * Avarie gasps, her eyes filling with tears. "What... will you do with me?"
[17:09] * Lkeas stoops to pick it up
[17:10] * Lkeas lifts her head, becoming more and more worried
[17:10] Zeltan: Looking at the size of this must belong to something big
[17:10] dalefanwill: Indeed.
[17:10] Lkeas: Avarie...
[17:11] Leo: Ryuusei, I demand to know what you're doing to Avarie!
[17:11] * Avarie whispers quietly. "I must know... what you will do."
[17:11] * Maxx continues to explore heading over to the Arch.
[17:11] * Zeltan continues to examine the blood with great intrest
[17:12] * ZLOK releases the bloodied tissue and tosses the box at Zeltan. He then puts his hand back on Avarie's shoulder.
[17:12] dalefanwill: So.. it would appear Galrick isn't as mighty as he would lead us to believe he is then...
[17:13] * Avarie gasps and moans softly.
[17:13] * Lkeas stands and scans the length of the square, keeping watch
[17:13] * Crash watches the others from a distnace, falling in and out of memories, wondering when he will be gifted with death again.
[17:13] * Leo walks over to Avarie and attempts to hug her. "What is wrong with you?"
[17:14] * Maxx walks around the Arch looking cautiously around for whatever belonged to the feather.
[17:15] * Avarie mutters softly, then her voice rising in power as she continues, her eyes finally focussing, "No. I know the nature of the game. You would not offer the deal if our side would gain. You seek this. We don't."
[17:15] * Lkeas turns to Avarie
[17:15] Lkeas: what is this deal?
[17:15] Leo: What?
[17:15] * Maxx looks over at the shouting and walks back to the group.
[17:15] Zeltan: The owner of the feather was here not too long ago.
[17:16] * Avarie growls, then deflates.
[17:16] * Leo walks backwards, moving slowly away from Avarie.
[17:16] dalefanwill: It would appear he has possessed her...
[17:16] * Zeltan hears the commotion and rushed back to the group
[17:16] * Lkeas watches, her eyes widening
[17:17] Lkeas: Avarie?
[17:17] Zeltan: What is going on ?
[17:17] * Avarie sobs softly.
[17:17] dalefanwill: She's been possesed by Galrick.. or so it would seem.
[17:17] * ZLOK keeps his hand on her shoulder in what he hopes will be silent comfort.
[17:17] Lkeas: no... not Galrick
[17:17] dalefanwill: Ryuusei then?
[17:17] Lkeas: but where is he...
[17:17] Zeltan: Be careful ZLOK
[17:17] *** Mode change "+v AlastorFulcanRyst" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[17:17] Maxx: How many heads is this Ryuusei guy in?
[17:18] * Avarie shakes her head. "I am myself... for better or worse. But... now I fear I might have cost us greatly."
[17:18] * ZLOK ignores Zeltan.
[17:18] Leo: The'Galin, Ryuusei, anyone who can answer me, tell me what's happening to Avarie!
[17:18] Lkeas: what happened? how have you done anything?
[17:18] Maxx: What is this?  What deal?
[17:19] * ZLOK growls a "relax" at people.
[17:19] * Avarie remains shaken, speaking quietly. "He wanted my life and soul. He said he would spare the rest of you further misery... and that he would release Galrick."
[17:20] * Leo frowns. "Please don't tell me... that you accepted!"
[17:20] Lkeas: no...
[17:20] ZLOK: How many kinds of daft are you?
[17:21] * Avarie swallows visibly. "I refused." She then shakes her head another time. "He swore to tell Galrick. Tell him that he had been abandoned."
[17:21] * Leo smiles. "Good, I doubt you would gotten what you wanted."
[17:21] Maxx: Typically an empty promise when one wants your soul.
[17:21] dalefanwill: Or, with that, she doomed us all.
[17:21] * Lkeas frowns and looks towards the ground
[17:22] * Avarie smiles extremely shakily at Lkeas. "I know better than to enter deals for such a high price without a lawyer-like contract."
[17:22] Lkeas: he speaks...
[17:23] Lkeas: my life...
[17:23] * Lkeas kneels on the ground
[17:23] Leo: Lkeas...
[17:23] * Avarie shakes her head. "Lkeas, do not listen. I beg you, do not listen."
[17:23] * Zeltan stared at Lkeas
[17:23] Maxx: Is he wagering the same deal, Lkeas?
[17:23] Leo: If you accept that... I will...
[17:23] Lkeas: his Soul... for my life...
[17:23] Zeltan: don't be rash Lkeas
[17:23] * Avarie slowly crawls over to Lkeas, wrapping her in a tight hug.
[17:24] * ZLOK sighs. I cannot tend two people at once.
[17:24] Leo: Lkeas, you cannot do that.
[17:24] Leo: Remain strong.
[17:24] Maxx: Remember it is empty.
[17:24] * Avarie whispers insistently in her ear, "They do not offer what they can not afford to lose. They deal and hope to gain."
[17:24] dalefanwill: What if it isn't, Maxx?
[17:24] Maxx: Just an empty promise.
[17:25] dalefanwill: What if he does free Galrick, and we refuse?
[17:25] Leo: Grr, I demand to know what you're doing!
[17:26] Lkeas: no....
[17:26] Lkeas: what have i done...
[17:26] * Avarie continues her insistant tone, "Their deal has too many loop holes. It will not mean what it seems. You must refuse."
[17:26] * ZLOK puts a hand on Lkeas' shoulder.
[17:26] Leo: No... you didn't?!?
[17:26] Zeltan: Please say you refused the deal
[17:26] Lkeas: Galrick is lost...
[17:26] Lkeas: he says... there will be no Salvation for him...
[17:27] Leo: And you believe him?
[17:27] dalefanwill: It is not your fault Lkeas.
[17:27] * Lkeas places her head in her hands
[17:27] Lkeas: what have i done...
[17:27] dalefanwill: This fate was his from the moment they got ahold of him.
[17:27] dalefanwill: Do not place the blame upon yourself.
[17:27] * Leo moves over Lkeas and starts rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her.
[17:27] Lkeas: it is true... i am selfish...
[17:27] >Ambiance<: a Four Pronged greenish lightning bolt appears
[17:27] ZLOK: No.
[17:27] ZLOK: You are saner than I had hoped.
[17:27] * Avarie moves to look Lkeas in the eyes, then her gaze hardens. "Like hell there won't. I haven't gone through everything just to falter now."
[17:28] Leo: You aren't seflish.
[17:28] * Zeltan look around
[17:28] Lkeas: i could have saved him..
[17:28] Lkeas: what worth is my life compared to his Soul..
[17:28] Maxx: Green lightning?
[17:28] * Avarie shakes her head. "None of those deals would have."
[17:28] * ZLOK arises and faces the bolts.
[17:28] Lkeas: he will kill again soon, and the transformation will be complete.
[17:28] * Zeltan falls to the ground
[17:28] Lkeas: there will be blood...
[17:29] * Lkeas stands
[17:29] * Avarie stands, a new deturmined look in her eyes. "Then we better do something quickly."
[17:29] * Leo frowns. "If only I had another soul to give..."
[17:29] Lkeas: there will be blood...
[17:29] * Hadin steps out of the ligning bolt
[17:29] Zeltan: We...must find him and stop him
[17:29] Crash: Agreed.
[17:29] * Lkeas notices the green glowing light for the first time and turns towards it
[17:29] Lkeas: Hadin... my friend...
[17:29] ZLOK: Friend is good...
[17:29] * Lkeas rushes towards the Artificer and embraces him
[17:29] Hadin: "Well...that was an interesting experience.  What has happened since I lost contect, hmm?"
[17:29] * ZLOK relaxs and turns to Avarie again.
[17:29] * Leo sits down on the ground.
[17:30] * Hadin is taken aback by Lkeas' sudden embrace. "Whoa now lass, no need for that..."
[17:30] Lkeas: oh Hadin... i couldn't help it, i couldn't do it...
[17:30] Lkeas: i've failed us all in our task..
[17:30] Leo: I'm not moving until you talk to me again, Ryuusei.
[17:30] Maxx: Hey, that's the guy we were carrying.
[17:30] Lkeas: how can we possibly save Galrick now... i've doomed him
[17:30] Zeltan: There is no other choice Lkeas
[17:30] Maxx: They must have good doctors here.
[17:31] Hadin: "Hush, lass, hush.  Its okay."
[17:31] Zeltan: Indeed
[17:31] * Avarie shakes her head. "You can not know that. However, if you give into the fear that he wishes, then we have for sure."
[17:31] Hadin: "Ah...he speaks again..."
[17:31] Lkeas: i wish there was a way to let Galrick know...
[17:31] Leo: I'm afraid that I cannot help you Lkeas.
[17:31] ZLOK: Ok, this has gone insane again. And it appears my services are no longer needed.
[17:31] Leo: You must help yourself.
