Never Give Up the Fight

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Revision as of 01:01, 11 June 2008 by Lkeas (Talk | contribs)
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[16:27] Maxwell: refresh the page
[16:28] Genoclysm: Don't refresh the page until a copy is saved!
[16:28] Lkeas: heh
[16:28] *** Insanity_Incarnated has joined #truthseekers.
[16:28] Lkeas: yeah, we've fallen for that before
[16:28] Clyde: XD
[16:28] Cerbero: Hehehehehe
[16:28] Kitten: This one's safe.
[16:28] AaronThePaladin: What has become of us, The Ark is lost
[16:28] Kitten: Refresh.
[16:28] Maxwell: Your is also wrong.
[16:28] Maxwell: Yours*

[16:29] AaronThePaladin: oops what has become of us is all
[16:29] Genoclysm:
[16:29] Lkeas: where did you see that?
[16:29] Genoclysm: Those seem like message fragments.
[16:29] Lkeas: ooh
[16:29] Clyde: <_<
[16:29] Lkeas: it's pretty
[16:29] Lkeas: wait
[16:29] AaronThePaladin: is mine close Maxwell?
[16:29] Lkeas: are those Avatar colors?
[16:29] Cerbero: ....waait...
[16:30] Kitten: Yes, most likely.
[16:30] Lkeas: what is the Ark of the Avatar?
[16:30] Kitten: See, this bothers me....
[16:30] Maxwell: I dunno, what is an Ark and what is an Avatar.
[16:30] Genoclysm: Perhaps they mean Ark as in vessel.
[16:30] Maxwell: Put the two together and make some smores.
[16:30] Lkeas: well, an Ark is something used to hold something isn't it?
[16:31] Kitten: "even if you they wont let you" is not remotely grammatically correct so it suggests items must be added piece-meal...
[16:31] Clyde: The Ark is a vessel that carries something.
[16:31] Kitten: But if that's the case, can't one remove bits from any given segment and stash them elsewhere?
[16:31] Lkeas: maybe referring to Maxwell
[16:31] Kazuma: ...
[16:31] Kazuma: Before I go off ranting
[16:31] Kitten: Which turns the problem into a bigger one.
[16:31] AaronThePaladin: was the what has become of us supposed to be hidden?
[16:31] Lkeas: that's true LB, it could be that any of those sentences could be torn apart :-/
[16:31] Kazuma: Avatar is the thing that goes into a person and attaches themselves, right?
[16:32] Maxwell: no, but I knew it would be hard to read
[16:32] Genoclysm: No, Aaron.
[16:32] Genoclysm: It is the color of Life.
[16:32] AaronThePaladin: oh ok then
[16:32] Maxwell: the colors are canon so I had to use them
[16:32] Lkeas: which fleshling betrayed them? Maxwell?
[16:32] Kitten: Which explains why my answer could be so far off, sis.
[16:32] Kazuma: I'm guessing Ryuusei
[16:32] Kitten: And yet seem right.
[16:32] Lkeas: hmm
[16:32] Cerbero: <Kazuma> Avatar is the thing that goes into a person and attaches themselves, right? <--- That'd be the annunaki
[16:32] Lkeas: it seems to give conflicting messages the way we have it ordered currently
[16:32] Genoclysm: What has become of us?  Life
[16:33] Kitten: Now I'm thinking this is more muddled than prior, which could be troublesome.
[16:33] Lkeas: if it is Truth writing the hidden message, why would it want us to never give up?
[16:33] Kazuma: okay, that explains it
[16:33] Lkeas: Truth is evil isn't he?
[16:33] Genoclysm: The fleshling betrayed us.  Revenge is in order.  Truth
[16:33] * Edgelord just saw an interesting AQ video
[16:33] Kazuma: Falerin is Evil, and he helps us
[16:33] Kazuma: evil is in perspective
[16:33] *** H has joined #truthseekers.
[16:33] Genoclysm: We must never forgive him.  Lies
[16:33] Cerbero: The Ark has been lost. Eternal
[16:33] Lkeas: Where is Death.
