The Seeker's Possession

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[22:13] * TruthSeeker has joined #755
[22:14] * TruthSeeker looks about cautiously
[22:15] <Damsel> Evening
[22:15] <Donto_M> Interesting, the messenger's site has been updated. sillotes now. Seeker, you are safe. attendence seems to lack as of late
[22:15] * Beo watches
[22:17] * Donto_M waits patiently, also looking around slightly.
[22:18] <Leo_Biaxomus> Still no mention of how to stiop The'Galin...
[22:18] <Leo_Biaxomus> stop*
[22:18] <Donto_M> That's something that won't be learned for a while. Afterall, he is practically a part of everyday life
[22:19] <TruthSeeker> I am never safe...
[22:19] <TruthSeeker> My site too has been updated
[22:19] <Leo_Biaxomus> We noticed.
[22:19] <Donto_M> I see this. How come you can not hide?
[22:19] <Leo_Biaxomus> By the way, nice music taste.
[22:20] <TruthSeeker> I am a possession....
[22:20] <Donto_M> A possession? of who? Are you another program?
[22:20] <Leo_Biaxomus> who's possession?
[22:21] * TruthSeeker frowns and shakes his head
[22:21] <TruthSeeker> I belong to The'galin
[22:21] <Leo_Biaxomus> That makes sense. (kind of)
[22:21] <Donto_M> Oh dear, what use to him are you?
[22:22] <TruthSeeker> I have no idea for what he wishes to use me now... for the purpose he most clearly intended me I have already served.
[22:22] <Donto_M> What was that original purpose? I have a pity for you, it seems you serve yet another purpose.
[22:22] <TruthSeeker> Yet I remain his and he will take me. Whether he needs me or not.
[22:23] <LordBarrius> So that is why you fear that your fate is hold little further use to him, at least so you believe.
[22:23] <TruthSeeker> No...
[22:23] <TruthSeeker> he may indeed have uses for me.... but I will fight him
[22:23] <TruthSeeker> and he will then destroy me
[22:24] <LordBarrius> Hm.
[22:24] <Donto_M> He wouldn't just give up something. Why do that if there's chance for possible use? TruthSeeker, how can we help you?
[22:24] <TruthSeeker> or he will destroy me because I am of no use.
[22:24] <LordBarrius> Is there any way we can help at all?
[22:24] <TruthSeeker> You cannot
[22:24] <TruthSeeker> Not help me
[22:24] <TruthSeeker> I am beyond salvation
[22:24] <LordBarrius> I see....that is a shame. I wish I could help you....
[22:24] <Leo_Biaxomus> What about us, are we beyond salvation?
[22:25] <LordBarrius> But we can help each other by standing strong and together, can't we?
[22:25] <TruthSeeker> Some of you maybe. I do not know. But not all.
[22:25] <TruthSeeker> You can help each other yes...
[22:25] <Donto_M> As I, but you can fight him. He will destroy you if you have no use and he will destroy you if you resist too long. Which path would you rather see?
[22:25] <TruthSeeker> But you cannot help me.
[22:26] <TruthSeeker> That much is clear.
[22:26] <TruthSeeker> For I am opposing him every day.
[22:26] <TruthSeeker> .... and I am not the only one.
[22:26] <Leo_Biaxomus> Seeker, what are these two sides you keep mentioning? We have theorys about them, but nothing written in stone.
[22:26] <Donto_M> Good, by helping us, you fight strongly brave one. You aren't? Who else resists him? Are they others that are in his possession?
[22:27] <TruthSeeker> Some are....
[22:27] * TruthSeeker looks at Leo_Biaxomus
[22:27] <TruthSeeker> Existance and Annihilation
[22:28] <Donto_M> Truthseeker, I read a log of yours. You say you will make no friends. I find that hard to believe with all of those who want to help you.
[22:28] <TruthSeeker> Alphonse, Beo, bluemanrocks, bob, Damsel, Donto_M, emerson, Kick|Away, kingk, Leo_Biaxomus, LordBarrius, Marrin, Mephistos, Namegduf_Live, Suikoman444
[22:28] <TruthSeeker> Each and everyone of you....
[22:28] <Beo> Why did you highlight me?
[22:28] <TruthSeeker> must choose
[22:29] <Donto_M> What must we choose between?
[22:29] <TruthSeeker> None will be exempt from the choice
[22:29] <TruthSeeker> Existance and Annihilation
[22:29] <Leo_Biaxomus> It's an obvous choice, existence.
[22:29] <Leo_Biaxomus> obvious*
[22:29] * Alphonse chooses Annihilation
[22:29] <TruthSeeker> At the time it will not be obious.
[22:29] <Beo> Dun' highlight me unless you have a good reason.
[22:29] <Donto_M> Ah. I will exist as long as my purpose is to exist. If annihilation is path I must take to save the others, so be it.