[17:31] Lkeas: that we still care, that we have not abandoned him...
[17:32] * ZLOK rises from Avarie and takes a few strides and places himself casually on the bench.
[17:32] * Lkeas frowns
[17:32] Hadin: "My life and soul...for all of your safety and that of Galrick's...and transport for you all to Falerin and Caliban, hmm?
[17:32] Lkeas: no...
[17:33] Lkeas: not you too!
[17:33] Zeltan: Decline it Hadin
[17:33] Lkeas: i won't let you do it, Hadin
[17:33] * AlastorFulcanRyst walks toward the group
[17:33] * Avarie shakes her head. "It would be transport to Immotot, with a possibly homocidal Galrick."
[17:33] Lkeas: i know what you're thinking... but the deal is too good to be true...
[17:33] * AlastorFulcanRyst nods at Hadin, "Hadin."
[17:33] Leo: It's a very tempting offer.
[17:33] Crash: Can I make the sacrifice?
[17:33] Zeltan: TOO tempting don't you think
[17:33] Crash: I mean, I get to die like I wish and you all live.
[17:34] Zeltan: Your soul will be his
[17:34] dalefanwill: It may seem.. too good to be true, but I still think he should accept.
[17:34] Lkeas: think of Talo-Toecan, Artificer...
[17:34] Leo: Nope, Hadin should accept the offer.
[17:34] Lkeas: your little Artifice awaits your return..
[17:34] ZLOK: Noone said anything about dying. I imagine it'd be like indentured servitude.
[17:34] * AlastorFulcanRyst walks in front of Leo and looks him in the eye
[17:34] AlastorFulcanRyst: Shut...
[17:34] ZLOK: You do exactly s he wants you to, and if not, he'd flog you.
[17:34] * AlastorFulcanRyst walks awaay
[17:34] AlastorFulcanRyst: It's not worth it...
[17:34] Maxx: A third offer.  No this does not bode well.
[17:35] Leo: How rude.
[17:35] Leo: You should accept my supperior's offer to you Hadin, you know you want to.
[17:35] dalefanwill: I believe he should as well.
[17:36] * AlastorFulcanRyst crouches on the ground, "Yeah, Hadin, you should..."
[17:36] dalefanwill: Not for the fact I follow The'Galin.
[17:36] dalefanwill: But just because it seems to good to be true, doesn't mean it is.
[17:36] AlastorFulcanRyst: I aparently serve The`Galin as well, so why bother resisting.
[17:37] * Leo stands up and walks over to Alastor "Snap out of it!" slaps Alastor.
[17:37] ZLOK: Because you are totally uncool, and I don't want to be as uncool?
[17:37] * AlastorFulcanRyst stands up, and looks at Leo
[17:37] * Avarie walks over to Hadin, and places a hand on his shoulder. "The deals have more holes in them than swiss cheese. They will bend them to their wishes."
[17:37] AlastorFulcanRyst: Don't. Touch. Me.
[17:37] * Lkeas nods with Avarie, though the color is still drained from her face
[17:37] *** Hadin has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:37] Leo: I'll touch you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
[17:38] * Maxx turns to Leo and Alastor: " Cool it you two."
[17:38] AlastorFulcanRyst: Want to be?
[17:38] Zeltan: Stop it
[17:38] AlastorFulcanRyst: *Bet
[17:38] Lkeas: Ryuusei said something to me, Avarie...
[17:38] * AlastorFulcanRyst closes his hand into a fist
[17:38] Lkeas: he said, "The Keystone is set in place"
[17:38] Lkeas: "The Alembic is readied"
[17:38] * Avarie shakes her head. "I don't understand."
[17:38] *** Hadin has joined #epic.
[17:38] Maxx: A keystone and an alembic?
[17:39] Lkeas: i have heard the word Alembic before to describe someone...
[17:39] AlastorFulcanRyst: Who?
[17:39] * Hadin harumphs and pats Lkeas on the shoulder lightly.
[17:39] Hadin: I will die soon enough, but my soul will be free and my secrets go with me.
[17:39] Hadin: "I am no doddering old fool, for too much was there, and I know what secrets I have would serve them far greater."
[17:39] * Leo points to Alastor "You shall redeem yourself, you will not serve The'Galin! That is my rightful place!"
[17:39] *** Mode change "+v Hadin" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[17:39] * AlastorFulcanRyst chuckles
[17:39] AlastorFulcanRyst: A little jealous, are we?
[17:40] * Lkeas sighs in relief
[17:40] Zeltan: Oh bother..
[17:40] Lkeas: you did not accept
[17:40] Leo: Nope, I've finnaly found something I can take pride in.
[17:40] * Avarie smiles genuinely at Hadin. "Doddering old fool? You are perhaps the wisest of us."
[17:40] Lkeas: his offer to you made me pause
[17:40] * Hadin leans to whisper to Lkeas. "Talo-Toecan knows well that my return is most unlikely, but I will not waste what moments I have left."
[17:40] Lkeas: for Ryuusei had made it seem as though my decision was the final blow
[17:41] Lkeas: that all was lost because of my refusal..
[17:41] Lkeas: perhaps it was not, then...
[17:41] Lkeas: and perhaps yours is not either...
[17:41] * AlastorFulcanRyst chuckles "Pride? You take pride in that? You're stupid."
[17:41] Maxx: Of course he would, Lkeas.
[17:41] Crash: Insults will get us nowehere.
[17:41] Avarie: My messages had a similar theme, Lkeas.
[17:41] Zeltan: Will you two knock it off
[17:42] AlastorFulcanRyst: Hmmph, indeed, Zeltan, why bother with someone so hopeless as him.
[17:42] * Lkeas places one hand on avarie's shoulder and keeps the other on Hadin's
[17:42] Lkeas: we shall not give up Hope.
[17:42] Leo: Good to hear, Lkeas.
[17:42] *** LordBarrius has joined #epic.
[17:42] Hadin: "He acts in a most oppresive and dominating manner, does he not?  I believe there are quite a few sayings of what happens under a tyrant's reign."
[17:43] * Avarie shows a glimmer of a smile. "And the beast shall not rule us."
[17:43] Zeltan: Well said
[17:43] Lkeas: indeed. tyrant is perhaps a most fitting title for him.
[17:43] * AlastorFulcanRyst lights himself up a smoke
[17:43] * KingK sighs
[17:44] KingK: rediculous
[17:44] * Hadin wraps his arm about Lkeas warmly...though using her for some support nonetheless...before adding in. "I think 'Defiant to the Last' is appropriate for us few as well, for we face quite a large amount of adversity."
[17:44] * Lkeas nods in agreement
[17:44] Lkeas: and it will not be the last time we are tested, i'm sure..
[17:45] * Leo smiles. "This is very nice to hear."
[17:45] * Lkeas turns to ZLOK, who is sitting off from the crowd
[17:45] * Lkeas walks over to him
[17:45] Lkeas: thank you.
[17:45] Hadin: "Most assuredly for you all, but maybe not for myself.  The sand falls through the hourglass whether I want it to or not."
[17:45] Lkeas: for your help with me and Avarie
[17:45] ZLOK: For?
[17:45] ZLOK: Oh, you're welcome.
[17:45] Avarie: Yes, my thanks.
[17:45] ZLOK: I try to be a good guy, every now and then.
[17:46] Lkeas: even in the midst of my turmoil i felt your strength and comfort..
[17:46] * Maxx realizes the commotion is over and returns to searching the rest of the park.
[17:46] Hadin: "Glad to hear that someone with a cool head stuck about in my absence."
[17:46] * Lkeas smiles back at Hadin
[17:46] * ZLOK smiles.
[17:46] * Crash takes a seat, he has lost all sense of where he is, and has trapped himself in another war memory.
[17:46] ZLOK: You're too generous.
[17:46] Lkeas: now don't go thinking you've been replaced, Artificer
[17:46] * ZLOK stretches.
[17:46] Lkeas: we still need the doddering old fool yet
[17:46] ZLOK: All in a good days work.
[17:46] * ZLOK winks at Lkeas.
[17:46] * Avarie snorts in amusement.
[17:46] * Lkeas grins
[17:47] Hadin: "Oh...and before I time I see Wes remind me to crack his skull.  The bastard sold me out for power."
[17:47] * AlastorFulcanRyst smirks, exhalin smoke in the general direction of Leo
[17:47] Lkeas: hmm.  where is the little traitor anyway...
[17:47] Zeltan: Missing and hiding i presume
[17:47] KingK: i knew it was him for awhile but wasnt sure....
[17:47] Lkeas: and where did he take you?
[17:47] * Leo begins walking in a southern direction.
[17:47] * ZLOK looks after Leo.
[17:48] ZLOK: What's up with him?
[17:48] Hadin: "A realm of shadow, mist, and cobweb.  That's all I know."
[17:48] * Leo stops.
[17:48] * Lkeas follows ZLOK's gaze
[17:48] Lkeas: not sure...
[17:48] * KingK sighs
[17:48] * KingK looks at lkeas
[17:48] * KingK's eyes glow a sickly green and his skin turns ashen white