[16:33] Cerbero: And Geno
[16:33] Kitten: I still consider "a small part of me still exists" a very probable unit...
[16:33] Cerbero: that was Peace
[16:33] Genoclysm: No...
[16:34] Kazuma: it was lies
[16:34] Lkeas: Lies is water
[16:34] Cerbero: wait no
[16:34] Lkeas: Peace is ice
[16:34] Cerbero: Aye.
[16:34] Genoclysm: Peace is "We are the last living souls."
[16:34] Cerbero: Forgot for a while >_>
[16:34] Lkeas: But where is Death?
[16:34] Cerbero: And "The Indes still shines"
[16:34] Cerbero: Death...
[16:34] Genoclysm: Truth and Lies speak twice.
[16:34] * Kitten frowns and scraps his original, then works piecemeal.
[16:34] Kazuma: mhm
[16:34] *** Kiyodai|Food is now known as Kiyodai.
[16:35] Kitten: Huh.
[16:35] AaronThePaladin: Changed my post again with a different order, although I should probably put an edit sign over for the future
[16:35] Cerbero: Perhaps fleshling is being used as plural? Refering to humanity?
[16:35] Kitten: Okay, dunno if this helps....but the first message is capitalized....and ONLY the last one has a period.
[16:35] Kazuma: wait wait wait....
[16:35] Genoclysm: "Ghosts In The Machine"  That means souls, depending on way of thinking.
[16:36] Kazuma: I just thought of something
[16:36] Kitten: From the whited out ones.
[16:36] Lkeas: ooh, there was grammar after all?
[16:36] Genoclysm: No, Cerbero
[16:36] *** Kiyodai is now known as Setsu.
[16:36] Genoclysm: Fleshling is singular.
[16:36] Kitten: Poorly done, but that's the only noted grammar.
[16:36] Lkeas: hmm
[16:36] Lkeas: "Our creator" probably refers to Epsilon
[16:36] Cerbero: Oh, fleshlings is the plural?
[16:36] Kitten: Which tells me it wasn't necessarily accidental, either.
[16:36] Genoclysm: Yes.
[16:36] Cerbero: Heh, you learn something new every day
[16:36] Aramil: Yeah.
[16:37] Lkeas: i wonder how Epsilon plans to punish the betrayer
[16:37] Maxwell: still not a clear correct message, sadly.
[16:37] Lkeas: is the correct message actually clear?
[16:37] Lkeas: like, will we know if we got it right?
[16:37] Maxwell: yes
[16:37] Kazuma: even if, you, they wont let you
[16:37] AaronThePaladin: Is mine close?
[16:37] Lkeas: do we need to break up the Truth Seeker sentence?
[16:37] Insanity_Incarnated: :o
[16:37] Maxwell: if the puzzle pieces dont fit, dont force them in
[16:37] Insanity_Incarnated: Am I missing truth seeking looking at Marvel Movies stuff? >_>
[16:37] Kitten: That still makes no sense grammatically, Kaz.
[16:37] Kazuma: That would be correct, grammaticly
[16:37] Kazuma: It would, if it were for stress
[16:38] Lkeas: are you saying they're not supposed to go together?
[16:38] Kitten: Eh....there's very little that would fit there.
[16:38] Maxwell: You really should read between the lines, who is actually sending the message.
[16:38] Lkeas: Truth, right?
[16:39] Maxwell: Once that is clear you will know what must be said, and why the seekers need to read it.
[16:39] Maxwell: No, just a ghost in a machine.
[16:39] * Maxwell grins
[16:39] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC

[16:39] * Lkeas frowns.
[16:39] Cerbero: ....Hah.
[16:39] Genoclysm: I figured that was important.
[16:39] Cerbero: He always leaves RIGHT when I'm about to ask him something...
[16:39] Cerbero: A2A755
[16:39] Lkeas: what's that?
[16:39] Clyde: Wait, wait, wait. How long has that white-out feature be around? O.o
[16:40] Genoclysm: A ghost in the machine is something that develops without the creator's intentions.