[22:29] <TruthSeeker> There is no more important reason.
[22:30] <TruthSeeker> So I do have a good one
[22:30] <Beo> Not more glabber-flasted fast-talking conspiracy theories :O
[22:30] * bluemanrocks180 has joined #755
[22:30] <TruthSeeker> Theories? I do not have theories
[22:30] * Suikoman444 chooses annihilation, why not? >_> <_<
[22:30] <TruthSeeker> I have facts
[22:30] <bluemanrocks180> Seeker...
[22:30] <Beo> Conspiracy facts, then?
[22:31] <TruthSeeker> Annihilation may in fact seem like existance when you choose it
[22:31] <Donto_M> Wait, why are two bluemanrocks on?
[22:31] <TruthSeeker> Promises will be made, that will not be kept
[22:31] <Donto_M> People may take the closed path.
[22:32] <TruthSeeker> People will be offered, saftey and strengh and will sell their soul for it.
[22:32] <TruthSeeker> People will be offered power, they will sell their soul for it.
[22:32] <kingk> i see
[22:32] * emerson has quit IRC (Vanished: emerson )
[22:32] <kingk> by NOVA?
[22:32] <TruthSeeker> People will be offered the opportunity to save people other then themselves. Those they care about. Those they love.
[22:32] <TruthSeeker> And they will sell their souls for it.
[22:32] <Donto_M> Wait, truth and lies. truth is the essense of Kaliope. Lies is the other side. I expect they contradict eachother, but until we know where Kaliope's essense stands, we don't know which side lies is on.
[22:32] <kingk> to whom though?
[22:33] <Donto_M> Yes seeker, and i must admit, I might be one of those people.
[22:33] <TruthSeeker> Ultimately to the Devourer
[22:33] <kingk> i see.
[22:33] <TruthSeeker> And when he owns your soul. You may live your life.
[22:33] <kingk> but how will they meet the uncreator through NOVA?
[22:33] <TruthSeeker> But when you die, you will be obliterated for existance and consumed by him.
[22:33] <TruthSeeker> Did I say that that is how they would meet him?
[22:34] <TruthSeeker> Do not put words into my mouth I never uttered.
[22:34] <kingk> so our deaths are what will scare us
[22:34] <bluemanrocks180> You sound different...
[22:34] <kingk> i wasnt only asking if that were it
[22:34] <TruthSeeker> In the end he will break each and every one of his promises
[22:34] <kingk> of course he will
[22:34] <Donto_M> Seeker, you mentioned earlier that there are some others in your same situation. what can you tell us about them?
[22:34] <TruthSeeker> They will be hollow. and all will be consumed utterly.
[22:35] <Donto_M> You may think you are giving your soul nobily, but you will be crossed.
[22:35] <TruthSeeker> I cannot. To do so would risk them.
[22:35] <kingk> can you explain to us who the traveller is?
[22:35] <TruthSeeker> They are not mine to risk.
[22:35] <TruthSeeker> The part they have to play is large.
[22:35] <TruthSeeker> To do so might risk the outcome entirely
[22:35] <Donto_M> I understand. As long as they are safe now. Once again, I commend you for being brave.
[22:35] <bluemanrocks180> ...
[22:35] <Donto_M> Then please do not.
[22:35] <bluemanrocks180> So what CAN you tell us
[22:36] <kingk> that is something i understand but please tell us about the traveller at least who he is in clues
[22:36] <TruthSeeker> kingk. I cannot. but what I will do.... bluemanrocks is deny it if you guess wrongly
[22:36] <TruthSeeker> So tell me. What or who do you think the Traveller is.
[22:36] <kingk> i guessed falerin but am unsure of that
[22:37] <Donto_M> I see now, no matter what the outcome may seem like, you must fight onward, resisting the forms of temptation, in any form. Thank you.
[22:37] * TruthSeeker remains utterly silent
[22:37] <kingk> perhaps lorithia?
[22:37] <bluemanrocks180> Well
[22:37] <TruthSeeker> Lortithia is not the Traveller
[22:37] <bluemanrocks180> Lorithia?
[22:37] <bluemanrocks180> Not the traveller
[22:37] <bluemanrocks180> Beat me to it
[22:37] <bluemanrocks180> Hmm
[22:37] <kingk> hm is he/she from the records?
[22:38] <bluemanrocks180> It says tall with platinum hair
[22:38] <bluemanrocks180> Something like that
[22:38] <kingk> tralin?
[22:38] <TruthSeeker> So.. who do you think it is bluemanrocks?
[22:38] <LordBarrius> Hm.
[22:38] <TruthSeeker> Tralin is not the Traveller
[22:38] <LordBarrius> That description says enough to me.
[22:38] <kingk> darin?