[17:48] * Maxx starts looking around a couple of the statues.
[17:49] * Zeltan steps away from KingK
[17:49] *** Mode change "-v KingK" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[17:49] * Avarie 's eyes widen in alarm upon seeing KingK.
[17:49] * Lkeas backs away from KingK quickly
[17:49] Lkeas: what in the world...
[17:49] * dalefanwill stares in alarm at KingK.
[17:49] * Leo smiles "I never liked him."
[17:49] Zeltan: Whay's going on ?
[17:49] * ZLOK looks at KingK, and springs to his feet.
[17:49] * Hadin steps between KingK and Lkeas, his smile waning slightly. "Now then lad...I'd not do anything rash."
[17:49] ZLOK: He took the bait, I presume.
[17:49] * AlastorFulcanRyst coughs up blood
[17:49] * Maxx looks up at KingK: "What the. . .?"
[17:50] AlastorFulcanRyst: Ahem! Excuse me...
[17:50] KingK: "Galrick can be found at The intersection of West 4th and West 12th Streets "
[17:50] Hadin: "Possibly so, ZLOK.  Be on your guard."
[17:50] KingK: "He will be dangerous....."
[17:50] Leo: We best be heading in that direction then.
[17:50] * Lkeas squints her eyes and watches KingK intently
[17:50] ZLOK: What do I look like? A meat popsicle? I'm as alert as a dog of war.
[17:50] KingK: "I have accepted"
[17:50] Zeltan: What ?
[17:50] * KingK vanishes
[17:50] Lkeas: no...
[17:50] dalefanwill: Traitor...
[17:50] * Avarie curses loudly.
[17:50] Leo: Good good.
[17:51] * AlastorFulcanRyst claps
[17:51] * ZLOK sighs.
[17:51] Crash: Time to go.
[17:51] * Zeltan glares at Leo
[17:51] ZLOK: Yeah, it is.
[17:51] Zeltan: Let's go
[17:51] ZLOK: Let's mosey.
[17:51] * Hadin chuckles at ZLOK's jest, though it does not last but a moment. "Ill tidings indeed."
[17:51] dalefanwill: At least now we can visit Galrick, though the part about him being dangerous may not bode well for us.
[17:51] * Lkeas throws her hands up in despair
[17:51] AlastorFulcanRyst: Way to go!
[17:51] Lkeas: well... let us not let KingK's decision go to waste...
[17:51] Lkeas: we'd best be off...
[17:51] * Avarie sighs and nods to Lkeas.
[17:51] * Hadin hobbles beside Lkeas as they head off.
[17:51] Leo: I agree almost completely.
[17:51] * AlastorFulcanRyst claps to Lkeas, "Well said, Lkeas, well said."
[17:52] ZLOK: Anyone know where the place he mentioned is?
[17:52] * Zeltan follows the group tightly
[17:52] * ZLOK follows close by the prophet.
[17:52] Leo: I would prefer to waste his sacrafice though.
[17:52] * AlastorFulcanRyst nods to Leo
[17:52] AlastorFulcanRyst: Me to.
[17:52] Zeltan: Look out for signs of Galrick
[17:52] Lkeas: well... if the streets are numbered sequentially, we should be able to find that intersection easily enough.
[17:53] * Maxx follows after the group.
[17:53] Zeltan: West 4th and 12th intersection
[17:53] * Leo walks closely by Lkeas.
[17:54] Crash: Where are we now?
[17:55] Zeltan: 1st Street i think
[17:55] * Zeltan looks around for signs
[17:56] Maxx: We're at the south end of 5th Ave, I believe.
[17:56] Lkeas: we're at Washington Square Park... West 4th Street should be around here
[17:56] Crash: Okay, now if we could all pick one location, it would be a great help.
[17:56] Lkeas: let's follow West 4th Street, we're bound to hit 12th
[17:57] Crash: Indeed.
[17:57] AlastorFulcanRyst: Agreed.
[17:57] Zeltan: It's awfully quiet isn't it ?
[17:57] Avarie: Please, let's hurry.
[17:58] AlastorFulcanRyst: Well I'm sure I could make Leo scream if you want noice
[17:58] AlastorFulcanRyst: noise*
[17:58] * Leo shakes his head.
[17:58] * Lkeas begins walking along 4th street heading northwest
[17:58] dalefanwill: Alastor.. please, just quit messing with Leo, at least for now.
[17:58] Zeltan: Much as it would please me..i decline the offer
[17:58] * Maxx walks along behind Lkeas.
[17:58] Leo: Messing with me? I laugh at that.
[17:59] * AlastorFulcanRyst smiles, "Do I have to? He's soooo vulnerable!"
[17:59] Crash: I would like to be in front, as if anybody shall die, it should be me.
[17:59] * Crash runs to the front of the group.
[17:59] * Hadin yawns, following alongside Lkeas but uninterested in the street names. "As long as someone knows which way to go, I'm not too concerned."
[17:59] Zeltan: As you wish
[17:59] >Ambiance<: You come to the intesection. There is a Muffins and More here, and a florist
[17:59] >Ambiance<: and several other small buisnesses