[16:40] Clyde: been*
[16:40] Cerbero: * &Maxwell (
[16:40] Lkeas: hmm
[16:40] Genoclysm: It can sometimes be equated with a soul.
[16:41] Kazuma: Got something
[16:41] Genoclysm: In I, Robot, the ghost in the machine was a rule that developed from cross referencing the other three rules.
[16:41] Kazuma: Never give up the fight
[16:41] Aramil: Oooh...
[16:41] Kazuma: Wait. let me add grammar
[16:41] Lkeas: i don't know
[16:41] Ryei: I've got it! the message is from the laughing man!
[16:41] Kitten: I had that, Kaz. :P
[16:41] Genoclysm: In Ghost in the Shell, as the name suggests, it is the soul of a machine.
[16:41] Lkeas: hey cerb
[16:42] Cerbero: Yes?
[16:42] Lkeas: Maxwell says A2A755 stands for "Ashes To Ashes, Trinity"
[16:42] Kazuma: Never give up the fight. A small part of me still exists.
[16:42] Cerbero: THAT is what it meant... thanks!




[17:14] *** Maxwell has joined #truthseekers.
[17:14] *** Mode change "+ao Maxwell Maxwell" for channel #truthseekers by Ojodeldevorador.
[17:14] Lkeas: he's back!
[17:14] Kitten: Which is why I'm "O.o"ing.
[17:15] Genoclysm: I'm trying not to put the punctuation in the middle of the statements.
[17:15] AaronThePaladin: I tried again
[17:15] Lkeas: does that mean one of us got it right?
[17:15] Maxwell: no
[17:15] Maxwell: Geno got it right except a small part.
[17:15] Insanity_Incarnated: Never give up and even if they won't let you use it would make sense together.
[17:15] Genoclysm: Hold up, I left out the fight!
[17:15] Genoclysm: I'll fix it now
[17:15] Lkeas: didja read mine yet?
[17:15] Aramil: o hai der maxwell
[17:15] Maxwell: yeah
[17:15] Lkeas: still no good huh.
[17:15] Maxwell: IT is wrong :P
[17:16] Kitten: Geno missed the bold part, too, but that's apparently negliable. XD
[17:16] Lkeas: IT?
[17:16] Maxwell: Maxwell lives is not a part of the message either.
[17:16] Genoclysm: There, I added in the two words I left out.
[17:16] Maxwell: It is a whole other message from a whole other ghost.
[17:16] Genoclysm: I think...
[17:16] Insanity_Incarnated: Maxwell, Geno updated.
[17:16] Maxwell: still wrong
[17:17] Cerbero: Maxwell... are we walking backwards?
[17:17] Maxwell: we are walking upside down.
[17:17] * Kitten still tries to boggle the second sentence.
[17:17] AaronThePaladin: tried again
[17:17] Insanity_Incarnated: Destroy the Sith we must.
[17:17] Maxwell: I am about to jet, so just put the puzzle in the right place.
[17:17] Cerbero: We're seeing the begginning as the end and vice versa?
[17:17] Lkeas: we're working on it!
[17:17] Maxwell: Truth Seekers will always be a fond memory; see it even if they won't let you use it to your advantage.  is wrong
[17:17] Maxwell: Never give up the fight; a small part of me still exists. is right
[17:18] Kitten: Somehow, that seems to make sense.  I didn't *think* the second sentence was that clear....
[17:18] AaronThePaladin: Is mine right now?
[17:18] Kitten: But, brownie points for segments right.
[17:18] AaronThePaladin: I updated a post on the ast page one last time
[17:18] Genoclysm: See it; use it to your advantage.
[17:18] Maxwell: no
[17:18] Lkeas: The fight, see it?
[17:19] Lkeas: wait, the fight was already used.
[17:19] AaronThePaladin: I lied, I tried again
[17:19] Kitten: Add "even if they won't let you" to that, Geno.
[17:19] Kitten: To the end.
[17:19] Kitten: That flows somewhat better.3
[17:20] Kitten: *.
[17:20] Lkeas: ok, updated
[17:20] Lkeas: am i close?