[22:38] <bluemanrocks180> Falerin, Uldor, Warlic all fit the description
[22:38] <TruthSeeker> Darin of Vandar?
[22:39] <bluemanrocks180> Actually
[22:39] <kingk> yes
[22:39] <Donto_M> I have struggled with this thought. For I have learned something as of late, words such as "Traveller" are merely descriptions. In Falerin's history, he described a traveler as having grey hair and elf ears. That to me signifies one such as Falerin. Unfortunately, there are many travellers. I have not been on recently (past couple days) so maybe I missed some help.
[22:39] <Leo_Biaxomus> I have no answer, who the Traveler is, isn't important, but his actions are.
[22:39] <bluemanrocks180> I don't know about their height
[22:39] <TruthSeeker> How could I stand and watch him talk to the traveller
[22:39] <TruthSeeker> if he was the traveller
[22:39] <TruthSeeker> No... Darin is not the travelelr
[22:39] <kingk> ah
[22:39] <kingk> hm....
[22:39] * TruthSeeker remains silent
[22:39] <kingk> is it someone with emmence power?
[22:39] <Donto_M> Define "him" please.
[22:39] <LordBarrius> But we are getting off the original conversation. So you say that others are also owned by The'Galin....
[22:39] * TruthSeeker remains silent
[22:39] <bluemanrocks180> Yes, as Falerin said, there are many travellers
[22:40] <bluemanrocks180> But not all are the same
[22:40] <TruthSeeker> Thats true
[22:40] <LordBarrius> And that we will have a choice to save ourselves or others?
[22:40] <kingk> no this is something needed gto be discussed lb
[22:40] <bluemanrocks180> But only few have platinum hair, in AQ anyway
[22:40] <bluemanrocks180> And I assume the traveller is from AQ
[22:40] <LordBarrius> king: There's a reason he's staying silent. Don't press the issue. We need info badly.
[22:40] <kingk> the undead knight maybe?
[22:41] <Donto_M> Seeker, please define him in "<TruthSeeker> How could I stand and watch him talk to the traveller"
[22:41] <bluemanrocks180> Hm
[22:41] <kingk> because we havent guessed correctly thats why
[22:41] <bluemanrocks180> It could be somone we're overlooking or haven't even met yet
[22:41] <TruthSeeker> A generic pronoun
[22:41] <kingk> what race is it seeker?
[22:41] <TruthSeeker> It refers to the traveller
[22:41] <TruthSeeker> His features are elven
[22:41] <kingk> but not falerin?
[22:42] <TruthSeeker> But this is NOT what i agreed to do
[22:42] * TruthSeeker remains silent
[22:42] <bluemanrocks180> ...
[22:42] <Leo_Biaxomus> Seeker, this might sound like a stupid question, but who/what is Hope? is The Traveler Hope?
[22:42] <TruthSeeker> What I specifically agreed to do was deny any false guess
[22:42] <kingk> yes thats what i implied
[22:42] <Donto_M> I understand now seeker, thank you.
[22:42] <TruthSeeker> The Traveller may bring hope but the travller is not hope
[22:42] <TruthSeeker> That is ALL I will do
[22:42] <TruthSeeker> Exactly what I said
[22:42] <bluemanrocks180> Whenever someone mentions Falerin you fall silent...
[22:43] <Donto_M> You have been of great help
[22:43] <TruthSeeker> You are asking many other types of questions that I cannot answer
[22:43] <bluemanrocks180> Yes
[22:43] <TruthSeeker> and I NEVER said I would confirm rumors that were true
[22:43] <kingk> becaus we are wrong he just said that
[22:43] <TruthSeeker> Only deny those which were false
[22:43] <bluemanrocks180> But by denying false one doesn't that prove the others true?
[22:43] <kingk> so then you deny the falerin rumor
[22:43] <bluemanrocks180> Or is there an in between?
[22:43] * TruthSeeker remains silent
[22:43] <bluemanrocks180> See what I mean?
[22:43] <bluemanrocks180> Hmmm
[22:44] <Donto_M> Seeker, I understand, is there anything else you can think that will help us right now
[22:44] <bluemanrocks180> Where did the 180 come from?
[22:44] <TruthSeeker> The fact that you are connected twice
[22:44] <bluemanrocks180> ...
[22:44] <bluemanrocks180> I am?
[22:44] <kingk> well then you cant describe this traveller other then elven and platinum haired?
[22:44] <bluemanrocks180> That is recorded
[22:44] <kingk> i asked seeker
[22:44] <Leo_Biaxomus> I see, bluemanrocks has two sides.
[22:45] <TruthSeeker> That is not a confirmation or a denial of a suspicion
[22:45] <kingk> one isnt the other
[22:45] <TruthSeeker> That is not a confirmation or a denial of a suspicion
[22:45] <kingk> understood
[22:45] <TruthSeeker> That is a question that requires a detailed answer
[22:45] <bluemanrocks180> Seeker, do you know anything of Caelestia?