[17:59] Zeltan: Ooo..muffins
[18:00] * AlastorFulcanRyst steps into a gas station and comes out with a pack of smokes
[18:00] Maxx: No muffins.
[18:00] * Lkeas halts and looks around, her stomach grumbling as she realizes she hasn't had a full meal in quite some time
[18:00] * AlastorFulcanRyst lights one and pops it in his mouth
[18:00] * Avarie looks around, searching for Galrick.
[18:00] * AlastorFulcanRyst tosses Lkeas a peice of gum
[18:00] Zeltan: Sorry, my "other" is complaining
[18:00] dalefanwill: Be weary everyone...
[18:00] * Lkeas nods to Alastor
[18:00] Lkeas: no time to eat, right..
[18:00] * AlastorFulcanRyst smirks
[18:00] Leo: No time at all.
[18:00] * Maxx looks around caustiously for something named Galrick.
[18:00] * Crash walks towards the street, wondering when it will happen.
[18:01] * Zeltan surveys his surroundings
[18:01] AlastorFulcanRyst: He's in an alley, right?
[18:01] * Leo beings to stare at his hands.
[18:01] * A man walks over to the group dressed like a Hare Krsna Devotee
[18:01] Maxx: If this thing named Galrick is killing things mindlessly, how're we supposed to make him stop?
[18:01] Hadin: "He's somewhere around here."
[18:02] Crash: Back away from that man.
[18:02] * Maxx stops to look at the man.
[18:02] * Lkeas looks at the monk curiously
[18:02] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks at the man, and gets ready to fight
[18:02] Zeltan: He'll need one kill to fully transform
[18:02] * Crash approaches the figure, keeping a buffer. "Who are you?"
[18:03] Zeltan: I suggest you step back Crash
[18:03] * AlastorFulcanRyst puts on his half-gloves, bracing himself
[18:03] * Hadin leans on his cane with both hands gripping it, marshalling what he might have in case of trouble.
[18:03] * dalefanwill steps to the back of the group
[18:03] * A man offers them a Lavender feather.
[18:03] * AlastorFulcanRyst accepts the feather
[18:03] * Maxx backs away slowly.
[18:03] * Avarie 's eyes narrow.
[18:03] Zeltan: That's the same one we found in the park
[18:03] AlastorFulcanRyst: What in the hell is this?
[18:03] Falerin: "
[18:04] Zeltan: or similar
[18:04] Crash: Should I take it?
[18:04] Lkeas: where did you get that, good sir?
[18:04] Lkeas: if i might inquire
[18:04] Man: "You seek an odd man with a laptop.. Heavily muscled.... tall.. bestial..."
[18:04] Lkeas: yes, we are
[18:04] * AlastorFulcanRyst waves the feather to Crash, "I have it."
[18:04] Zeltan: Sounds like Galrick to me
[18:04] Avarie: Please, where can we find him?
[18:04] dalefanwill: That's Galrick alright..
[18:05] * He is where your people first ever saw him in this concrete jungle
[18:05] Crash: Well, if you die, I won't mourn.
[18:05] * Hadin calms slightly.
[18:05] Man: "There you will find him"
[18:05] * Lkeas frowns
[18:05] Lkeas: isn't that where we just were?
[18:05] Avarie: Then why were we told to come here?  Who are you?
[18:05] Man: "Hare Bol!"
[18:05] * Man wanders off
[18:06] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks at the man. "Thanks."
[18:06] * Leo is still staring at his hands, unphased by the recent news.
[18:06] Crash: So, where did we first see him here?
[18:07] Zeltan: The Park ?
[18:07] Hadin: "In the park, before I was betrayed by Wes."
[18:07] Maxx: Where was that?
[18:07] Maxx: Back to Central Park?
[18:07] ZLOK: Yeah, central.
[18:07] * ZLOK sprints off heading for central park.
[18:07] Lkeas: wait...
[18:07] Zeltan: Come on, let's go
[18:07] Lkeas: wait wait wait...
[18:07] Maxx: At least I'm getting a tour of the city.
[18:07] * AlastorFulcanRyst waves the feather around, "Can I keep it?"
[18:07] * Zeltan halts
[18:07] * Maxx runs off after ZLOK.
[18:07] * Leo runs after ZLOK.
[18:07] Crash: Hadin, let that go. Wes was a trainwreck anyway. Trust an escaped convict with that judgement.
[18:07] * Crash turns and chases ZLOK.
[18:08] Lkeas: guys, we need to find the FIRST place any of us ever saw him
[18:08] * AlastorFulcanRyst sprints in the same direction as the other
[18:08] * AlastorFulcanRyst stops
[18:08] * Hadin turns to Lkeas. "They don't listen, do they?"
[18:08] * Avarie looks at Lkeas and nods.
[18:08] Lkeas: that was not the park...
[18:08] * AlastorFulcanRyst walks back to Lkeas and the others
[18:08] * Maxx stops abruptly.
[18:08] Zeltan: Not the park, then wherE?
[18:08] Lkeas: i was not there, but i remember reading about it when i was adding to my Archive...
[18:08] * Leo frowns.
[18:08] * AlastorFulcanRyst exhales smoke, and coughs out more blood
[18:08] * Maxx shouts: "Hold up!"
[18:09] * Crash stops, and turns back towards the others. "No time....Have to go now."
[18:09] * Hadin summons up a little bit of magic and tries to amplify his voice. "ZLOK, heel! Get back over here."
[18:09] Lkeas: there was a cafe...
[18:09] Leo: "Fine I'll stop." ceases running.
[18:09] * Lkeas squints her eyes trying to remember
[18:09] * Leo sits down on the ground.
[18:09] * ZLOK ignores people shouting ay him.
[18:10] Lkeas: yes, Galrick was at a Cafe somewhere in Greenwich Village
[18:10] * Leo goes back to staring at his hands.
[18:10] * dalefanwill fades to translucency
[18:10] * dalefanwill fades to transparency
[18:10] Lkeas: McDougal and Bleeker, that's it. that's where we have to go
[18:10] * dalefanwill fades to grey
[18:10] *** Mode change "-v dalefanwill" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[18:10] *** Mode change "+v LordBarrius" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[18:10] * Barrius fades in from grey
[18:10] Zeltan: Where's dalefanwill ?
[18:11] * Barrius becomes transparent
[18:11] * Avarie smiles at Lkeas. "Do we know for sure that we can trust that man?"
[18:11] * Barrius becomes translucent
[18:11] * Barrius becomes solid
[18:11] Zeltan: Err...greetings
[18:11] * Lkeas shrugs, watching Barrius solidify
[18:11] Crash: He has left us for now it seems.
[18:11] * LordBarrius frowns. "Erm, not again...."
[18:11] Lkeas: he had a lavender feather
[18:11] * Leo talks to himself softly. "I wonder what Galrick is doing now."
[18:11] Lkeas: seems to me like a callsign, wouldn't you think?
[18:11] Lkeas: i think we can trust him
[18:11] Hadin: "Is it sad that such things no longer surprise me?"  He gestures to Barrius as he says it.
[18:11] *** dalefanwill has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[18:11] * AlastorFulcanRyst waves the feather in Lkeas face, "Which I have now, just so you know."
[18:12] * Avarie frowns, then nods. "Then let us hurry."
[18:12] Zeltan: I remember the cafe's name
[18:12] Zeltan: Cafe Firago
[18:12] Zeltan: no wait
[18:12] Zeltan: Figaro
[18:12] * Hadin snatches the feather from Alastor's hand for a moment and examines it. "Curious..." He returns it perfunctorily and regards Lkeas.
[18:12] * LordBarrius chuckles. "Good to see you too, Hadin."
[18:13] Zeltan: Shall we go ?
[18:13] Maxx: Wait.  That's back near Washington Park.
[18:13] * AlastorFulcanRyst puts the feather in his jacket
[18:14] Maxx: Back where we came from.  Isn't it?
[18:14] Zeltan: Yes it is
[18:14] * Leo stands up and walks over towards Lkeas.
[18:14] * LordBarrius glances around. "So, now where are we off to?"
[18:14] Maxx: Yeah, MacDougal and Bleeker.  I saw the street signs.
[18:14] AlastorFulcanRyst: Well let's go!
[18:14] Lkeas: alright, perhaps we'd best ask for directions just to be sure?
[18:14] Zeltan: Cafe Figaro near M&B
[18:14] * AlastorFulcanRyst runs off toward Cafe Figaro
[18:15] * Lkeas looks around her for a passerby to ask
[18:15] Zeltan: Why don't we ask that old man ?
[18:15] Hadin: "Cities...I wish I was back in Lore...things are easy to find.  At least relatively so."
[18:15] * Zeltan points towards the florist
[18:15] * AlastorFulcanRyst stops, falls on his hands and knees, and coughs out more blood
[18:16] * Lkeas looks down towards Alastor
[18:16] Lkeas: are you alright?
[18:16] * LordBarrius frowns as he glances over at Alastor.
[18:16] * Crash looks at Fulcan. "That's what you get for smoking."
[18:16] * Leo turns to Alastor. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"
[18:16] * AlastorFulcanRyst wipes his mouth, "I'll be fine." Then contiunes running
[18:16] * Maxx notices everyone left and follows sprinting.
[18:17] * Lkeas looks around her
[18:17] Lkeas: how do you people know where you're going?!
[18:17] Zeltan: Mayhap they remembered?
[18:17] Hadin: "If you hadn't noticed, I'm just sticking by you, Lkeas."
[18:17] AlastorFulcanRyst: It's a city, places are easy to find, plus, I've been here before.
[18:17] * Leo looks around at everyone "Can you people please do me a favour? If I ever start acting like I did before, kill me."
[18:17] * Maxx stops.
[18:17] * Avarie looks at Lkeas and shrugs.
[18:18] Zeltan: With pleasure Leo
[18:18] * AlastorFulcanRyst shouts behind his back, "Can do, Leo!"
[18:18] * Lkeas sighs in frustration and walks into the florist shop
[18:18] Maxx: I'm sorry, I thought we were heading to the Cafe.
[18:18] Lkeas: i don't know this city. i'm asking for directions.
[18:18] * Zeltan waits outside the florist
[18:18] * Leo follows behind Lkeas, matching her steps exactly.
[18:18] * AlastorFulcanRyst shouts from far away and is barely heard, "Suit yourself!"
[18:18] * LordBarrius follows the group, still wondering what he's gotten himself into.
[18:19] AlastorFulcanRyst: Take a left here, and then go straight past the next intersection, then take a right...
[18:20] AlastorFulcanRyst: Aha!
[18:20] * AlastorFulcanRyst slows to a stop, pointing to their destination, "The Cafe Figaro."
[18:20] * Lkeas bumps into the door of the shop
[18:20] Lkeas: hmm...
[18:20] Lkeas: perhaps it's closed...
[18:21] * AlastorFulcanRyst scratches his chin
[18:21] * Lkeas turns and looks towards the Muffin shop, which appears to still be lit
[18:21] AlastorFulcanRyst: Possibly...
[18:21] * Lkeas walks towards it and tries the door
[18:21] Zeltan: I saw an old man in the shop, how can it be closed?
[18:21] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks behind him, to see if there is anybody there
[18:21] * AlastorFulcanRyst falls over the hallucinations of wandering arround known locales taking him comptletely from the real world
[18:22] >Ambiance<: the door opens
[18:22] * Lkeas walks towards the service counter
[18:22] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks around, "Wait, where the hell am I?"
[18:22] * LordBarrius shrugs and follows Lkeas inside.
[18:23] CounterPerson: What can I get for you
[18:23] * Crash walks through the door, trying to catch his breath as he does so.
[18:23] Lkeas: erm, actually, we're in need of directions
[18:23] * Avarie , waiting out in the intersection, screetches suddenly.
[18:23] * AlastorFulcanRyst runs back to find Lkeas and the others, stop many times to cough out blood
[18:23] * Zeltan enters the muffin shop
[18:23] Lkeas: we need to get to McDougal and Bleeker
[18:24] * AlastorFulcanRyst eventually finds Lkeas, panting, and walks up slowly behind her
[18:24] CounterPerson: Its back near Washington Square
[18:24] AlastorFulcanRyst: I got lost...
[18:24] * Hadin eventually hobbles into the store in order to catch Lkeas asking about the directions.
[18:24] * Avarie leans her head into the shop. "Lkeas, I'm getting messages like, 'Tick'" We need to hurry.
[18:24] CounterPerson: Bleeker St. Is the main road in the village.
[18:24] CounterPerson: Broadway being the other
[18:24] CounterPerson: You cannot miss it