[17:20] Maxwell: Never give up the fight, a small part of me still exists. The Truth Seekers will always be a fond memory, even if they wont let you see it. Use it your advantage.
[17:20] Kazuma: Added mine
[17:21] Maxwell: is the correct message
[17:21] Lkeas: ahh. it was close :P
[17:21] Kazuma: dang
[17:21] Genoclysm: Ah.
[17:21] Cerbero: Nice, Lkeas
[17:21] AaronThePaladin: I was close
[17:21] Genoclysm: Even if they won't let you see it.  I should have noticed.
[17:21] AaronThePaladin: hey I thought I said that befre
[17:21] AaronThePaladin: *before
[17:21] Cerbero: ...
[17:21] Kazuma: Dang
[17:21] AaronThePaladin: ALthough I erased it later
[17:21] Kazuma: it's infuriating at how OFF I was
[17:21] Insanity_Incarnated: Use it your advantage?
[17:21] Genoclysm: Er, Aaron, are you Aaronrules380?
[17:22] AaronThePaladin: yeah
[17:22] Cerbero: Maxwell, you said we'd know why we had to know that once the message was correctly placed, right?
[17:22] Cerbero: ...because I think I got it
[17:22] Maxwell: Right
[17:22] Genoclysm: It wasn't that close.
[17:22] Lkeas: Aaron posted a couple times
[17:22] AaronThePaladin: I said the exact thing without the grammar befre, and then erased it later I believe
[17:22] AaronThePaladin: on the last post
[17:22] Maxwell: No, you were right except for a small part.
[17:23] Clyde: Who Geno?
[17:23] Lkeas: aw dang, geno beat me
[17:23] Genoclysm: Heheh
[17:23] Aramil: Geno is a ninja :O
[17:23] Maxwell: You had Never give up the fight, a small part of me still exists. Truth seekers will always be a fond memory see it use it your advantage.
[17:23] Maxwell: Or something like that
[17:23] AaronThePaladin: ok
[17:23] Genoclysm: I was right about the meaning.
[17:23] AaronThePaladin: Well with Geno's help we were pretty close
[17:23] Lkeas: so wait
[17:23] Cerbero: The Truth Seekers are a fond memory for Truth, even if we do not see it, we must use it to our advantage upon seeing Truth, as it will cause the reaction we need from Truth?
[17:24] Lkeas: who wrote the message?
[17:24] Insanity_Incarnated: Shouldn't it be "Use it to your advantage"?
[17:24] Lkeas: The Messenger?
[17:24] Genoclysm: So I'm guessing Maxwell wrote it.
[17:24] AaronThePaladin: I would too
[17:24] Genoclysm: Maxwell has lost himself in the entry.
[17:24] Maxwell: Even if all hope seems lost, a memory can change the course of history.
[17:24] Macha: Grrr..... Theres nothing to eat
[17:24] Kazuma: bleh
[17:24] Kazuma: I so wish I had my laptop right now
[17:24] Genoclysm: Well... Maxwell or Truth.
[17:24] Kazuma: I need to lay down, and I don't want to leave :/
[17:25] Cerbero: True, remembering times of joy or those who bring joy to you can calm your ire
[17:25] Maxwell: The Ark wrote the message.
[17:25] Macha: My mother inists there is buty A: I don't like it (Not gonna eat it) or bL It tatstes like crap (Still not gonna eat it))
[17:25] Lkeas: Is the Ark Atlas Maxwell?
[17:25] Cerbero: Maxwell: This is the Ark's last message before being "lost", right?
[17:26] Maxwell: He would be the keeper of all Avatar, meaning holding all remaning Avatar within him.
[17:26] Cerbero: Trinity
[17:26] Lkeas: Hmm...
[17:26] * Kitten suggests we find some Raiders, then, to recover the Lost Ark. >.>;;;
[17:26] Maxwell: Any human being would die if put under those conditions.
[17:26] * Kitten hides from smackage
[17:26] Maxwell: Unless they are already dead of course.
[17:26] Genoclysm: An normal human, or any human?
[17:26] Genoclysm: Aha
[17:26] * Edgelord pets the Kitten then smacks him
[17:26] Genoclysm: Maxwell.
