Vampires Abound

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Revision as of 15:19, 16 December 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[15:42] <>Ambiance<> There is a knock at the door
[15:42] <&Elenor> Humm?
[15:43] <Puddles> "Ooh, get the tea ready!"
[15:43] <+Nick> Who could that be?
[15:43] * &Elenor walks over to the door and opens it.
[15:43] * +Cerbero walks along her
[15:44] * KhaosXTeam would enter the abode, but someone is obstructing the entrance ..
[15:44] <+Cerbero> ((appear then.))
[15:45] * Wilderock ( has joined #darkabode
[15:46] * Wilderock ( has left #darkabode
[15:46] * Xforce ( has joined #darkabode
[15:46] * Liliana ( has joined #darkabode
[15:47] <>Ambiance<> There is a knock at the door
[15:47] * Xforce is now known as Caelestia62902
[15:47] * +Cerbero walks over to the door.
[15:47] * &Elenor walked over to the door and opened it.
[15:47] <+Cerbero> Who is it?
[15:47] * Caelestia62902 is now known as Khaldun
[15:47] * Abode sets mode: +v Khaldun
[15:48] * KhaosXTeam slips past whoever is at the door, not really caring, and enters the abode.
[15:48] * +Nick looks over at the door waiting.
[15:51] * TaloToecan yawns and stretches, cleaning off the worst of the sweat and grime by the mere expedience of dumping a pail of clean water over himself, then drying with a quick shift that leaves him moderately clean, dry, and odor free.
[15:52] * Deb ( has joined #darkabode
[15:53] * &Elenor looks at the person who just entered. "Don't think I've seen you around here before"
[15:55] * Liliana is now known as Mistress
[15:55] <>Ambiance<> There is a knock at the door
[15:55] <+Cerbero> Yes?
[15:56] * +Cerbero opens the door, if it is closed.
[15:56] * KhaosXTeam lifts his head to Elenor. "I've been around - Not much, though."
[15:56] <&Elenor> Well... I'm Elenor Aieralis.. Nice to meet you?
[15:56] <KhaosXTeam> Jameson, but most people call me Khaos .. Not sure exactly why.
[15:56] * TaloToecan wanders up from the forge basement, still stretching the odd muscle overworked by an entire night's session down there, and fixes himself a glass of water in the Kitchen.
[15:57] <+Nick> Come in already!
[15:58] <>Ambiance<> A gaunt young man enters the abode. He looks to be about 20 is pale and dressed in plate.
[15:58] * +Nick looks at the man "And you are?"

02: [15:58] * KhaosXTeam (Was@The.Artist.Formerly.Known.As.KhaosXTeam) Quit (Distracted: )

[15:59] <Man> I am Staviros
[15:59] * +Nick smiles "Well welcome to the abode, I'm Nick."
[16:00] <&Abode> Warning: Vampire detected
[16:00] * &Elenor looks at the abode. "You detect vampires now?"
[16:00] <+Nick> Hmm a vampire?
[16:00] <Staviros> The house... it spoke
[16:00] <&Elenor> It does that. It's an avatar of Falerin.
[16:00] <+Nick> Yes you're sitting in the smartest, dullest house in Fair Harbor.
[16:00] <Staviros> Falerin... avatar...
[16:] <Puddles> "Erm... Lorian vampire, Mr. Staviros?"
[16:] <Staviros> So it is true.... this is a haven
[16:] <Staviros> No... I am... a Caelestian
[16:] <+Nick> You could call it that...
[16:] <&Elenor> Aye, this place is safe.
[16:] <&Abode> You are still a vampire
[16:] * Lyoko is now known as Lyoko|AFK
[16:] * Deb ( has left #darkabode
[16:02] * +Cerbero remained silent, deep in thought.
[16:02] * +Cerbero snaps out of himself
[16:02] <+Cerbero> Born as such or infected?
[16:02] <+Nick> And why does it matter Abode? We've had others before him...
[16:02] <Staviros> Yes yes... I am a vampire. A vampire paladin of the church of Falerin
[16:02] * TaloToecan moves into the common room, hearing the commotion on vampirism. "He is not the first, Abode. Is there anything in particular that makes you point him out moreso than...say...GT?"
[16:02] <&Elenor> Humm, don't think I've ever met anyone from Fal's church before.