[18:25] Lkeas: ok, thanks
[18:25] * Lkeas turns to Avarie
[18:25] Lkeas: yes, the same...
[18:25] * Lkeas hurries out of the shop
[18:25] * Zeltan exits the shop
[18:25] Zeltan: Shall we go ?
[18:25] Avarie: You know the way?
[18:25] * AlastorFulcanRyst follows after Lkeas, at her pace
[18:25] Maxx: Are we ready then?
[18:25] Lkeas: back to Washington Square, look for the main roadway..
[18:25] * Lkeas rushes off
[18:26] * Avarie follows Lkeas, jogging to keep up.
[18:26] * Zeltan runs to catch up
[18:26] * LordBarrius dashes after Lkeas.
[18:26] * Maxx turns and runs behind.
[18:26] * Crash chases after the others.
[18:27] * Hadin hobbles behind the others, not quite able to keep up, but not quite losing sight either.
[18:27] * AlastorFulcanRyst tosses his expired cigarette, replacing it with another
[18:27] Zeltan: I wonder what happen to the other people
[18:27] * AlastorFulcanRyst picks up Hadin, carrying him along with the others
[18:27] AlastorFulcanRyst: Need a life?
[18:27] AlastorFulcanRyst: lift*
[18:27] * Lkeas keeps her eyes peeled for street signs as she runs
[18:28] * Leo is still following Lkeas.
[18:28] >Ambiance<: You find bleeker readily
[18:28] Lkeas: alright, here's bleeker, McDougal's gotta be around here somewhere..
[18:28] Lkeas: look for the cafe
[18:28] * Lkeas skids to a stop
[18:28] *** bluemanrocks has joined #epic.
[18:29] * AlastorFulcanRyst stops next to Lkeas, putting the old guy down
[18:29] * Maxx turns down Bleeker and slows.
[18:29] * Zeltan halts suddenly and falls flat-faced
[18:29] * Crash stops behind Lkeas, looking around.
[18:29] Zeltan: ouch
[18:29] Zeltan: Next time give a warning
[18:29] Lkeas: sorry...
[18:29] * Maxx points toward a small cafe: "It's over there."
[18:29] AlastorFulcanRyst: We're going to stop 50 seconds ago okay?
[18:29] * Avarie slows to a stop.
[18:30] * Maxx slowly walks over the the cafe and looks in the windows.
[18:30] * Zeltan picks himself up, wiping dirt off his cargo pants
[18:30] Zeltan: See anything ?
[18:30] >Ambiance<: Your destination looms 2 blocks South of the Parkk
[18:31] Zeltan: Let's go then
[18:31] AlastorFulcanRyst: I think our destination looms 2 blocks South of the Park.
[18:31] * Crash starts running again.
[18:31] * Hadin is decidedly more gruff than usual, after being picked up and dragged about.
[18:31] AlastorFulcanRyst: Get used to it old man!
[18:31] * Lkeas spots the cafe and heads off at a slightly slower pace, although her heart rate is significantly higher
[18:31] * AlastorFulcanRyst picks up Hadin again so he can keep up with the rest of them
[18:31] * Zeltan stared at Alastor "That's no way to treat Hadin"
[18:31] * Avarie looks about, then resumes jogging after Lkeas.
[18:32] AlastorFulcanRyst: I'm doing him a favor, eh?
[18:32] Galrick: (Deep bestial) *Sniffs audibly* "Now there is something one does not see on a daily basis" *sniffs again*
[18:32] * ZLOK finds nothing at all after arriving at Central, and begins to run back to where he last knew the group were.
[18:32] * Hadin taps Alastor on the head with his cane. "I can make it on my own."
[18:32] AlastorFulcanRyst: You sure?
[18:32] * AlastorFulcanRyst puts down Hadin
[18:32] Galrick: "A grown man getting a piggy back ride from an impudent upstart"
[18:32] Zeltan: Looks like we found him
[18:33] * Leo ceases to move his legs.
[18:33] * Avarie slows to a stop, her heart having suddenly jumped to her throat.
[18:33] * AlastorFulcanRyst stares Galrick in the eyes
[18:33] * LordBarrius frowns and watches Galrick carefully.
[18:33] * Crash moves to the front, hoping if there is an attack, he will be sacrificed.
[18:33] * Lkeas stops short of Galrick, her breath coming in short gasps
[18:33] AlastorFulcanRyst: It's nice to see you again, Galrick.
[18:33] Lkeas: Galrick... we've come... looking for you
[18:33] * Leo positions himself between Galrick and Lkeas.
[18:33] * AlastorFulcanRyst positions himself directly infront of Galrick
[18:34] * Maxx turns looking toward the sounds of sniffing.
[18:34] AlastorFulcanRyst: So you enjoy killing bums eh?
[18:34] * Hadin grumbles wordlessly and grips his cane, on edge with Galrick.
[18:34] * Zeltan readies himself
[18:34] * Avarie turns to face Galrick, watching him closely. "Do not provoke him Alastor."
[18:34] * Galrick runs a long tounge over his jowls his mouth clearly showing both enlarged canines and eye teeth
[18:34] Zeltan: Are we too late..?
[18:34] Lkeas: you are not yourself, Seeker...
[18:34] * AlastorFulcanRyst pulls out the feather he recieved from the man, "Look familiar?"
[18:34] Lkeas: i know you are in there somewhere....
[18:34] Galrick: No prophet
[18:34] Galrick: That I am not