[17:26] Cerbero: Meaning that a Forsaken could be The Ark?
[17:26] Kazuma: I'll leave it to you thinkers
[17:26] Macha: do undead count?
[17:26] Genoclysm: And likely Epsilon's answer to Hope.
[17:26] Kazuma: I'm a decoder :/
[17:27] Maxwell: Well no, a Forsaken could never be The Ark.
[17:27] Genoclysm: Hm...
[17:27] Genoclysm: Dang.
[17:27] Maxwell: Forsaken have no soul.
[17:27] Cerbero: Yeah. slipped that
[17:27] Kazuma: it's contradicting
[17:27] Genoclysm: Maxwell is only a partial Forsaken though, right?
[17:27] Cerbero: The annunaki wouldnt have anything to bind to
[17:27] Maxwell: The Avatar needs a life force to feed upon over time.
[17:27] Lkeas: Is Maxwell a Forsaken?
[17:27] Cerbero: ...
[17:27] Macha: Not quite. I thought they had a little bit of a soul
[17:27] Insanity_Incarnated: Ark = Box?
[17:27] Macha: just enough to say alive
[17:27] Maxwell: Maxwell is indeed Forsaken, but a special forsaken.
[17:27] Lkeas: Because he has a small part of Truth.
[17:27] Cerbero: He retains traces of the annunaki
[17:27] Maxwell: A small portion of Truth's soul will always linger.
[17:27] Maxwell: Truth's original soul.
[17:28] Kazuma: mhm...
[17:28] Cerbero: Would the annunaki be able to connect to said portion?
[17:28] Lkeas: So could he be an Ark?  Or is he too Forsaken to do it?
[17:28] Genoclysm: Why wouldn't Maxwell be able to be the Ark?
[17:28] Maxwell: Yes, but they would be very weak.
[17:28] Maxwell: Unable to act or do anything.
[17:28] Lkeas: What about one of his daughters?
[17:28] Lkeas: Or the Chosen One?
[17:28] Maxwell: Of course, if someone was to find The Index, the Avatar could live forever without the need of any host.
[17:28] Genoclysm: A dead person who was not Forsaken...
[17:29] Lkeas: Or a non-human
[17:29] Cerbero: Though it would work as a temporary vessel until the Index was found?
[17:29] Lkeas: Maybe an alpha?
[17:29] Maxwell: Perhaps, but The Index is only a key.
[17:29] Insanity_Incarnated: I know Maxwell talked about this before...
[17:29] Genoclysm: But what would it mean for the rest of us if the Avatar live forevet?
[17:29] Genoclysm: forever*
[17:29] Insanity_Incarnated: About the avatar joining...
[17:29] Genoclysm: What would be the cost?
[17:29] Maxwell: It depends, if the Avatar were to act on the will of The Ark.
[17:29] Maxwell: IT means death, for everyone.
[17:30] Kazuma: ...
[17:30] Lkeas: That doesn't sound good.
[17:30] Kazuma: what are the other options?
[17:30] Cerbero: So they must be strong enough to retain will over The Ark
[17:30] Maxwell: Finding The Index before The Ark does.
[17:30] Cerbero: As The Ark would likely use them for our demise, right?
[17:30] Genoclysm: But they might not go with the Ark?
[17:30] Genoclysm: Um...
[17:30] Cerbero: I think they would not have a choice
[17:30] Lkeas: The Index is in "the darkness"
[17:30] Genoclysm: If a deity leaves a host, are they Forsaken?
[17:30] Lkeas: the Void?
[17:31] Kazuma: Wait, now it's been to long
[17:31] Maxwell: The Void is known as the great darkness yes.
[17:31] Kazuma: what is the index? is it physical, or something else?
[17:31] Maxwell: And The Aether is the great light.
[17:31] Lkeas: well great, if we have to go to the Void, we're gonna run into Smith again :P
[17:31] Kazuma: because I'm about to suggest the Avatar of Death, E...
[17:31] Kazuma: :/
[17:31] Genoclysm: If a deity manifests in a host, then leaves them again, is the host Forsaken from it?