[22:45] <bluemanrocks180> Just wondering...
[22:45] <TruthSeeker> That is not a confirmation or a denial of a suspicion
[22:45] <bluemanrocks180> Oh
[22:45] <bluemanrocks180> Got it
[22:45] <kingk> jano seeker?
[22:45] <bluemanrocks180> ...
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> Jano is not the seeker
[22:46] <kingk> no i was asking is jano the traveller
[22:46] <Leo_Biaxomus> Hmmm? Whats wrong, seeker? is someone watching us?
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> he is not the traveller either
[22:46] <kingk> im just running off names
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> jano is dead
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> That is recorded
[22:46] <bluemanrocks180> Tralin is still alive, correct?
[22:46] <kingk> aw you ruined it fore mwe i havent read all of the records yet
[22:46] <bluemanrocks180> I guess you can't answer
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> My knowledge of him ends where yours does
[22:46] <bluemanrocks180> Ah
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> His descent into the deep below the mountain of K
[22:46] <TruthSeeker> K'eld ner
[22:47] <bluemanrocks180> Yes
[22:47] <TruthSeeker> Which is not the Same Deep as Stone Deep in Vandar
[22:47] <kingk> seeker you make me believe that you yourself are falerin from the way you speak
[22:47] <TruthSeeker> There are Two very different Deeps mentioned in the narratives and I believe people are confusing the two
[22:47] <bluemanrocks180> I think Falerin said something about him being alive, but I can't be sure...
[22:47] <bluemanrocks180> Oh?
[22:47] <TruthSeeker> I am not falerin.
[22:47] <bluemanrocks180> I know
[22:47] <kingk> just a guess
[22:47] <TruthSeeker> Falerin would have lost his patience with you long before now.
[22:48] <TruthSeeker> He is not a patient man.l
[22:48] <bluemanrocks180> Probably
[22:48] <kingk> that is true
[22:48] <LordBarrius> I've noticed.
[22:48] <LordBarrius> But with reason.
[22:48] <bluemanrocks180> He's patient, we'
[22:48] <bluemanrocks180> We're just ignorant
[22:48] <kingk> so jano was killed by drakel?
[22:48] <bluemanrocks180> It's recorded
[22:48] <Donto_M> Way long ago. Seeker, do you know much about the one who identifies himself as the messenger? I think his name was Dan.
[22:48] <TruthSeeker> And since all of keep just asking the same questions over and over that violate the rules
[22:48] <kingk> that is where they stay isnt it ?
[22:48] <LordBarrius> We're asking the wrong questions.
[22:48] <TruthSeeker> he would definitely be gone long before now
[22:48] <TruthSeeker> He was killed in the battle....
[22:49] <TruthSeeker> The blow that killed him is recorded
[22:49] <kingk> oh my mistake
[22:49] <TruthSeeker> what he was doing when he died is recorded
[22:49] <Leo_Biaxomus> Seeker, can you enlighten us on the "Crsytal of the elemental lords"?
[22:49] <bluemanrocks180> Yup
[22:49] <kingk> i need to keep reading but i wont leave this just yet
[22:49] <bluemanrocks180> It's amazing how much is recorded
[22:49] <TruthSeeker> But he was strictly killed by "Friendly Fire"
[22:49] <kingk> i see
[22:49] <bluemanrocks180> What do you know of Falerin?
[22:49] <bluemanrocks180> Or can you not answer...
[22:49] <kingk> is xandar tied in in anyway?
[22:50] <bluemanrocks180> Wait
[22:50] <bluemanrocks180> Our questions aren't confirmations or denials of suspicions
[22:50] <TruthSeeker> These questions are all in violation and I keep answering anyway..
[22:50] <bluemanrocks180> They violate the rules
[22:50] * Alphonse has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
[22:50] <kingk> what are these rles?
[22:50] <bluemanrocks180> ...
[22:50] <kingk> rules*
[22:50] <TruthSeeker> Sigh
[22:50] <kingk> i wasnt here to see them
[22:50] <Donto_M> Seeker, please, I know your time ticks downword, but please, hold it as long as you can.
[22:50] <kingk> im sorry
[22:50] <TruthSeeker> I have stated them 20 times plainly
[22:50] <bluemanrocks180> People don't listen
[22:50] <TruthSeeker> You where here
[22:51] <kingk> i was not watching though
[22:51] <TruthSeeker> I repeated them while you asked
[22:51] * Alphonse has joined #755
[22:51] <TruthSeeker> I am done here.. good luck friends
[22:51] <kingk> ah well im sorry
[22:51] <TruthSeeker> untill next we meet
[22:51] <bluemanrocks180> Thank you for your time
[22:51] * TruthSeeker has quit IRC (Vanished:
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