[18:34] * LordBarrius shudders a bit and moves closer to the group.
[18:35] Leo: Galrick.
[18:35] * Maxx moves over to the group.
[18:35] Avarie: You know who we are then.  You know we're here to help you.
[18:35] Zeltan: Fight the beast within Galrick
[18:35] * Galrick cracks his neck the large sinewy muscles completely unlike his once frail frame. The helpless young man that cried out to heaven in a moment of weakness
[18:35] Lkeas: yes... we have not abandoned you...
[18:35] * Lkeas flinches at the sound
[18:35] * Galrick whimpers slightly
[18:35] Galrick: "You should have...."

[18:36] AlastorFulcanRyst: You truly are a monster.
[18:36] * AlastorFulcanRyst smirks
[18:36] Hadin: "We are here after all to save you...a spark remains, I am sure."
[18:36] Leo: We would never abandon you.
[18:36] Galrick: "Ah.... you...."
[18:36] AlastorFulcanRyst: I remember when you used to always think on the postives.
[18:36] Maxx: Alastor, hold your toungue.
[18:36] Galrick: "I owe you..."
[18:36] Lkeas: no... you must have seen the comments on your website, there have always been those who supported your fight
[18:36] * Avarie approaches slowly. "We are friends."
[18:36] Galrick: "Threaten me will you...."
[18:36] * AlastorFulcanRyst meets eyes with Galrick
[18:36] Zeltan: Avarie be careful, he could be dangerous
[18:36] Galrick: "How ironic now the shoe is on the other foot..."
[18:36] AlastorFulcanRyst: Don't talk, just punch.
[18:36] * LordBarrius nods. "I have not given up on you Galrick....please...."
[18:37] * Avarie speaks pleadingly, "No, Galrick, please."
[18:37] * Lkeas glares at Alastor
[18:37] Lkeas: you don't know what you're doing.
[18:37] Galrick: "Still doing the Dark Lord's work that I see"
[18:37] AlastorFulcanRyst: Don't we all?
[18:37] Galrick: If I kill you....
[18:37] Galrick: Oh how good I will feel
[18:37] Galrick: How alive

