Mapping A Journal

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Revision as of 06:46, 16 August 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[22:39] * Mariel appears reading something seemingly engrossed
[22:39] <Legault> My head is still fuzzy, I hope that log gets up soon...
[22:39] * Joins: DB (
[22:39] <Mariel> Peculiar. Very peculiar.
[22:40] <Kira> Hello, Mariel. What seems peculiar today.
[22:40] * Damsel nods at Mariel. "Pleasure to see you return. What has your attention at present?"
[22:40] <Mariel> Having never been to Lore I am having difficulty reconciling the latest information from the Journal; with other accounts of Lorian geography
[22:41] <Mariel> I can understand continental drift. I cannot reconcile a city vanishing from one continent and apparently appearing on another
[22:41] * Quits: Deathbringer ( (NickServ (GHOST command used by DB))
[22:41] * DB is now known as Deathbringer
[22:41] <Little_Brown_Box> Simple apportation, to use the local jargon.
[22:41] * Damsel frowns slightly. "I take it Falerin has found a way to update The'Galin's Journal yet again?"
[22:41] * Joins: Kaz (
[22:41] * Reality sets mode: +v Kaz
[22:41] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[22:42] <Mariel> Nor the apparent change in esteem of that City
[22:42] <Legault> Another floating island?
[22:42] * Deathbringer bows to Mariel.
[22:42] <Mariel> If The'Galin wants unity why would he so blatantly destroy a bastion of it
[22:43] <Mariel> Unless of course... well i suppose the Brilhado could be either lying or mistaken or both depending on which
[22:43] * Damsel shrugs slightly. "It is possible, I suppose."
[22:43] <Mariel> This of course intimates that K'eld Alorin is the Alorin mentioned
[22:44] <Mariel> Cigeli peak.... I see no such mountain on Falerin's map
[22:44] <Little_Brown_Box> 'Cause it's not there.
[22:44] <Mariel> There is a Cigeli but it is not a mountain
[22:44] <Mariel> Curious
[22:44] <Legault> Didn't Ryuusei say that Brilhado always lie...? Then again... He also said always isn't absolute...
[22:44] * Mariel vanishes again
[22:45] * Damsel sighs. "More questions..."
[22:47] <Legault> You don't find any answers without asking questions.
[22:47] * Mariel reappears
[22:47] <Kira> Hm, I had always just assumed that any discrepancies found with the map were due to The'Galin re-creating the uncreated areas of Lore as he saw fit.
[22:47] <Mariel> That is not the only inconsistency either...
[22:47] <Mariel> The journal seems to imply that Tjeli is the capital of Inilar
[22:48] <Mariel> This map shows them as different landmasses
[22:48] <Kira> That or over time names change due to the modernisation of languages.
[22:48] <Mariel> And Tjeli is called... what is it...
[22:48] <Mariel> The Ice Wastes?
[22:48] <Mariel> Peculiar
[22:48] * Damsel nods. "Aye, that's right."
[22:48] * Mariel revanishes hmming
[23:20] * Eitak_Razal is startled when a letter falls onto her head.
[23:20] <Little_Brown_Box> I mean, that if someone described LORE's general layout to me, and then told me to draw it, I'd make something like this.
[23:20] <Eitak_Razal> Those fools.. can't they do anything right?!?
[23:20] <Legault> Hehehe... Rarely.
[23:21] <Eitak_Razal> Not that..
[23:21] * Eitak_Razal was talking about her allies
[23:21] * Quits: Little_Brown_Box ( (Vanished: OMG it is late! I can't believe I missed that! Flee the scene!)
[23:21] <Legault> I was talking about LORE.
[23:21] <Eitak_Razal> Well they mess up alot too..
[23:22] * Eitak_Razal opens the letter. It seems that something is happening in Paixa
[23:22] <Legault> More then you can imagine...
[23:23] <Eitak_Razal> What do you mean.