[16:] <&Abode> General Tommy is not a Caelestian vampire
[16:] <+Nick> Well, You can't be all bad then.
[16:] <&Abode> Caelestian vampires are obligate feeders
[16:] <+Cerbero> They must drink blood. Unlike others who can resist the thirst.
[16:] * TaloToecan arches an eyebrow at this tidbit. "Which causes you to react differently, with profound warning to the rest of us. How intriguing."
[16:] <&Elenor> Ah.
[16:04] <&Abode> You assign profundity where none exists
[16:04] <&Abode> By nature caelestian vampires are a threat
[16:04] * Macer (Macer@RP.GM.darkside) has joined #darkabode
[16:04] * Abode sets mode: +v Macer
[16:04] <&Abode> So I warn.
[16:04] <&Abode> How you choose to respond is up to you.
[16:04] <&Elenor> Well... I would very highly suggest you don't try to feed on anyone in here.
[16:04] <&Abode> You invited him in however...
[16:04] <TaloToecan> "Perhaps. I have, obviously, done such in the past as well. I am no more immune ot naivete than any other."
[16:04] <&Abode> That was all he needed
[16:05] <Puddles> "Hah, I have no blood, so I'm fine!"
[16:05] * +Nick looks down " bad..."
[16:05] <+Cerbero> We are supposed to, abode. Everyone is supposed to be safe here.
[16:05] <&Elenor> And if he's really a memeber of Fal's chruch, he wouldn't want to hurt anyone here...
[16:] <+Cerbero> Remember when Xilar came.
[16:] <&Abode> If a Caelestian Vampire does not feed on lifeblood it will die
[16:] <&Abode> and only the blood of a sentient will do
[16:] <Puddles> "Erm... I assume the tamato juice trick doesn't work here?"
[16:] <+Cerbero> If said Caelestian Vampire attempts to do so, it will die too.
[16:] <TaloToecan> "I think...the rules of hospitality change things..."
[16:07] <Puddles> "I know, lets go with democracy, who'll be the offering?"
[16:07] * Falerin ( has joined #darkabode
[16:07] * Abode sets mode: +qo Falerin Falerin
[16:07] * Arden descends the stairs
[16:07] <Arden> Noone
[16:07] * +Eitak_Razal walks down behind arden. "Whats going on?"
[16:07] <&Elenor> And many people here are skilled adventurers... Not to mention that an archmage lives upstairs... Hey Arden.
[16:07] <+Cerbero> Hello, Arden.
[16:08] <Arden> And do please hush house
[16:08] <Arden> Staviros
[16:08] <Arden> Why have you come here
[16:08] * TaloToecan turns and nods to Arden. "Good eve, Arden."
[16:08] <Arden> I heard of a plot against your sir
[16:08] <Arden> *Staviros
[16:08] <Arden> A plot?
[16:08] <Staviros> A plot to reveal you
[16:09] <+Eitak_Razal> By Morgen?
[16:09] <+Cerbero> Reveal him...
[16:09] <+Cerbero> Morgan.
[16:09] <Staviros> Ues
[16:09] <Staviros> By the necromancer of Mithius
[16:09] <Arden> You are a tad late we have uncovered and at least for the moment laid that plot aside
[16:10] <Staviros> But I was found.... I was held for 10 days in the dungeon of the Council
[16:10] <Staviros> Until the prosecutorio vanished
[16:10] <+Nick> Horrible...
[16:10] <Staviros> Then they pretended to be letting me free
[16:10] * Rimblade ( has joined #darkabode
[16:10] * Abode sets mode: +v Rimblade
[16:10] <Staviros> but my natue... had been discovered
[16:11] <Staviros> They seek to end me
[16:11] <Staviros> I heard rumors of a haven here.... at your home
[16:11] <Staviros> So I came
[16:11] <+Cerbero> The rumors were right.
[16:11] <Staviros> I am so.. hungry
[16:11] * +Cerbero frowns
[16:11] <+Eitak_Razal> Eeep
[16:11] * +Eitak_Razal dives behind a couch.
[16:11] <+Cerbero> I am sorry to say that you will not find what you need here.
[16:12] <Arden> Yes he will
[16:12] <+Cerbero> Not from one of us, i hope
[16:12] <+Nick> Most of us don't have blood here...but its not our right to turn him away.