[18:37] * Lkeas turns worriedly back to Galrick
[18:37] Galrick: But... you are.... worthless
[18:37] AlastorFulcanRyst: So why do you talk, instead of act?
[18:37] Lkeas: Seeker, please... murder was never something you would have done before your transformation..
[18:37] Galrick: Not even worthy of notice
[18:38] Galrick: And inconsequential
[18:38] * Galrick stands

[18:38] AlastorFulcanRyst: I know the old Galrick, the Seeker is still in there, preventing your assault
[18:38] * Galrick grabs AlastorFulcanRyst by the throat
[18:38] Hadin: "Perhaps, and perhaps you are as well."
[18:38] Leo: Galrick, friend, I care deeply for you.
[18:38] Zeltan: Galrick NO!
[18:38] * LordBarrius shakes his head. "Galrick, please...."
[18:38] Maxx: Galrick, you can still stop this.
[18:38] Galrick: "Stand away"
[18:38] Crash: Galrick, put him down.
[18:38] * AlastorFulcanRyst looks Galrick in the eye
[18:38] Galrick: "STAND AWAY"
[18:38] * Zeltan backs away
[18:38] Lkeas: no... you mustn't kill him
[18:38] * Galrick picks AlastorFulcanRyst
[18:38] * Maxx backs away.
[18:38] Lkeas: the transformation...
[18:38] * AlastorFulcanRyst backs away
[18:38] Zeltan: Put him down GAlrick
[18:38] * Lkeas takes a step backward unconsciously
[18:39] * Avarie stops her motion, then takes a step back, her eyes never leaving his face. "Galrick..."
[18:39] * Galrick throws him literally across the entire street... he lands where galrick once stumbled opposite
[18:39] Lkeas: Galrick we can't save you if you give into your animal side!
[18:39] Galrick: "Do not waste my time offal"
[18:39] Galrick: "You cannot goad me"
[18:39] * LordBarrius 's jaw drops.
[18:39] * Hadin grimaces to himself, then summons what magic he might to attempt to summon up a wind of calming serenity.
[18:39] * Leo frowns.
[18:39] * Crash walks towards Galrick. "You shall not harm any others while an ounce of my life force remains.
[18:40] Galrick: "You cannot goad me"
[18:40] Maxx: Crash, back away.
[18:40] * AlastorFulcanRyst stands up, grasping his throat
[18:40] Crash: No, Maxx.
[18:40] Galrick: "You are an inconsequent"
[18:40] AlastorFulcanRyst: Didn't see that coming
[18:40] Galrick: "You already belong to him"
[18:40] * Galrick turns