[23:23] <Eitak_Razal> I'm a member of the clan of darkness there. I rarely ever vist.
[23:23] <Eitak_Razal> Perhaps I should pay them a vist later
[23:24] <Legault> ((/me was one of the 3 Revenant of the High Council, it's messed up there.))
[23:24] * LordBarrius steps into the common room and assumes a spot against the wall to resume his silent observation.
[23:25] <Legault> Hmph, you know Barrius, if you don't tell anyone what's wrong, you'll just sink deeper into despair.
[23:25] <Eitak_Razal> Wow the prize in this war is a gong pet thing.
[23:27] <Mariel> Unity is the work of The'Galin
[23:27] * Mariel does not appear
[23:27] <Legault> Isn't everything?
[23:27] <Damsel> "So Galrick has told us before."
[23:28] <LordBarrius> "That depends on the application, doesn't it, Legault?"
[23:29] * Eitak_Razal is surprised when a second letter falls onto her head
[23:29] <Eitak_Razal> Huh
[23:29] <Mariel> (Still not appearing) Falerin's notes place the likely original origin of the map with Deren
[23:30] <Mariel> (Still not appearing) According to him the map is accurate in regard to Deren mostly
[23:30] <Damsel> "Does it include an estimated date of it's creation?"
[23:30] * Eitak_Razal opens it. Strange, it seems the hall with the awards has vanished from Paxia
[23:30] <Eitak_Razal> That would explain alot
[23:30] <Legault> You're obviously troubled. So troubled that you can't hide it, and that must be a lot for you.
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> Exesally why Battleonia seems so mixed up
[23:31] <Mariel> Of course he also claims the other map is not accurate in regard to lore either and has in fact shown such by its tendency to self alter
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> the cartographer may never have visted.
[23:31] <Legault> ((I've always wondered if LORE was actually flat... >_>))
[23:31] * Damsel nods. "Yes, I recall that being said before as well."
[23:32] <Mariel> Very likely the Cartographer of the map never did visit battleonia and went on old info and descriptions
[23:32] <Mariel> Whereas he lived in Deren so he knew it and its neighbors well though the island of the temple is notably absent
[23:33] <Damsel> "That certainly would make sense."
[23:33] <Mariel> It however is rather small. Perhaps below map scale
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> It is possilbe that the island is not absent, but the temple is.
[23:33] * Damsel nods in understanding.
[23:33] <Kira> Even so, it would not explain how he confused a mountain with a canyon or the location of Alorin, assuming Alorin and Keld Alorin are the same.
[23:34] <Mariel> The temples reported locale is North West of the city of Deren off shore immediately. Nothing of the sort is there at all
[23:34] * Joins: Kaz (
[23:34] * Reality sets mode: +v Kaz
[23:34] * Quits: Kazuma ( ) (Ping timeout)
[23:34] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[23:35] <Eitak_Razal> Maybe.. The temple wasn't built until after the map was drawn
[23:35] <Mariel> Nor Kira how a small ice continent some distance away is the capital of the Continent of Inilar
[23:35] <Damsel> "That is rather a large discrepency."
[23:36] <Eitak_Razal> Wait a sec
[23:36] <Eitak_Razal> Look at this
[23:36] <Mariel> Yes and one that cannot be explained as an alternate world either
[23:36] <Mariel> That is beyond just a parallel development
[23:36] <Damsel> "Indeed."
[23:36] * Eitak_Razal points to near the center of the map, to Paxia. "The ink here on Paxia is noticably newer than the rest of the map."
[23:37] <Legault> I believe that island was considered deserted for quite a while.
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> This area is all quite strange
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> It all looks like it was added in after the orginal map's creation
[23:38] <Mariel> That is quite possible.
[23:38] <Mariel> Paxia is accurate.