[16:12] * +Eitak_Razal peers from behind the cough. "The fridge might have blood for him"
[16:12] <&Elenor> Is it possible for him to feed without killing who he feeds off of?
[16:12] <+Eitak_Razal> It is a magical fridge afterall
[16:12] <Arden> Not normally
[16:12] <+Cerbero> If he can without infecting or killing...
[16:12] <+Rimblade> "Eitak. You seem to be hiding behind my couch. Find another peice of furniture, if you would."
[16:12] <&Elenor> Well, there goes that idea.
[16:13] * Staviros looks dejected
[16:13] * +Eitak_Razal dives behind another couch
[16:13] <+Nick> Let Arden speak before jumping to conclusions.
[16:13] <Staviros> put me out sir... forbid me entrance... I will die but none here will come to harm
[16:13] <Arden> I will do no such thing
[16:13] <Arden> You are a Paladin of the Church of my patron
[16:14] * +Nick nods in agreement with Arden.
[16:14] <Arden> You came to this place because of me
[16:14] <&Elenor> Hummm...
[16:14] * +Eitak_Razal peers from behind this couch. "Its not that we don't like you, its just that we are a bit fond of our blood"
[16:14] <Arden> and you will not lose your life for my benefit
[16:14] <+Rimblade> "Ah, wait, he's a paladin? Wonderful!"
[16:14] <+Cerbero> Arden, I can get blood from the blood "bank" of my race.
[16:14] <Staviros> But sir... when the frenzy comes I will assault people.
[16:15] <Staviros> The bloodthirst cannot be stopped
[16:15] <Arden> You must have missed the abode's warning Cerbero
[16:15] <&Elenor> Does it stop if you're unconcious?
[16:15] <+Cerbero> I'm sorry.
[16:15] <Arden> That will not work... A Caelestian vampire requires still pumping blood
[16:15] <Puddles> "Eh, Staviros. Does everything you bite turn into a vampire?"
[16:16] <&Elenor> Still pumping blood, and he's got to kill the target? That.. really sucks.
[16:16] <Arden> If they die before the infection is purged they will rise as vampires yes
[16:16] <+Nick> So we need someone to pump it out? You have an Idea in mind Arden?
[16:17] <Arden> Of course I do
[16:17] <+Rimblade> "Obviously! Good lord Arden's mind is full of thoughts and plans!"
[16:17] * +Nick sighs "of course"
[16:17] <Arden> Caelestian vampires need feed infrequently if not injured or duressed
[16:17] <Arden> So... he needs a sacrafice
[16:17] <Arden> And so he shall be given one
[16:18] * +Cerbero raises an eyebrow
[16:18] * +Nick waits for him to finish.
[16:18] <Arden> But not by lots as you suggest
[16:18] <Arden> That is obscene
[16:18] <Arden> you are all protected guests
[16:18] * Arden turns to Staviros
[16:18] <Arden> follow
[16:19] * Arden walks toward the kitchen
[16:19] <+Cerbero> ...
[16:19] * Arden exits onto the terrace
[16:19] * Staviros follows Arden
[16:20] * &Elenor follows Arden.
[16:20] <+Cerbero> ...
[16:20] * +Cerbero follows Elenor
[16:20] * +Kazuma follows Arden, unawar of what just happened
[16:20] * +Eitak_Razal follows warrly. Hideing behind objects as she goes.
[16:20] * +Rimblade is likely directly behind Elenor, but quite adept at not letting people notice.
[16:20] <Arden> Do you really wish to bear witness to what we do>
[16:20] * +Nick is smarter than that. he stays behind.
[16:20] <+Eitak_Razal> On second thought no...
[16:21] * +Eitak_Razal turns and runs back to her hideing place.
[16:21] <Arden> Coward
[16:21] <+Kazuma> If you have to ask, then yes.
[16:21] <&Elenor> Not seeing it isn't going to change what happens.
[16:21] * Arden turns toward the Terrace gate
[16:21] * +Eitak_Razal stands up. "HOW DARE YOU!"
[16:21] <Arden> If the shoe fits Chronomancer
[16:21] <Arden> Wear it
[16:21] * +Nick smacks the back of Eitak's head "Time and place girl"
[16:21] * +Cerbero remains silent.