[18:40] Leo: Galrick, please stop this! I donnot want to see you die!
[18:40] Galrick: "You will be destroyed... but I need not do it"
[18:40] Zeltan: Doing this will not help us Crash, only provoke him further
[18:41] Galrick: "Your dark god will do it for you...."
[18:41] * AlastorFulcanRyst raises to one knee, coughing blood
[18:41] Crash: I have been ready for this since I was in immertot.
[18:41] Galrick: "Rest assured he will"
[18:41] Crash: He will not harm another while I am able to lift a finger.
[18:41] AlastorFulcanRyst: I'm sure... He will...
[18:41] * ZLOK finds not the group where he left them and wanders the streets aimlessly, slightly dissappointed.
[18:41] Galrick: "And you... You seek death... which makes you worthless too"
[18:41] AlastorFulcanRyst: But not in this lifetime
[18:41] Lkeas: Crash... do not threaten him... can't you see he has been through enough of that?
[18:41] * Leo looks at Galrick with a concerned looks in his eyes.
[18:41] Galrick: "I will not be your method of suicide Crash."
[18:41] * Zeltan frowns
[18:41] Galrick: "In fact..."
[18:41] * Crash takes another step toward Galrick. "If I sought suicide, I would have committed it long ago."
[18:41] * AlastorFulcanRyst stands, barely keeping balance, as he walks toward the cafe, standing in the back of the group
[18:42] Lkeas: Galrick, look at me. look at Hadin, and Avarie, and LordBarrius...
[18:42] Lkeas: we care for you
[18:42] * Hadin hobbles in front of Lkeas and Avarie. "Galrick, calm thyself. Look at what you've become, look how far you have fallen, and *fight* for the freedom of your soul that I know you crave deep within."
[18:42] Crash: I fear not death, and live welcoming it.
[18:42] Galrick: "I bestow upon you the curse of Eternity"
[18:42] Lkeas: we have crossed realms for you
[18:42] Leo: What?
[18:42] Zeltan: We care greatly
[18:42] Galrick: "The reaper will ever ignore you regardless of how injured you become"
[18:42] Leo: I would die for you Galrick.
[18:42] Galrick: "Your life will be unending"
[18:42] Crash: Meaning I can do battle with you for the rest of time.
[18:42] Galrick: "No...."
[18:43] Galrick: "Because I also cast you out...."

[18:43] * Zeltan mutters "This is so not helping"
[18:43] Galrick: "Say hi to morgan for me"
[18:43] *** Mode change "-v Crash" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[18:43] * Avarie 's gaze has never left Galrick's face. "We have been through much for you, Galrick. Please."
[18:43] * AlastorFulcanRyst sticks a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it with his lighter
[18:43] * LordBarrius shakes his head. "No...."
[18:43] >Ambiance<: Crash vanishes
[18:43] Zeltan: NOOOOOoooo...
[18:43] * Leo frowns.
[18:43] Leo: Galrick please stop.
[18:43] Galrick: Do not talk to me...
[18:43] * Lkeas shakes her head
[18:43] Galrick: You... are a coward of the most yellow stripe
[18:44] Galrick: You... are a liar of the worst sort as well
[18:44] Galrick: You also already belong to him... just as Ryst does

[18:44] Leo: And I'm not denying that.
[18:44] Leo: But I do care for you.
[18:44] Galrick: You are not worth the breath it takes to acknowledge you breath
[18:44] * Hadin sighs, then whispers to Lkeas. "He is like the one controlling him, seeking to cast us aside each in turn, tho his are more pointed words rather than veiled offers."
[18:44] AlastorFulcanRyst: Ryst, I never considered that as my name, hmmm...
[18:44] Leo: You're my friend afterall.
[18:44] *** Kairi has joined #epic.
[18:44] * Lkeas nods to Hadin
[18:46] * Avarie wraps her arms about her, willing the memories of the beast forward so the he can see the presence of it in her eyes, which have never left his face.
[18:46] Leo: I have no intention of changing your mind, Beast.
[18:46] Avarie:  "Galrick, the beast is in us too.  We fight it as you do.  You have been alone too long.  Let us help you and we can find a way to best it together."
[18:46] Leo: I'm talking to Galrick.
[18:46] * LordBarrius frowns, eyes still locked on Galrick. "And what of the rest of us, Galrick?  We care for you...."
[18:46] Galrick: "No... an Annunaki is with in you...."
[18:46] Galrick: "It is a different sort of thing an Annunaki"

[18:47] * Galrick points at the group
[18:47] * Galrick mutters in an alien bestial tounge full of clicks whistles and growls

[18:47] * Maxx remembers the entrails hanging over the bar in Immertot and shutters.
[18:47] * AlastorFulcanRyst tilts his head slightly
[18:47] Zeltan: Galrick..please...
[18:47] * Leo raises him arms, in attempt to protect Lkeas.
[18:47] >Ambiance<: A black cloud begins forming arround the group and breathing out of their mouths
[18:48] >Ambiance<: The cloud solidifies into a concentrated column of mist

[18:48] * LordBarrius frowns.
[18:48] Galrick: "You who kills freely... You who delights in making murderers of innocents"
[18:48] * Hadin frowns heavily, but can do nothing to prevent it, given his failure at conjuration of the serene winds.
[18:49] Galrick: "Ye who force travellers to turn on their friends and hurt inoocents"
[18:49] * AlastorFulcanRyst discards his cigarette, still lit
[18:49] * Galrick thrusts out a muscled claw and a huge ball of light shoots forth into the mist
[18:49] >Ambiance<: The air is filled with a screeching whistle like a teakettle at full boil
[18:50] >Ambiance<: There is a smell like ozone, sulfur, and burnt hair combined

[18:50] * Maxx covers his ears at the sound.
[18:50] * Lkeas covers her face reflexively
[18:50] >Ambiance<: The mist disintegrates and blows away
[18:50] Zeltan: The...sound...arg
[18:50] Galrick: "Die...."
[18:50] Galrick: "Die annunaki"

[18:50] * LordBarrius coughs at the smells, but stays focused on Galrick.
[18:50] Lkeas: Seeker... you...
[18:50] Galrick: "Go back to the hell from whence you caim"
[18:50] * Avarie shakes a little.
[18:50] Lkeas: you have rid us of the beast...
[18:50] Galrick: "Accept the sentence you so freely gave"
[18:51] * Hadin is oddly unphased by the smells themselves, but shivers at the working of magic.
[18:51] Maxx: You. . . still help us.
[18:51] Leo: Thank you, my Friend.
[18:51] Galrick: "Yes... and now.... since I just used overtly vulgar magic in new york city...."
[18:51] * Galrick collapses unconcious......
[18:51] Galrick: <END OF SESSION>

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