Sanjay's Subterfuge

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Revision as of 06:26, 27 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[19:13] *** Sanjay has joined #755.
[19:13] buleboy: Nevermind
[19:13] Lkeas: we had been asking Maxwell about runes and flipping them upside down
[19:14] Lkeas: and he asked us this:
[19:14] Lkeas: :[14:50] Maxwell: I am just saying if you had an upside-down one what would it be
[19:14] Jeice: Hola Sanjay.
[19:14] Dale: Hello, Sanjay
[19:14] buleboy: Im confusing myself i get it
[19:14] Sanjay: Hello King Jeice
[19:14] Jeice: How well do you speak English?
[19:14] Sanjay: Perfectly
[19:14] * Lkeas grins
[19:14] Jeice: Oh... oops.
[19:14] Sanjay: That is not the point is it
[19:14] *** Sanjay is now known as Galrick.
[19:14] Lkeas: not really.
[19:14] Jeice: No, it isn't.
[19:14] *** Mode change "+v Galrick" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[19:14] buleboy: Then why did ou speak spanish last time?
[19:14] WolfLink: GALRICK!
[19:14] Dale: ...
[19:14] Dale: No way.
[19:15] Daniel: Greetings Galrick.
[19:15] buleboy: Nevermind
[19:15] Galrick: Greetings Daniel
[19:15] Dale: Hello there, Galrick.
[19:15] Daniel: How are you doing?
[19:15] WolfLink: Sanjay was galrick this whole time
[19:15] buleboy: Hello Galrick
[19:15] Galrick: You still are a divisive bastard Dale
[19:15] buleboy: I guess so..
[19:15] * Galrick sighs
[19:15] * Galrick takes a seat
[19:15] Lkeas: Galrick.. where have you been? How have you been?
[19:15] Dale: Care to explain how?
[19:15] LordBarrius: Heh. Greetings Galrick. Good to see you....
[19:15] Daniel: Ah, so not great.
[19:16] Galrick: This location was actively monitored by Cartwright and NOVA
[19:16] Galrick: It has always been
[19:16] buleboy: Not surpised..
[19:16] Dale: Big shocker there.
[19:16] Galrick: Well then
[19:16] buleboy: Fal can go hidden i bet one of the NOVA can too
[19:16] Galrick: Reask any questions about why I became Sanjay
[19:17] Galrick: I directly directed you to not follow me
[19:17] Daniel: For safety as well as conveying information in a manner not easily discernable.
[19:17] buleboy: Hey Lkeas your gonna log this right?
[19:17] Galrick: I could not very well then appear here myself
[19:17] Galrick: The prophet was tortured as it was
[19:17] Galrick: What else was I to do
[19:17] *** WolfLink is now known as Link.
[19:17] Galrick: So I created Sanjay
[19:17] * Link shifts into Link
[19:17] *** max has left #755.
[19:17] Galrick: I mean comeon
[19:17] Galrick: Sanjay is not even a spanish name
[19:18] Galrick: its Sanskrit
[19:18] Galrick: Indian
[19:18] Lkeas: Yeah..
[19:19] Link: why were you hiding?
[19:19] Link: sorry i wasnt listening
[19:20] Jeice: I'm just glad I didn't turn out to be failing at some kind of test about how well we do with people who don't speak English.
[19:20] *** Galrick has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[19:20] Jeice: >_>
[19:20] buleboy: Um ok...
[19:20] Mobuis: <_<
[19:20] LordBarrius: The peer got Galrick. >.>
[19:20] buleboy: NOVA is watching again?
[19:20] Mobuis: I must say, that deserves a 'lol'.
[19:20] * Dale was waiting for an answer as to how he is a divisive little bastard
[19:20] Lkeas: Being accepting of those who speak other languages is always a plus, Jeice.
[19:21] buleboy: Ah...i should be geting to bed i dont want to miss my exams
[19:22] buleboy: By everyone
[19:22] *** buleboy has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[19:22] * Avarie studies Galrick with surprise. "Galrick? I thought... I mean, what happened back in New York? Why did you appear to melt into a metallic puddle?"
[19:22] Lkeas: i believe it was evident in the way you treated Galrick when he was under the guise of Sanjay, Dale... it is as he warned us, about treating people differently based on who we perceive them to be.
[19:22] LordBarrius: I would suspect so.
[19:22] Jeice: Excepting, yes, but I was worried that I was expected to do much better at communicating.
[19:22] Jeice: Accepting*
[19:23] *** Galrick has joined #755.
[19:23] *** Mode change "+v Galrick" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[19:23] Daniel: Welcome back.
[19:23] *** Ness|Away|Sleep has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[19:23] *** Ness has joined #755.
[19:23] *** Mode change "+v Ness" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[19:23] LordBarrius: Welcome back, Galrick.
[19:23] Galrick: Power died
[19:23] Lkeas: fun.
[19:23] Daniel: Ah, ok.
[19:23] Mobuis: Hm, ours went out in that ice storm a while ago...
[19:23] Lkeas: you may want to repeat your question, Avarie...
[19:24] * Avarie studies Galrick with surprise. "Galrick? I thought... I mean, what happened back in New York? Why did you appear to melt into a metallic puddle?"
[19:24] Dale: I treated him no different, LKeas...
[19:25] *** J has joined #755.
[19:25] Dale: Greetings, J.
[19:26] LordBarrius: Greetings J.
[19:26] Jeice: Hello J.
[19:26] Link: First Galrick now J?
[19:26] Lkeas: hi J
[19:26] Daniel: Hello J.
[19:26] Jeice: I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here.
[19:26] Mobuis: What they said. <.<
[19:27] Nick: Woah My Favorite Letter...