[23:38] <Kira> It could be a border issue, Inilar could have once been an empire with a presence on more than one continent. And it's capitol named after the land mass it was located on
[23:38] * Joins: Kaz (
[23:38] * Reality sets mode: +v Kaz
[23:38] <Mariel> Which is peculiar seeing that Battleon is not
[23:39] <Mariel> The structure of Paxia though is even accoring to known history peculia
[23:39] * Quits: Kazuma ( ) (Ping timeout)
[23:39] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[23:39] <Mariel> The only sense I can offer to all of this... is that the discrepancies between The'Galins account of the world and what we see of it are caused by The'Galin himself. Either through delliberated inaccuracy in his journal or.... something more sinister
[23:40] <Mariel> The journal is clearly older then the map
[23:41] <Kira> recreation in a way he found more fitting is not out of the question, after all The city he seemed to hate seemed to become a frozen wasteland of a place.
[23:41] <Damsel> "Something more sinister? How so?"
[23:42] <Mariel> The changes represent The'Galin's attacks on Lore either the past recorded one or one older than even that
[23:42] * Quits: RoninOfDreams ( (Ping timeout)
[23:42] * Damsel nods slowly. "That is possible."
[23:43] <Mariel> Perhaps The'Galin ripped Cigeli out of its foundations and cast it to Vandar
[23:43] <Mariel> And broke Tjeli off of inilar and sent it into the Polar Circle
[23:43] * Joins: Lego3400 (Timesage@7012ADA8.4AF8D811.62E1196F.IP )
[23:43] * Quits: Eitak_Razal (Timesage@7012ADA8.4AF8D811.62E1196F.IP) (Connection reset by peer)
[23:43] <Legault> ... I'd like to visit these places one day... I must be going.
[23:44] * Lego3400 is now known as Eitak_Razal
[23:44] <Mariel> That of course would not explain him destroying Alorin this time.
[23:44] <Mariel> So it is a problematic explanation too
[23:44] <Damsel> "The thought had crossed my mind that something similar had occurred, though what would possess him to do such things..."
[23:44] * Legault waves good-bye and walks out the door. "Good luck seeking."
[23:44] <Eitak_Razal> We can cross of areas that seem like the biggest threat.
[23:44] * LordBarrius frowns. "But why would he do such a thing? What purpose would moving around various locations serve..."
[23:44] <Mariel> His reason for doing that to Tjeli iis quite clear. Alorin is more problematic
[23:45] <Kira> Its possible the destruction of Alorin this time around could have been the Brilhado acting alone.
[23:45] <Eitak_Razal> Battleon and the surrounding area cleary has more warriors defending it..
[23:45] <Kira> But I dont understand the move to Vander. In his journal he seems to like Deren very much.
[23:46] <Eitak_Razal> This structure also struck me as odd. Brilhado's gate.
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> What do they need a gate for?
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> I would like to vist and find out but that's just not feesable
[23:49] <Damsel> "Perhaps the answers to why might be revealed in further entries..."
[23:49] <Eitak_Razal> If the gate is being used by the Brilhado, it would place me right in their hands.... And we don't have our extra lives anymore...
[23:50] <Eitak_Razal> Thats quite possibl
[23:50] * Damsel scoffs slightly. "Extra lives? That's how you view analogs?"
[23:51] <Mariel> Whats this then... hmm a new entry....
[23:51] <Mariel> How very... baffling.
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> It wasn't my orginal expressioin..
[23:51] * Damsel moves to check the Journal. "Truely? What fortuitous timing..."
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> Someone else said it first
[23:51] <Mariel> This if anything makes things even worse....
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> Really?
[23:52] * Damsel scans it over. "Oh no..."
[23:53] <Eitak_Razal> ((Linky??))
[23:53] <LordBarrius> (( [1] ))
[23:54] <Damsel> "This certainly doesn't appear to bode well..."
[23:54] <Kira> Inilar's involvement cannot be good.
[23:54] <Eitak_Razal> Draynor.. Why does that name sound familer
[23:55] <Kira> But it may explain why
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