[16:21] * +Eitak_Razal takes offence to this and decides to follow instead.
[16:21] <Arden> Destination: The Orphanage of St. Mary
[16:22] <+Eitak_Razal> An orapange?
[16:22] <+Cerbero> what?!
[16:22] * Arden steps through
[16:22] <+Eitak_Razal> Arden..
[16:22] * Staviros follows
[16:22] * +Kazuma follows
[16:22] * +Nick sighs "Might aswell..." and continues on with them.
[16:22] * +Rimblade slips through.
[16:22] * +Eitak_Razal follows
[16:22] <&Elenor> Whoa, hold on a minute. Why don't you nab a criminal that's going to be executed?
[16:22] <+Cerbero> ...
[16:22] <+Nick> Just let it happen Elenor.
[16:22] * +Nick goes through.
[16:22] <+Cerbero> er...
[16:22] <&Elenor> Let me think about that for a minute... Humm... No? If I have something to say, I'm going to say it.
[16:23] <>Ambiance<> A large vaulting building stands at top of a hill
[16:23] <+Cerbero> We should go too
[16:23] * &Elenor is following Arden.
[16:23] <Arden> Wait here a moment
[16:23] * +Cerbero goes through too and catches up with Elenor
[16:23] * Arden gestures and vanishes
[16:23] * +Nick sees the huge building and whistles.
[16:23] <+Eitak_Razal> Big.
[16:24] * Dale|BFME2 is now known as Dale
[16:24] <+Rimblade> "Nah. It's not all that large."
[16:24] * Arden comes down from the building with a young child of about 17 in tow
[16:24] * +Cerbero seems a bit angered by this
[16:24] <+Eitak_Razal> Arden, Not an innocent child.
[16:24] <&Elenor> Hold on a minute... Why don't you grab a criminal that's going to be excecuted instead?
[16:24] * Arden tosses the Child at Staviros
[16:24] <Arden> Feed quickly
[16:25] <&Elenor> That way there's no loss... Said criminal is going to die anyway.
[16:25] <Arden> before his fear response takes over
[16:25] <+Cerbero> Are you mad?
[16:25] * Romulus ( has joined #darkabode
[16:25] * Abode sets mode: +v Romulus

02: [16:25] * +Kazuma ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)

[16:25] <&Elenor> This is kinda... Okay, not kinda.. Completely wrong.
[16:25] * Staviros sinks his teeth into the boy
[16:25] <+Cerbero> No!
[16:25] * +Eitak_Razal covers her eyes
[16:25] * +Nick sighs and looks away "Its happening regardless"
[16:25] * &Elenor sighs.
[16:25] * +Rimblade examines the building, staring at the top.
[16:25] <Puddles> "Cerbero, didn't you listen to what Arden said? It can just be purged."
[16:25] * +Cerbero 's face contorts in anger for a fraction of a second
[16:25] <Boy> it hurts... it hurts... so much
[16:26] <+Cerbero> You could have done as Elenor adviced...
[16:26] <Arden> Turn a villainous killer into a vampire
[16:26] <Arden> You are mad
[16:26] <Arden> and daft besides
[16:26] <&Elenor> You kill him after...
[16:26] <+Cerbero> Exactly.
[16:26] <Arden> Like hell I do
[16:26] <Arden> I am not in the buisness of murder
[16:26] <+Rimblade> "How old is this place, anyway?"
[16:26] * +Nick sees Arden's way of thinking "Ahh so thats the reason."
[16:26] <Arden> I do not approve of capital punishment to begin with
[16:27] * Staviros lets the boy fall
[16:27] * Arden looks at Arden
[16:27] <&Elenor> So wait.. Is this boy going to live on as a vampire?
[16:27] <Arden> *Staviros
[16:27] <+Cerbero> ((O.o))
[16:27] <+Nick> ((Paradox xD))
[16:27] <Puddles> "I'm rather sure there's a cure."
[16:28] <Puddles> "Mainly 'cause Arden said so."
[16:28] <Arden> For Caelestian Vampirism?
[16:28] <Arden> No there is not
[16:28] * Arden turns
[16:28] <+Cerbero> ...fuck.
[16:28] <Puddles> "You said it can be purged a minute ago."