[19:27] Galrick: A form of transport Avarie
[19:27] * Galrick frowns now that Lkeas is restored I no longer need to concern myself with subterfuge
[19:27] Avarie: Truely? How odd.
[19:27] Galrick: Not that I decieved him much... I understand that Ryuusei has promised to kill me personally
[19:28] Dale: Aye.
[19:29] Jeice: Galrick, how well do you know the nature of Ryuusei?
[19:29] * Lkeas frowns as well. "I'm still confused... I thought you were cooperating with NOVA in order to keep Ryuusei from doing something to my analog..."
[19:29] Galrick: And well he might at that... one of us will surely die the next time we meet
[19:29] Galrick: Ryuusei intimated that if I did not cooperate he would kill you outright
[19:30] Galrick: Not that my cooperation prevented torture....
[19:30] * Galrick sighs
[19:30] Lkeas: But you went into hiding...
[19:30] Galrick: To you I did
[19:30] Galrick: Ryuusei knew where I was
[19:30] Galrick: He knew damned well
[19:30] * Galrick shudders
[19:31] Daniel: Do you have faith that you will win against Ryuusei in battle?
[19:31] Galrick: No
[19:31] Galrick: But I will fight him none the less
[19:31] Lkeas: Don't go alone.
[19:31] Galrick: I will not
[19:31] Galrick: Not that it will matter
[19:31] Daniel: Who will accompany you?
[19:32] Galrick: That remains to be seen Daniel
[19:32] Galrick: Our battle will surely not occur here or elsewhere.
[19:32] Galrick: Our battle will be on LORE
[19:32] Daniel: Is your Sigma Directive still in effect?
[19:32] Galrick: The purpose for it has expired
[19:32] Galrick: So has the message
[19:33] Lkeas: Yes... the message is gone...
[19:33] RoninOfDreams: "The battle is to take place on LORE, hmm? Now that is of interest."
[19:33] Daniel: Then hopefully I will be of aid, even if just to buy time.
[19:34] Galrick: The fact alone that the last time I was here I reiterated the prophecy should have indicated to you whom Sanjay was
[19:34] * Lkeas frowns. "You have not been the only one to repeat the prophecy.."
[19:34] Galrick: No...
[19:34] Jeice: I was beginning to see the connection, but I avoid assumptions when I can.
[19:34] Galrick: However Sanjay was a relative unknown
[19:35] Daniel: But he is the only one we did not consistently hear from or know the location of.
[19:35] Galrick: For him to suddenly spout the prophecy... would be odd
[19:35] Galrick: The others who have iterated it
[19:35] Galrick: Have all been known and had known reasons
[19:35] Lkeas: this is true..
[19:36] Jeice: I fthought to, but I didn't want to set my thoughts in stone untill I had seen more.
[19:36] Jeice: thought so*
[19:36] Jeice: I figured I'd wait and see.
[19:36] Galrick: Whatever the case. My subterfuge has been revealed
[19:36] * Lkeas smirks. "Hindsight is always 20/20, eh Jeice?"
[19:36] Galrick: as it no longer serves a purpose
[19:36] Galrick: Ryuusei has left to follow The'Galin's orders
[19:37] Galrick: And my time to return to the land of my birth draws ever closer
[19:37] Jeice: It was only a hunch Lkeas. I'm not saying I knew it for fact, and i'm not saying I guessed it exactly.
[19:39] Galrick: The Devourer's victims mount and his assault has not even begun
[19:39] Ness: ((So, did anything bad happen?))'
[19:39] Lkeas: yes, that is troublesome..
[19:39] *** SleepyBeo has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[19:39] Jeice: Galrick, do you know where the Temple of Hope is?
[19:39] Galrick: I do
[19:39] Galrick: I have been there
[19:39] Daniel: The Outland, right?
[19:39] Galrick: No
[19:40] Jeice: Any chance you could relate the info to us?
[19:40] Galrick: The temple may hold the door to other places
[19:40] Galrick: but it is not located in them
[19:40] Daniel: When you were there, did you take time to look at all the paintings?
[19:41] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[19:41] *** Ness has joined #755.
[19:41] *** Mode change "+v Ness" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[19:42] Link: ((i want to bring in Dark Link and make him kidnap Lkeas XD))
[19:42] Galrick: I was more concerned with the Sanctuary then the off shoots
[19:42] Lkeas: ((that's exactly why Maxwell doesn't want anybody RPing in here, Link XP))
[19:42] Galrick: It is a quite impressive structure
[19:42] Link: ((or try to))
[19:43] Lkeas: i can imagine, Galrick..
[19:43] Link: ((and probly get the shit beat out of him))
[19:43] Daniel: Yes. We heard it is covered in rainbow fire.
[19:43] Daniel: Demu told us, but he did not know what it was for.
[19:43] Galrick: The fire may take on rainbow hues though the rainbow was more from the sockets from ny view
[19:44] Galrick: then again if your description came from someone who's eyes percieve colors in a different fashion
[19:44] Galrick: It may well have appeared a particular way to them
[19:44] Jeice: I feel we should act soon, but to know how to act, I feel we need to get to the temple. That is why I wish to know the location. I'd like to be able to search in such areas for more information.
[19:44] Daniel: Ah, ok.
[19:44] Galrick: I am a human and thus my eyesight is mundane
[19:45] Daniel: Well, my eyesight would be comparative to yours, so your description is more useful.
[19:45] Ness: hELLO EVERYONE
[19:45] Galrick: Getting to the temple will require a substantial journey
[19:45] Ness: ((er...caps))
[19:45] Galrick: It is on an island off the coast of
[19:45] Ness: Can the temple take us to Outland?
[19:46] J: everyone see's colors in different shades, thats why we each have our own distinct favorite colours
[19:46] *** Galrick has signed off IRC (Connection reset by big mouth).
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