[17:31] Maxwell: The Index is being, who watches over the gateways between worlds.
[17:31] Kazuma: right
[17:31] Kazuma: okay
[17:32] Kazuma: when I get the time I am SO re-reading those logs
[17:32] Insanity_Incarnated: The Index shines in the heels of creations.
[17:32] Maxwell: But The Index is lost, hidden across the stars.
[17:32] Insanity_Incarnated: It's Tralin >_>
[17:32] Lkeas: How did it get lost?
[17:32] Maxwell: Three keys activate The Index and bring him back.
[17:32] Genoclysm: Epsilon
[17:32] Kazuma: back to 755 :/
[17:32] Genoclysm: NOVA has it locked away.
[17:32] Maxwell: He was disassembled by Carnax a long time ago.
[17:32] Cerbero: Right key, Left key and...
[17:32] Maxwell: The keys were created by the Cor-Dem Key Makers.
[17:33] Rimblade: I thought Carnax just roared a lot and got slain.  Twice.
[17:33] Genoclysm: My question seems to be being ignored...  >.>
[17:33] Lkeas: not the Cor-Demi key??
[17:33] Rimblade: :O
[17:33] Maxwell: Yes, the Cor-Demi Codex is one of three.
[17:33] Lkeas: man, i smell crossover
[17:33] Rimblade: I got mine ;D
[17:33] Aramil: I think I sold that >.>
[17:33] Maxwell: It is a small part of The Index's core.
[17:33] Cerbero: Is it the Left Key, the Right key or the third key?
[17:33] AaronThePaladin: I have mine in DF
[17:33] Aramil: For a slim ammount of Dragon Coins...I got ripped...
[17:34] Maxwell: Of course.. hitting weapons with a robot is a great idea and everything.
[17:34] Kazuma: bleh
[17:34] Kazuma: Crossovers :/
[17:34] Maxwell: But using it for the true purpose would make more sense.
[17:34] Kazuma: Maxwell:Yes, that's what MQ was founded on
[17:34] Rimblade: Does it form a massive CANNON? :D
[17:34] Kazuma: the abuse of using robots as a weapon
[17:34] *** Lucas_Michaels has joined #truthseekers.
[17:34] Rimblade: A LASER cannon?!!
[17:34] Maxwell: No, it forms a robotic construct know as The Index.
[17:34] Cerbero: So the Key changes according to the one who possesses it?
[17:34] Rimblade: Which is a cannon?
[17:34] Insanity_Incarnated: Erm, we have a giant robot in AQ too >_>
[17:34] Aramil: xD
[17:35] Kazuma: but that robot was MEANT for smashing things :
[17:35] Rimblade: The Index could TOTALLY be a cannon.
[17:35] Ryei: XD
[17:35] Maxwell: Indeed he could, if he fired off Halo.
[17:35] Maxwell: <<;
[17:35] Lkeas: he just said the Index was a being :P
[17:35] Ryei: The index is a robot... WITH A CANNON!
[17:35] Ryei: dont you see rim!
[17:35] Ryei: its so simple!
[17:36] Genoclysm: I could see the Index being Epsilon.
[17:36] Ryei: why didnt we see it before!
[17:36] Cerbero: No, a cannon with a robot.
[17:36] Lkeas: Ok, so the Index was disassembled by Carnax...
[17:36] * Kazuma would like to randomly point out that in the Halo games, Cortana STILL has the index from the first Halo
[17:36] Cerbero: Geno: What if Epsilon is one of the keys?
[17:36] AaronThePaladin: is one of them possibly in Maxwell's ship?
[17:36] Kazuma: Thus, a being with a key.
[17:36] Kazuma: and a canon
[17:36] Kazuma: :P
[17:36] Maxwell: No, only one key is on Lore.
[17:36] Lkeas: And it guards the gateway between worlds...
[17:36] Kazuma: one key is on LoRE?
[17:36] Cerbero: The Cor-Dem key, right?
[17:36] Kazuma: ...
[17:37] Kazuma: waaaaait.