[16:28] <Arden> Purged by death
[16:28] <Arden> Or...
[16:28] <Arden> By biological mechanism
[16:28] <Arden> If the boy lived
[16:28] <Arden> then his body'
[16:28] <Arden> his immune system
[16:28] <Arden> would fight off the infection
[16:29] <&Elenor> Oh, if he's going to live and not be a vampire then there's no problem.
[16:29] <Arden> I also said they almost never did even with vampires that had not been starved
[16:29] <Arden> He is dead
[16:29] <Arden> He will rise as the undead
[16:29] <+Cerbero> ...
[16:29] <Staviros> Terminal Cancer?
[16:29] * +Nick sighs "Understood..."
[16:29] <Arden> Aye
[16:29] <Arden> He would have died within 2 weeks
[16:30] <&Elenor> Well, if he was already dying, that's a completely different story.
[16:30] * Arden walks down to the gate
[16:30] <&Elenor> No problem with that, then.
[16:30] <Arden> This orphanage is for the abandonded and the ill
[16:30] * +Rimblade giggles at Elenor's comment.
[16:30] * +Nick follows "And you were so quick to judge..."
[16:30] * Arden opens the gate and steps through vanishing instantly
[16:30] <&Elenor> Probably saved him a fair bit of quick dying.
[16:30] * Staviros picks up the child
[16:30] <&Elenor> And you were too quick to accept.
[16:30] <+Cerbero> After going what I have been through, taking long to judge can lead to death
[16:30] * Staviros carries the child after Arden
[16:31] <+Nick> I understand that Arden would needlessly kill off people. I trust him and thats enough for me.
[16:31] * Staviros vanishes with the child
[16:31] <&Elenor> Personally, I'm used to people thinking I'm stupid, insane, halfwitted, on the edge, and whatnot. So.. Whatever.
[16:31] * +Rimblade waves irritably at the church and slips back to the gate.
[16:31] * Arden enters from the terrace gate
[16:31] * +Nick follows and goes through the gate.
[16:31] * &Elenor follows.
[16:31] * +Cerbero does as well
[16:31] * Romulus is now known as Kazuma
[16:31] * +Kazuma follows
[16:31] <+Nick> ((and thats supposed to be a wouldn't in that last line >.>))
[16:33] * Child opens his eyes
[16:33] <Child> the pain has stopped it had hurt so bad... and then you bit me and it stopped....
[16:33] <Arden> You will live a new form of life
[16:33] <Arden> Staviros take the child back with you to the temple
[16:34] <Arden> See him trained as a vampire paladin
[16:34] <&Elenor> Well, looks like a win-win situation to me.
[16:34] <Staviros> It is my pleasure lord Arden
[16:34] <&Elenor> In retrospect I feel like an idiot for doubting you, Arden.
[16:34] <+Rimblade> "Saving and protecting the innocent in the name of Evil?"
[16:34] <Staviros> He has saved my life and I have saved his
[16:34] <+Nick> How easily you are swayed.
[16:34] <Staviros> Come my son
[16:34] * Staviros exits back down to the Terrace gate
[16:34] <+Rimblade> "My word. An exquisite happenstance!"
[16:35] <Staviros> Temple of Falerin
[16:35] <&Elenor> I adjust my opinions based on what happens.
[16:35] * Arden enters the gate with the boy and vanishes
[16:35] <+Nick> Atleast you're not so blind then.
[16:35] <Arden> *Staviros
[16:35] <Arden> It is interesting how willing you are to adjust your opinion of me to the negative
[16:36] <Arden> Sometimes there are no time for explanations
[16:36] <Arden> And sometimes what must be done is not pleasant.... this time it actually was... I had the only means to save that boy
[16:36] <&Elenor> No offence and all... But I haven't been around you enough to know you. And I'm horrible at dealing with people.
[16:36] <Arden> When the real unplesantness starts
[16:36] <Arden> When you have to do really bad things
[16:36] <Arden> what then
[16:36] * Arden ascends the stairs
[16:37] <+Rimblade> "I'm just amazed that we all thought that you were going to actually sacrifice an innocent hale young lad to save another. That's far too pragmatic."
[16:37] <Arden> I am amazed too
[16:37] * Arden disappers into his quarters
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