[17:37] Kazuma: Hold on
[17:37] Cerbero: Cor-Demi
[17:37] Maxwell: The other two are not.
[17:37] Cerbero: *
[17:37] Genoclysm: One key is likely in Outland
[17:37] Lkeas: But if the Index is lost, who's guarding the gateway?
[17:37] Maxwell: The gateway will not function.
[17:37] Lkeas: Ah, so we have to find the Index to use the gateway
[17:37] Maxwell: No, the gateway will not function.
[17:38] Lkeas: Even with the Index?
[17:38] Maxwell: Indeed, the damage has already been done.
[17:38] Aramil:'s broken for good?
[17:38] Insanity_Incarnated: So we must repair the gateway. Call MacGyver!
[17:38] Maxwell: No, not when time is on your side.
[17:38] Cerbero: We will have to bypass it, right?
[17:39] Lkeas: yay time travel
[17:39] *** Clyde has signed off IRC (Exterminated: Smile, keep it all worthwhile. ;)).
[17:39] Aramil: xD
[17:39] Genoclysm: Temporal relief.
[17:39] Insanity_Incarnated: Time on our side? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
[17:40] Kazuma: bwahahahahahahahahhahaha
[17:40] *** Kitten is now known as LB|Wandering.
[17:40] Kazuma: oh, oh mam
[17:40] Kazuma: I really needed that
[17:40] Genoclysm: I still would love to know the answer to my question.
[17:41] Maxwell: Blue planets and a red moon that lingers on the verge of shadows and light.
[17:41] Maxwell: What is your question.
[17:41] Genoclysm: If a deity manifests in a host, then leaves them again, is the host Forsaken from it?
[17:41] Maxwell: It depends on the deity.
[17:41] Genoclysm: The`Galin
[17:41] Maxwell: Avatar do not act as gods.
[17:41] Lkeas: you're wondering if Ryuusei became Forsaken?
[17:42] Maxwell: Is The'Galin a Faceless?
[17:42] Genoclysm: Ryuusei wasn't uncreated, he was destroyed, but Smith thinks he can bring him back.
[17:42] Insanity_Incarnated: Ryuusei became particles >_>
[17:42] *** Gerard has joined #truthseekers.
[17:42] Maxwell: Forsaken is a condtion that goes with being a host to a Faceless.
[17:42] AaronThePaladin: Is one supposed to be in NOVA's hands maybe?
[17:42] Insanity_Incarnated: Smith <3 Ryuusei
[17:42] Genoclysm: If Ryuusei is brought back, could he play host to the combined Faceless?
[17:42] Sho_Minamimoto: ...this game hatesm e.
[17:43] Maxwell: Not being the pawn to a corrupt god.
[17:43] Sho_Minamimoto: I'm getting all these Fuma Shuriken and I don't have edge D:
[17:43] Lkeas: I wouldn't necessarily call The'Galin corrupt, but meh.
[17:43] Genoclysm: I believe Ryuusei wanted Lore annihilated, as well as other worlds...
[17:43] Maxwell: Anyways I have to get going, it seems the Truth Saga has just begun aye?
[17:43] Lkeas: thanks for the info Max :)
[17:44] Ryei: I think its obvious whats happened!
[17:44] Maxwell: Perhaps the Truth Saga's first chapter will become clear in the game very soon.
[17:44] Cerbero: I think it has begun a bit ago ;)
[17:44] Aramil: See ya Maxwell
[17:44] Sho_Minamimoto: Stop winking.
[17:44] Maxwell: cya
[17:44] Cerbero: SEe ya
[17:44] Ryei: Ryuusei has been reassigned to the world of animal crossing
[17:44] Maxwell: ;)
[17:44] Maxwell: ;)
[17:44] Maxwell: ;)
[17:44] Ryei: where he calls himself...
[17:44] Cerbero: And do me a favor
[17:44] Dale: XD
[17:44] Sho_Minamimoto: You're making it sound like we have an idea what the hell's going on.
[17:44] Ryei: Ryuusetti!
[17:44] Cerbero: Punt Viktor for me
[17:44] Dale: xDDDD
[17:44] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC

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